2021-01-06 at 12:14 AM UTC
TIL about bidgets
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
imho it looks like u installed a camera in ur bathroom in animal crossing. ur fucking weird bruh
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post didn't die in a fire!
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
thats exactly what they want u to do bradleyb
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2021-01-05 at 4:37 PM UTC
Fona © 1-5-2021 Lost AF
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
best way to not get covid is by not getting tested imho...there's no way i havent been exposed to it by now anyway, so fuck it
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victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
bruh I was fucking bitches while sleeping in the park or on a random porch. a house with no furniture is novice level
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2021-01-05 at 11:39 AM UTC
I got addicted to Crouton
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
don't do h or fent..if krahhhhtom wds did this to u, a proper opiate wd would prolly kill u lol
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victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
idk man you look pretty rapey if u ask me
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2021-01-04 at 11:51 AM UTC
PS4 Pro Blue Light of Death
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
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victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
Originally posted by -SpectraL
Just about anything will test positive on a so-called covid test. If you have the flu strain A, you will come back positive for covid. If you have flu strain B, it will come back positive for covid. If you test Coca-Cola, it will come back positive for covid.
best way to not get covid is to not get tested
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victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
Originally posted by blaster master
Any post associated with this IP is satire and should be treated as such. At no point has anyone associated with this IP ever condoned, encouraged, committed or abated acts of violence or threats of violence against any persons, regardless of racial, ethnic, religious or cultural background.
In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by the member of this group.
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post didn't die in a fire!
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
cuz i was born here and I rep my city till I die sonnnnnn
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2020-12-27 at 1:22 PM UTC
I Guess This Is It
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
I spent over 4 years living on the street shooting fent and h all day everyday..what u need is a jail sentence or go to a rehab for a bit..6 months to a year..i know that during my active addiction I would have told u to fuck off if u even mentioned rehab or anything so I get it.u need to be grateful that your not physically addicted to something and only mentally..imho do a transporting style detox except with ur meff..so im assuming just sleep for days? that's what all my meth head cellys did ive only dont meth like 3 times so idk fr
anyway ur young man, and i didn't stop shooting dope everyday all day until I was 28..spent 15/16 until now physically addicted to opiates with no clean time..
I'm not perfect tho..evdn though I spent a year locked up I still fucked up when I got out. the difference is I recognized the problem and sought treatment( methadone) before I went totally down the tube, im not losing a 37 dollar an hr job. not this time.
it just takes a while to grow up basically...if I wasn't as mature as I am now I would've str8 fumbled everything when I got out of jail...now I have my house I own, a car, a beautiful fiance, and basically anything I really want.
what I am saying is nothing is permanent and your life will change. suicide solves nothing man. my best friend hung himself withdrawing from fent and meth. didnt solve anything, now his family doesn't have a son and his daughter doesn't have a father. suicide causes more pain and solves no problems. there is still hope if you are still alive, when you die its over no hope.
ur a fucking weirdo livingelegy and i dont particularly like you but i dont ever want to see someone die like that. your worth saving bro
pm me and ill help u get ur stupid id man
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[my adversative decurved garbo]
hiki..u literally eat your own poop...or at least purposely smell it and want to be a female Japanese child and listen to the absolute worst music I've ever fucking heard in my life. youre fucking insufferable man..
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[my adversative decurved garbo]
Originally posted by Jesus is king
Is any of that supposed to be a bad thing?
nah bro all that shit is tight. esp the part where u listen to industrial noise as music and eat ur own shit Nd wear diapers. cool. as. fuck.
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victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
bruh fr?? damn...ya u def have full blown corona aids now...y didn't u shoot her on sight as soon as you noticed the no gloves trick her commie ass was doing in order to weaken the American state and moral of the people?
sucks cuz now u have corona aids..o well
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2020-12-04 at 12:29 AM UTC
Over 3000 Dead In One Day
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
and i state this as i have before. stl1 does not represent the majority of st louis. my town is better than he makes it out. u can tell this leftist lives on the w side.
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2020-11-14 at 1:02 PM UTC
A wise thing to say
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
hang around the barber shop long enough your bound to get a haircut eventually
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2020-11-02 at 1:02 PM UTC
I totse2001 schizophrenic
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
no one knew §m£ÂgØL on totse..zoklet maybe...and i went to the mental ward once bcuz I ate my whole script of 90 1mg kpins..well most of them im sure i gave some out too idk..but my mom couldn't wake me up so she thought I was trying to suicide which is retarded so I woke up when the ambulance got there and started yelling at everyone then they took me to the hospital and I woke up handcuffed to the bed. Dr told me I was going to the fucking psych ward and I told him no fuk u take me to jail u towel head and he said no u haven't broke any laws and then it was either 7 days involuntarily or 3 voluntarily..i went for 3..nurses all knew I wasn't insane so they treated me cool as fuck and I just ate food and talked on the phone all day. dude did whip his dick out and start pissing in the living room one day so they like wrestled him into some side room and gave him a booty dart...there were some real crazies in there..some people had been there for months
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2020-10-18 at 11:22 PM UTC
RIP Fuckbiscuit
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
dude was cool as fuck fr I miss him fr
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2020-10-09 at 6:11 PM UTC
Knocked my girl up....
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
OP is known as the knocker. He knocks women up, down and all around
"if you do not understand the charges, get legal advice"....bitch ..lol
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