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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer.......................................... (banned)

  1. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz cant tell whats going on in that

    its the same video everyone else is watching...including the bonus slow-motion

    it shows the dude shooting the other dude.
  2. Originally posted by aldra do you want my boss' phone nnumber too?

    ill take it if they put out on the first date
  3. Originally posted by ORACLE The desire to vote for Donald Trump is attributable to severe mental retardation and total intellectual subnormality.

    Anyone who isn't in America can already fuck off because you are clearly either too stupid to immigrate to and live in America, or not resourceful enough to live here illegally.

    Edit: Canadians FUCK. OFF.

    youre just mad that youre a nigger and are about 50 million years worth of evolution behind the advanced white species.
  4. Originally posted by aldra I dunno, I'm at work so I don't usually have sound on

    was just a perfect throw, and those things aren't easy to throw at the best of times

    the best part is the DOT-approved ones...which is what that one looked like based on the reflectors and size...weight a fuck-ton
  5. Originally posted by aldra fucking LOL

    the one with the sports-caster commentary is better
  6. Originally posted by Lanny Don't really care what you gotta do to get laid my dude, I hope you have fun

    youre just jealous hes using a whore that isnt your mother so youre not getting any trickle down *cough* economics from the transaction
  7. Originally posted by ORACLE Rice and quinoa are both not "healthy" IMO because they are essentially empty calories. Quinoa is slightly better but still it shouldn't be a big part of your diet. It's healthy to basically ha e a couple of ice cream scoops of rice and no more. The amount of calories in cooked rice is pretty retarded.

    literally everything you stated is false

    unprocessed rice is one of the best carb sources of human nutrition. quinoa is one of the best plant-based protein sources. soy is NOT a good protein source.

    basically you should have a few more ice cream scoops of shut the fuck up and keep on being retarded, you dumb nigger
  8. Originally posted by Michael Myers Lanny lasted longer than a dragon. So that's something.

    no. its not. its not anything.

    cockroaches lasted longer than dinosaurs.
  9. i keep posting this and lannyfag keeps deleting it

    commie bitchfag

    download it before j­ewtube deletes it
  10. literal conehead...

    theres another one that is the same video with sports-caster commentary attached but i cant find it.
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