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Thanked Posts by General Butt.Naked

  1. Originally posted by aldra I've always wanted to go to one of those really shouty turbo racist churches

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  2. Originally posted by Wariat So you know the story at the swimming pool guys right? the two teens I talked to like two weeks ago? well I helf off talking about what happened with them last week or the week following sunday as I went again and thats when they go. I wrote a whole thing in Polish complaining about Polish teenagers on twitter about it but not here meaning i held off telling you guys the story what happened. this is just some bizarre shit though guys.

    Ok so two weeks ago they made me feel old as one of them said to me "how old are you sir?" like all of a sudden jsut as the whistle rang and the pool was closing and made e for a second feel old and weird and just was a huge turn off to me or conversation breaker before i could even exchange snapchat with them or anything. So I just replied as they started to get up and they asked as I stood dumbfounded not knowing how to answer: "Ill tell you next week."

    So last week they didnt even say hello as I was in a pool and waved at them and said hey they just kept staring at me and didnt reply for a second so i looked away feeling all weird and felt like shit the entire night and didnt even feel like swimming. I felt like I was slapped in the face. and they are definitely over the consent age or at least 15 but are making e feel like i some old man or some shit which im not. also they are acting like literal children acting just me saying hello is trying to fuk or rape them which it isnt. then they started to like dodge me or avoid me or act like children just because i waved and said hi.

    oh and get this before one of them asked how old i was the week prior all i did was make a conversation in the sana while they were in their bikinis and i was in my shorts about places theyve been or traveled to or talked about myself and having formely lived in california.

    so back to last sunday. they acted like just someone being nice and saying hello is trying to kidnap the or some shit and made me feel sper old and uncomfortable. and so immature like children.

    Anyway just now on snapchat randomly this is fully rando guys I a almost 100 percent the chick who asked how old are youu sir talked to me and blocked me. i hit up some random chick and she claied after seeing my pic hey i know you it is warsaw I am in front of the church or some weird reply that didnt make sense bt she got the exact city right so i figure wtf. later she mentioned zosia says hello or the name of the other chick. so i start talking asking if its from the pool and she says yea bt later said zosia doesnt say hello and im blocked. or zosia is not greeting you and blocked.
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  3. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    I'm just going to leave this here.

    Thats the one story i remember from Haunted. Read it when i was 14 or 15.
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  4. yeeeeeeeee

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  5. Originally posted by CandyRein I'm not against doin a progress video…I do my best..gotta upload something soon since you about that life too ..least i won't be alone doin it lmao

    Some of my karaokes were pretty good too but a lot are doodoo so i just record every time now nmark the good ones. My uncle listened to a few n was impressed enough that he offered to pay for a vocal coach. I was like ❤️. Feels good to be told youre good at something.
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  6. Sounds like a combo of depression n seasonal affective disorder tbh. Ive been the same way for years. Takes me 2 or 3 hrs to get up and shower, and i just dont have any energy to do anything. I only feel at easy and unanxious when i drink, but when i drink i do really stupid, regrettable shit.
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  7. Originally posted by aldra honestly the alcohol's probably doing you worse than the heroin

    Im kind of in awe how fucked up everything has been able to get in 6 months. 13 years of heroin addiction n i never even got close to this level of fuckery. Im not even sure what i thought i was doing going over there in the first place.

    God damnit.

    Or i wish i could just be the kind of sociopath that didnt feel bad at all. Ugh. It was a customer at work too.
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  8. Originally posted by aldra why the fuck would he know your name unless she told him like a drama-seeking retard

    judging by his behaviour it's not the first time she's done something like that

    Yeah she told him. She was leveraging his jealously to make him…idk. But she said lately hed been a lot more attentive and stuff, but he was a bitch who didnt even wanna go out n get drunk with her. All he wants to do is work from home n golf n be with his kids n he wants her to start golfing with him. I was like “That sounds like the complete opposite of whT most women complain about. That he wants to be with yiu guys TOO much?”
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  9. Originally posted by Tyrant Okay I guess the story needs some more context. What happened? Do you know her from your hippy circles?

    No she and he are customers at work. Shes been flirty for a while but i never reciprocated. She tells me jokingly how her husband is jealous bc she talks about the hot tall guy at work, but I figured she was mostly joking n being a flirt. She called n said she was out at a bar kinda near where i was with her friends for one of their birthdays. I ignored for like 4 hours n then texted back saying i was sorry n i fell asleep. They were still there drinking. she said if i didnt answer she was gonna leave soon, and i said you really need an uber. She said if she showed up home without the car, shed get in big trouble. I showed up. Chatted. Apparently the waitress had already been told i was coming hours ago, n didnt believe i was real. Talked n had drinks for a while. Any time she got inappropriate, i just locked eyes withone of her friends n started trying to ignore her. Eventually the friends had to go and i started walking back down the block to where i was, n she came with. Meanwhile her husband is calling her like 15 times n im like “you really need to pick up the phone hes gonna think youre doing something”. N she says something like “I dont fucking care”. She goes from trying to play footsie with me n shit to actually trying to climb on me n grab me n stuff in the new bar, and so i quickly close out my tab. I tell her either shes calling an uber or im just dropping her at home bc she clearly cant drive. Shes so fucked up at some point she fakes falling down so she can have her face next to my crotch and i start scolding her “YOU NEED TO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. UBER. NOW. WE’RE NOT DOING THIS.” Meanwhile shes telling me shell leave her husband and take care of me and she makes more money than he does and he has a tiny dick. Eventually I tell her to just gove me the keys n ill drive her home n uber myself back. She wont even getinto the car until i agree to give her a kiss “shell remember”, but i tell her shes not gonna remember much of anything and spartan kick her i to the passengers seat of her minivan. Drive her a couple blocks from her house so she can drive herself the rest of the way home. End up playing marriage counselor in the drivers seat for probably an hour. I tell her that being married for that long, probably everyone gets tempted to do dumb shit, but her husband is a good guy thatjust wants to be home with his wife and kids, n also if her fantasy man is a sweaty neckbeard junkie thatworks just above min wage and lives at home with his mother, thats really sad.

    At some point a car pulls up next to us and then backs up and pulls next to us again. I joke “I need to to uber me back before your husband shows up or something. Thats the last thing i need right now.” The guy gets out of the car and walks into the headlights and she says “Thats Scott” and i go ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW. He starts knocking on the window and I open the door and Iimmediately say “Nothing happened. She was drunk and didnt want to leave her car. All i did was drive her home.” He says WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? i say….”Ummm…remember me?”. He says OH YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME YOU MOTHERFUCKER. He reaches inside and grabs me by the throat n i just let him. He punches me once and rips my shirt and walks back to the front of his car and says to her “YOURE FUCKING DEAD YOU CUNT. WERE GETTING A FUCKING DIVORCE.” Im trying to get him to stop so i can talk to him but hes not having it. He drives off. Shes still trying to hug me and tell me shell buy me an Uber n im like NAH IM GOOD, but telling her she needs to get the guns out of the house and maybe stay in a hotel (she was a cop). I just tell her this is like exactly why i never flirted back with her, and i feel fucking awful, and to have him call or text me tomorrow so he knows nothing happened (at least on my end).

    Last thing i heard from her, he smashed all the stuff in the house, and now hes sleeping in one of the boys beds and shes sleeping in the other one, and he told the 5 and 7 year old that itll be over soon.

    Like what the actual fuck.
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  10. Getting my balls sucked feels uncomfortable like someone just flicked them really hard.
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  11. Originally posted by Tyrant Bruh if this is even remotely an accurate accounting of events (I have never known you to be a BSer but everyone has their perception of stuff) then you literally didn't do anything but try to do the right thing and have no reason to feel guilty.

    And everything that happened was a result of their own fucked up relationship.

    You were the unfortunate son of a bitch who happened to be caught in the crossroads of all their bullshit converging at one point.

    And if it wasn't you today, it would be some other sorry motherfucker. You were an insignificant variable in some long and fucked up equation. Same shit would have happened if you were in Honolulu at the time, she would have found some other hot hunk of meat to sexually harass and tank her relationship with.

    The thing is, being in the middle of a shit situation like that can really affect you emotionally. This is in no way meant to be a "lul ur a pussi" thing. Emotional trauma doesn't just happen when it's someone you really care about raping you as a child or whatever. You had a weird and frustrating night where you tried to do the right thing and ended up coming home bruised and getting yelled at and somehow being involved in a retarded relationship hurricane. It's very possible you are a little bit shell shocked from it all. It happens.

    I think its pretty fuckin accurate. She even said it was frustrating to her how id always pet her dog but never flirt back with her n she said she thought it was bc i thought she was ugly. Like i knew she was gonna be drunk and probably a problem from the get-go. I think i was just bored. I think i just have really low self esteem so i was content to just let her throw herself at me n make an ass of herself even if i knew id never do anything. And thats pretty fucking selfish.

    Idk. Its whatever. Nothing i can do now. But yeah it feels gross. Imagine your parents marriage ended bc your mom tried to slut it up with some overweight dude that makes $19/hr. rofl. I think Dougs ghost has infected the very fabric of the forums. Theres a strange parasite slowly growing inside of me and it cries out

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  12. I spent like 2 hours trying to get her to call an uber while she said shed leave her husband to fuck me, and i said youre fucking dumb and drunk and you have kids. She was like IVE NEVER WANTED TO CHEAT ON MY HUSBAND IN 17 YEARS OF MARRIAGE n i said “well thats lucky then that thatll never happen”. Idk if im just so desperate for validation or what thati put myself in these stupid fucking situations but this is all kinds of dumb.
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  13. Just got hit by a woman's husband when he found me in the drivers seat of her car down the street.

    I don't even know what the fuck is going on anymore. My life is like the world's shittiest, gayest country song. If I get shot to death at work, at least you know why.

    For the record, I didnt fuck her. Not even close. She was shitfaced drunk at a bar near where I was and I drove her home.

    I feel so fucking bad. The husband seemed so hurt. Screaming in the middle of the street saying she's dead n he wants a divorce. They have 2 kids.

    What the fuck is even going on anymore? I'd let him punch me more if I could feel less guilty.
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  14. BHC my niggas bang hot cripples

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  15. Nah she's still gettin high in hospital
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  16. Maybe alec baldwin should just shut the fuck up and kill some more production assistants rather than opine on topics he knows nothing about, to people who actually HAVE sacrificed for this country. First of all, $5k barely pays to have you set on fire and dumped in a grocery bag, and I mean even if you thought it- saying something like that to someone who just lost a family member in a failed military operation bungled by your chosen political puppet- is classless as fuck.
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  17. The most chiseled, well hung boys
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  18. Originally posted by Wariat what made me super depressed today was that this chick i hit up claimed she also lives in my city and at one point said she was at the mall nearby or about walking distance 20 minutes away. She is 16 guys or perfect age. But and get this guys but all of a sudden she was like i dont meet strange men and over 10yrs older than me from online even thougn she admitted where she was. i could ahve just surprised er and looked for her there but instead i choose to take a long azz shower and continue naked istting in front of my laptop jerking off and couldnt pull myself away from it or the internet to go. and finally i did go and on the way some young braud or girl was walking and totally ignoring me like looking forward but eventually when we were almost pralallell i said you have nice hair she replied thank you and like 10 steps later i said it is cold huh? and sort of got scared i dont know why and went another street. again i failed and later couldnt find the other chick in the mall.

    Lol smooth.
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  19. Customer at work gave me a bottle of jim beam from the 1976 republican national convention
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  20. Originally posted by Tyrant Just inflate 100k as well.

    Already inflating

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