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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jesus is king It's only $3,900

    does it have a built in midi recorder device. otherwise you'll need an Alesis or roland midi recorder added on to it. they have a Roland one with a 40 inch monitor and jog wheel and a bank for all of your sound patches you create. it has something like a cakewalk type software editor as well.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson For $10k or more you'd figure it would have a full size keyboard.

    It's an 88 isn't it? 88 keys.

    they have an octave up and down mode. this thing is seriously overpriced. you can get one for 1500 or less.

    I purchased a little mini board that has some trippy preset sound patches in it. there is modifier sequencing with attack mode, vibrato and delay and all of that shit.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Jesus Christ why is every reply novel sized akin to IWD's meth filled ones during Zoklet era.

    Shhhhh. go sit in the corner
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Virtual Synths? its basicly the same thing as a digital synth. the synth patches on digital synths are created and placed as presets by the distributor. presets created already.

    the only true synth is an analog synth which they stopped making for years by companies like Roland and Korg. then there was a demand for Junos where Roland's original single midi channel analog types.

    now they have both digital presets and analog mixed together. Moog kits can still be purchased if you're good at soddering and have patience and know how to follow the schematics properly. or have someone build one for you.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls

    Yea I was a lil tubby boy

    My hair colour got a lot darker though

    dude why would you post a photo of yourself and secondly is this a half brother? He's a white boi and you look middle eastern
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL moar lyke


    Tell me thats a man with a womans face pullting that cart.

    otherwise thats one flat chick with a dudes ass and legs
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Honestly I thought Japanese women were usually more larger in the breast areas than Chinese. Korea women have huge tits soo. Or Okanowin Women of Japan Im told have massive titties.

    Seems Big round butts and small tits are in now for women

    But Because OP is talking about the weird Japanese Anime of 12 year old girls, he's just a weird pedo
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL 5th grade is 10-11 years old.

    I started school at 4 years 10 months and a week. 7 weeks afterwards I turned 5. they brought me in at 4 anyways because I was almost 5. which is why some kids who hit those certain growth spurts were always bigger than I was. some held back nearly 3 years older. no big deal until 7-8th grade and they were trice as big as me since I was short and skinny. I went in 5th grade at 9 years of age and 10 when everyone else was hitting 11 or even 12 for some.

    Which is why I got pounded on from 6th-8th grade before I said F"cuk this shit" which is when I grew and started gaining weight. but 11th grade I was decent size. but remember I was more than the average year younger. even 2.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Seems the old "child porn" accusation is the goto charge for people who "upset the apple cart"…you'd figure they'd be smart enough to come up with different allegations rather than that old chestnut over and over.

    I just got it from reddit post the other day. I didn't look at the date. I often do but I thought it was a new thing for him to bite down on and have to stress over.

    I dont know the guy but I feel it was uploaded to him.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    PS inb4 spell-nazi

  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jesus is king

    Bloody hell, My man-child

    you're an extreem pause talker. long winded pause talker. I do this on gabapentin but nothing like a slow-roll out pause talker.. I can't drive and focus and talk to people when driving to easily but thats normal for some. I sometimes pause cause i can't think of basic words even though I know what I want to say. but again, perhaps it's Gabapentine or brain damage from 6 or 7 head traumas from living life. i probably average more than 1 a decade now
    because I liked to do crazy stuff or someone was trying to kill me but thats not important.

    You should right out what you want to say and read from that. Not notes, just highlight points.

    because you're boring as fuck to listen to
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost Yeah I feel that. I barely even play much video games unless i'm really stoned. All I do is watch youtube videos, live streams and read

    cool man.

    go take a high resolution projector like a 4k or an 8k when they come down in price. and project on a wall of a building that's white with a fake ad saying something crazy about the local government enjoying buttfucking one another or something humorous. do it next to a highway. I bet they'll pass laws this is not legal but crazy zoomers will have cheap pocket size 16k mobile video projectors and having projector wars on the side of buildings. so and so can suck my CACK
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost Q predicted this

  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    I tried to watch to see wtf the deal is with it's attraction on the first video. I got to where the girl eating the choco treat that looked like a emoji Dog Turd just weirded me out.

    I can't understand if you're trolling us into thinking you're immature cause you know it kind of triggers other men who have to work and pay adult bills if they can. or just be a slave to interest while you live off mommy at 30 plus years of age and talking and acting out Japanese Anime shit. especially ones that look borderline pedo bait.

    but they're cartoons. so whatever. does this really excite you? Animorph characters?

    You could take acting lessons and head out to some manager you pay 15-20 percent and maybe you will get a National Spot in a commercial and then try out for other gigs.

    it can pay pretty good. you seem to have so much energy. go take some classes in acting. Join a fucking circus. do something. Just learn to drive a fucking forklift, get good at it, make it humor you late at nighton your breaks and flip pallets of goods upside down and stack other shit on top of it so someone on the next shift is confused and pissed off as fuck. deny it was you regardless of the security video.

    make money, make your mom happy with a brand new ladies wallet with shitloads of 20s and 50s and a few hundred and hand it to her. thank her for all she did for you.

    do random acts of kindness. go around and clean up dog shit people forgot to pick up or gave 0 cares for
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    I'v ran out of internet things to do. I never played online games much in the past 20 years or so. last game literally I played was Prince of Persia on our PS2 and it was pretty cool.

    but I dont play video games now. this site is dying or starting to just be the same grind.

    And for some weird fucking reason. there has been a retro wave of John Titor all over the fucking place. The dude failed at 2015's WWIII but he also claimed his world-line/lineage is different than ours.

    there is a new wave of this story and one other it seems.

    plus music is starting to bore me. some fucker last night tried tooo hard to ask me why music makes me feel good. its an illusion and just audible waves to brainwash me into feeling good.

    im gonna become a fucking hermit and a recluse. one day I'll just buy an acre and throw a shack on it, and tell people to fuck off. build my own shithole and bring water in the back of my truck and go fill it at some road stop somewhere till I fill a winter season full at a time. and just my phone to look at webmail.

    no tv except for a movie monitor or projector for movies. I'm gonna shut out and not know anything in the world other than where to get food, how to make some money. if someone tells me "Oh did you hear the Chinese and Americans are shooting at each other in the china sea, I'll just say "oh yeah" and walk away quickly and buy food and get more water and not give a fuck if the word kills itself and just become a recluse .

    Hey good luck Zoomers and Millennio with your new Commie shit America and the faggots running it into the fucking ground

    I'll try and send the last day when I realize it's Get on the bus time. my exit stratigy followed by me dead body or dead-hand trigger of pulled wet cement over my fresh dead body with a lid that shuts.. i'll text a message and send a link for a live feed whenever that is the ultimate option

    think I'll go make a bean and cheese burrito now. LOVE LOVE
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yah… pretty sure youj'r not my attorney and you're not in texas and don't know what the hell you're talking about..

    So you're off the hook and proud you don't have to be responsible until shes 18? Like why do you keep getting these perks? who does your parents or you know in Texas (A very fucking strict and punishing state for the smallest things) who do you know, Kr0z? you keep getting away with shit that could of got you over a decade in prison and you basically walked regarding the sex crime you had

    I really was rooting for you to get that case expunged but lately your behavior is like you're special most recently and Makes me wonder if you're offering service to people in local high places like the DA and Judges in exchange for walking or because of who your are. like who is your father?
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    I guess its true. Surprised my local news didn't harp about it. I just learned trump saying he's not conseeding but he's steeping down ad talked to whatever group to prepare prepare that he's just walking away but promises to fight the election theft.
    I was hearing a lot of chatter about trump and taxes "he forgot about"

    this year is like so sureal it will be easy to let go as long as nothing big happens like WWIII or some kind of global reset occures

    How funny these talking political heads keep spraying lies and just moving on like this wasnt shit.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    I'm told its illegal in most states to shoot from your car. out your window with someone else driving or you doing it yourself.

    I guess there are always park rangers hiding and waiting for people doing this. they have sensors like they started putting up in places like LA and Oakland where they can pinpoint a shooting and send a flash alert popup to a park cop to come and find you quickly.

    remember that Comcast or Xfinity jingle. "The future is now" lol
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    This one is about 50k and is 8K Panasonic AJ-x model. the lens alone is probably 15-20k

    this guy is using it for some Nature Show and has it assembled on a track stabelizer. most likely to roll into a tight or macro shot. that shit can be made fairly cheap using plastic pvc pipes

    mine is very much like this but older and 4K

  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    I purchased a Panasonic Pro 4K PJ10 last year at the Shell Camera Rental and Sales in Santa Monica a few years ago on a wim. I payed it down and finally paid the last 3000 of a few months ago. I got it refurbished but it's a 25 thousand dollar camera used for Fox Network filming as a rental. Not sure if it was for TV shows or sporting events but . it was $25,600 new and I got it for 3100.00 and change.

    its just the core camera and I purchased a wide angle for the Camera sitting in my friends storage. the lens cost me 1300.00 refurb which is like 1 third of the original cost. its true Television and film quality professional wide angle lens. also the Camera is mirrorless. it doesn't use a mirror so the colors and light is much more natural if used without reflection boards that people have to hold up in front of the subject (person, vase, penis in a porn film or boobies)

    We have been building a chroma room for an art piece where working on. I can always resale this at some point but its ice to have real equipment. we have umbrella lights and I purchased a shotgun mic. Also this camera has 3 hotshoes built in it and the camera stabilizer where as before they had one and you had to mount them to a camera jib.

    Just makes it easier to make my Jackoff porn more professional looking.

    inb4 fagots think im serious. Or am I?

    Also it kind of looks like this model. the C-mos is 4k not 2.2

    this one is 1080p not 4kp

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