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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    I dont enjoy looking at a dudes ass with his undies pulled up (outside of the humor of it) but he's not fat from his backside. he has a typical cracker ass. and doesn't have much back fat. it seems to be all gut and chin fat. the most dangerous kind.

    if you're all over fat, its less of a health risk than gut and chin fat. that's a sign of artery build up. Mathew go hit the gym. you'll feel better and for fuck sakes, rent a FORD/UBER bike and or get a pair of skates. Im going to get a pair of skates and give little fucks for anyone who calls me a fag for doing so.

    drop some weight you fat fuck.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe That's all Health Services required of me. My symptoms are cleared up. I got a text this morning telling me I am now allowed to go back to normal life. I'm going back to work tomorrow.

    I am not able to recall if you were one of the people on here who told us a week ago that you had it. If you just found out, why would they tell you to go back to work now? did it take 10 days to get the results of positive?
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    LOL Look at the name. did someone research the odd fact connecting to the website to get attention that it's a HTS trademark.

    or is it Ghost being weird.

    If by chance, why the fuck would we join some unknown group and just do a pool on this site. I'm sure Wintermute can be trusted to take our money (sarcasm)
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe My quarantine is over now.

    wait. you told us this 10 days ago?

    LOL quickest quarantine period of Covid19 ever.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jesus is king

    I want your meds. are you getting MDMA treatment. I heard its a pretty awesome experience.

    what is it like being that happy and free all the time? I'm a prisoner in my own mind. I suffer so fucking much when I wake up I dont want to get out of bed and wishing I would just not wake up in purgatory. but once I lean over and take my pills and get up to drink water with them and go back to bed for 30 minutes I feel better. I have to wake up to take my meds to survive everyday. I'm pre-diabetic and getting closer to diabetics every day.

    its genetics in my family. You are young, healthy and have another decade or so to follow your dreams in synth, industrial or some creative new form not heard yet. move to the big city. Brooklyn is the big Synth scene right now. lots of musician collective groups out there. Berkeley and LA and Austin. go hang out with your buddy Kr0z. maybe you guys can split rent.
    the two of you would probably be murdering one another with in a week but you can't live if you dont try. Kr0z this isn't about you, its a point of reference. Don't let it go to your head, Fag munch.

    get out of the midwest, travel like Jack Kerouac or Jim Morrison and find the golden light of your artistic spirit.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost a mixed race couple ooooh how exotic

    Oh a same gender couple. sort of. you got no room to talk
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein I don’t know why he has it out for me so bad lol

    I’ve been extremely supportive before to him ..extremely kind encouraging words..but he just still talks crazy to me so idk lol

    I don't know the history of this Date Hookup but was he always like this or was he super friendly to you at first and it just slid downhill from there?

    what was your best moment with him
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein I’ve never posted a gif of him rolling he likes bowls…

    That was someone else, he was hating on lol instead of working on his chicken arms..

    lol oh, ok.

    honestly if Mathew is collecting SSI, SSD as soon as 24 or some national brand Health Club opens up with their 10 a month deal. he should Join, use their showers, save his money but workout every day, shower afterwards. in a year or 18 months he would feel better, stop picking on you and everyone (or not) and maybe find a cutie to control him like a little Ken Doll.

    I'm sure in the midwest, his pay could help pay half rent with her and still have a few extra bucks to toss into the bank. lol wont add up to much in 20 years but maybe he can get a Job.

    or move to NYC, drive a taxi even.

    Mathew what skills do you have?
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein Whatever you say wobble bottom lmao :)

    OMG Gigi and I laughed hard just now.

    I'm using that one day. Stolen because its Golden
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, she also likes to pretend that his arms are huge.

    Did you judge him by the gif of him rolling? I have small forearms myself but I had some big bicepts when I used to work out. its hard to get larger forearms if you're born with that. or wrist. anyways, you shouldn't trigger people. its funny at times but some people will travel the country or find out they have a business trip located near you and figure "Sure why not go visit the funny man" and some of them might seem like beautiful people to their lady friends and be compete egomaniacs wanting to pull the skin off your face.

    we dont want our Hungwell faceless. what would be the fun in that?
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein Sociopath Sympathy thread right on time…😂

    I like your photo, Candy. Is that your man or a friend? you make a nice couple. I like your eyes.

    that being said, gigi was wondering if you were half asian (her being asian) you may have told me, but its me. I cant rememeber were I put my car keys half the time. anyways she said its a nice mix. which would be funny because that would make you a Hapa more than Hiki is.

    Off topic
    I got a small jar of pot from the dispenser. its a bit pricey. a gram was 17 bucks but the fucking taxes is another 8 costing 25 bucks. I appreciate the tax though if it fixes our roads. we had some of the worse in the country outside of Detroit. the Bay Area overall has some fucked up roads. the tire stores out here were raking in big time.

    too bad the feds didn't swoop in on that gig by making it decriminalized or legal. they could of had a few extra billion annually if not more. America loves its pot as much as its beer.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, It's hard to believe that this type of life has become my actuality.

    what happened to your monthly income of 700 bucks?

    don't you get both SSI and SSD? they should raise it a few hundred of dollars.

    don't tell Finny I said this. if you were gay like MMR you could make a few bucks sucking cock while enjoying.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    everyone here is FVEY or some shit.

    you all say nigger and j'ew but you're all probably mossadic Rev 3:9

    Joe Biden is a witch. a got damn witch
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Why are you talking shit about darth beaver when hes not even posting here diabetic numb nut worm?

    4 in a row. Stop being a child. We get it. Your opinion matters. "HEY EVERYONE I NEED TO SUCK YOUR ATTENTION DICKS"

    fucking hell. 4 fuking times.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls The fucking security guard and cashier nigga bitch asked me to pull down my mask because it looked like I was a gangsta about to rob the joint (Instigstor esque with a butter knife)

    Nah I had my hood down anyway she just wanted to see my face

    tell her I just want to get some spirits, don't need the free rona.

    it's like each person is suddenly a fucking expert on how to handle this fucking shit.
    its like everyone
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Dregs couple grilled cheeses and home fries.

    Got damn it, who the fuck are you?
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by frala Well Lanny’s underbite is actually worse but he’s just as cute.

    go to hell. you're a mindfuck, Wintermute. I saw some old posts of yours. Also someone needs to explain the joke about planes and "Reminds me of firefighters dying" or some shit. on the post that was posted 7,11,2001 (which oddly enough happens to be the date of the British version of 9/11) but a different year.

    also the followup on 7,12,2001

    clearly mocking the animation of a plane hitting the building to mock the manifesto that was written as far back as march 2001

    lanny may have been to young, but I love how you PM me saying "He was only 8 back then, leave him the fuck alone" but you were on there.

    No doubt you were friends with both Lostcause and Lostmind and Lokil

    Really who the fuck are you people. I have seen lanny's server in both the bay area and then south carolina and florida. and when I looked up the Florida IP it took me to the very same location as the Airport (which I looked up) that the fucking San Diego Terrorist Arab fuck who couldn't learn to fly a simple fucking Cesna 172 ..

    you guys are clearly apart of something.

    maybe it's Syncronisity but the one time I will mention Kr0z is he brags about knowing George Bushes Niece and used to work at Ping Pong Pizzaria or some shit.

  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Dregs your fucking dog is stupid. kill em now and cook it up for supper.

    I dont know who the fuck you are or how you know me on a personal level but kill yourself, Punk.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    age restriction.. gay

  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Nigga Im on a roll.

    I Done a Thing -- however that works. Netflix is hardup for new material. too bad George Kuchar isn't a live. He and his Brother Mike would be good directors for something like this

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