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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    The bible which was written shortly before the old west's collapse is a very interesting historical insight into the cycle of civilization, especially the parallels on how it ended and how the modern west is ending as we speak.

    rejecting tradition (embracing feminism and faggotry) importing slaves (mass immigration) imposing over the rest of the planet (globalization) and so on. the problem is properly interpreting the fucking book which was written in a language now extinct and underwent multiple generations of retranslations to the point of being unrecognizable from the original meanings.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo This is what men get when they let bitches run loose

    soy-boy faggot men you mean, thats why we need to support trannies, metoo and all this feminazi bullshit. most casualties of this shit are subfag woke men and that is welcome.

    the first guy who got #mecanned at my job was one of those twat worshippers.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    thanks for the suggestions so far, glass shards getting into the solution is indeed a concern now that i think about it. even if i snap it open normally, whats to say im not getting microshards into the liquid? am i shit outta luck if i expect to not inject myself full of shards?

    my insulin needle is like 5mm long while the ampule is an inch tall with the top broken off so that should give you an idea why drawing it is hard. im gonna have to drop by the needle exchange or pharmacy for a bigger needle. i have one but its been collecting dust for months, i aint touching it.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I'm open to hearing the evidence for otherwise…and no, speculation isn't evidence.

    the hard evidence wont surface until much later, that is when the sheeple have long forgotten and stopped giving a fuck.

    as of right now, does the shoe fit? powerful people were kiddie-diddling on his island, he got caught, he could snitch on the rest of them for a reduced sentence, that creates a direct conflict of interest between the most powerful elites of the world and epstein.

    the motivation is there, the shoe fits. if you want DNA evidence of elite kiddie diddlers in that shoe matched to semen samples in particles of the kids shit somewhere on the island, you will have to wait a few decades.

    for now, what is your reason to disbelieve. your alternative theorem is that a group of very rich and powerful individuals had a huge risk of being completely humialiated and potentially losing their spot on the highest throne in the planet....... but just sat back, relaxed and prayed to jesus for epstein to mysteriously die of natural causes or kill himself before he exposed the lot of them and their wish magically came true.

    neither of us have hard evidence but statistically your theory is a lot nuttier.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by RIPtotse


    thanks man
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga Convert to Islam today and receive a free PS5!

    i would rather get a free aisha. when do i get baptized?
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    fun fact, spelling disorder is a legitimate diagnosis
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    let me guess the flick with the granny didnt go well?
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra if it won't pour out of the hole, just turn it upside down then use the syringe to suck the liquid out lol

    i fear spilling the product if i do that, but i already wasted 2 of them so what difference does 3 make, snorting it didnt work tho i did get slight mydriasis, im ready to cum buckets once i figure out how to get this in a syringe lol but obv without the glass shards.

    how do staff at the hospital make use of these? they crack it open and then what? how do they get the liquid into the drip?
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite And as a child molester that would be highly inadvisable yes?

    whatever convicted rapist, go back to prison.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny hold the body and push the head sideway and let the head land on something soft.

    these are crystal glasses that wont break into sharp edges.

    thats not the problem, if i open it normally which already seems more difficult to do than it has to be, the liquid wont spill out. i dont know if its because its too thick or what.

    cant tell you what im using, it would greatly narrow down where i live.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    that wont work because the product is highly sensitive to heat, im not sure how long i can even keep it unrefridgerated. am i just gonna have to get a bigger needle?
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    your slurping the rat off, kys
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    acknowledging when he does right doesnt mean im kissing his ass, i just said he is a cunt for banning infinityshock.

    rub ratboys semen off your lips, faggot
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    they werent spamming it in irrelevant threads, only rubbing it in ratface's face. ratboy spammed anti-grylls shit everywhere including several of my threads that grylls wasnt even participating in. thats why he was banned and grylls wasnt. lanny did nothing wrong there.
  16. Kev Space Nigga

    they look like this but smaller

    if i rip off the top as directed, the drug wont spill out of the hole, my insulin syringes needle is too short to reach the bottom so i cant extract it that way either. i need to get the product out of these small ampules into a bigger one with a cap that i can stick the needle properly in to avoid getting air in my veins.

    what should i do?
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    i dont blame lanny for banning spam, his only dick move was banning infinityshock which he had no legitimate reason other than his own butthurt stupidity.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga Just live like a normal person. If it comes down to it, ape them: order what they order and do what they do, and accept that you feel hungry and tired and shitty and it will take some time to readjust to not being a fat loser.

    But if you just live like a normal guy and lead a normal lifestyle, it will all reset itself into that routine.

    Every single fat person swears they are eating healthy and exercising… Bitch go generate free whale oil for the world then.

    Otherwise no, you are lying or delusional: look at your own lifestyle, see how much you're sitting down, how much you're eating and snacking, look for pathologies in your own behaviour and correct them.

    If you're eating because you're bored, get a hobby. If you're eating because you're hungry then no shit you are a fat pig of course you are hungry, you are going to learn to eat meals at regular times without snacks in between and learn to sit with that feeling and then push it aside and function normally until it is time for the next meal.

    today there are more movies than youll live long enough to watch or beat every good video game and thats just indoor activities, you will never scale every mountain, dip in every lake, visit every country, i could go on and on. when im completely immersed in a game i really like, i could play for days on end without food or sleep because it is so fun.

    im not saying its healthy to take it to that extreme, but my point is how the fuck can someone not have a hobby in the 21ts century that consumes them? how can so many people be so depressing that their biggest passion in life is to swallow 20 pies a day and bitch about being shamed for their "lifestyle"??????
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Spamming the same post all over the forums.

    i just realized lol
    wtf is he on?
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    oh thats why, lololol

    speedy are you off your meds or on your meds? one of those two are fucking you straight up
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