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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer................................................

  1. Originally posted by Technologist Nope, no racism here😂

    you do realize that the end-game here is trail-of-tears redux...except this time whitey has learned enough from previous vermin extermination events that his compassion is not appreciated and every last kike, s­hitskin, and s­hitskin-lover is going to be euthanized.

    not a question.

    you dumb titless n­igger
  2. Originally posted by HTS All of the evil, disgusting white people here.

    harry potter approves of this message
  3. Originally posted by HTS In related news: war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.

    Don't say retarded shit. Racism is racism. Anti-racism is anti-racism. You fucking racist white supremacist garbage.

    war is peace
    freedom is slavery
    ignorance is strength
    black lives matter
  4. Originally posted by Technologist Guess what Splam I 100% do not watch CNN, it’s way too whiny and sappy. Most of the news I get is from X republicans that left the party because of trump.

    Ok, sure, we can only talk about it in my state. It’s a pretty good bellwether. We’ve got big cities, rolling country, and plenty of bible thumpers.

    How about when I was 10, I wasn’t allowed to play with a black girl while her Dad reffed football with my Dad.

    We could also talk about my racist ass from my youth. Like when they closed a largely black school on the other side of town, and bussed the kids into my school. I was ready to rumble, and I did. But of course I got jumped by 5 of these kids, which I deserved. But guess who helped me get away from them?…..a black girl.

    I could go on and on about racism I’ve seen, and I’m not even black.

    All ya’ll who say there is not systemic racism in the USA must be daft. Half the members on here prove that fact with their words every fuckin day.

    GTFOutta here!

    stfu n­igger, and get back into your LARPing role as a tree ornament
  5. Originally posted by Technologist Oh, really? 😂

    I don’t care what you think you know. You weren’t born and raised here. You don’t have a clue what it’s like to live here. You can only surmise from what you read.

    you live 'here' and not only dont have a clue, but youre full-fucktarded to the point of making the average dust bunny seem like an intellectual powerhouse, you dumb n­igger
  6. Originally posted by gadzooks I guess people who are wheelchair bound should all have their wages cut in half?

    if theyre sitting in someones lap...doubled.
  7. Originally posted by Wariat they arent shooting people on mass scale or gunning ppl srill rubber bullets and standard prison style jail guard fiolence. ruk u and ruk ur umerica and white people call cops star fucking trek.

    the only ones being shot on a mass scale are n­iggers being shot by other n­iggers because thats what they do normally.
  8. when the s­hitskins and kikes are lined up for their euthanasia treatment theyre going to have long, hard thoughts about how good of an idea it was to annoy whitey.
  9. Originally posted by Octavian This would be a God send. At least then no one would read Kiki's autistic Kike loving posts or that fucking nonce Vinnie.

    its called the 'off' switch on your PC, you fucking n­igger retard
  10. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Men should be banned from pretending to be women


    an orifice is an orifice and some of them do a good job at it. ie, lanny pretending to be a woman.

    id like to bend him over the hood of his prius and find out how talented he is as girl-LARPing
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