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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Whatever happened to that slight snaggle tooth cutie with the blonde hair you guys verbally abused on here. It was kind of sad and she had kind of a cute body. She might have been a mom and you guys were giving her the verbal smashing when she was showing off in her bikini. and I was like "Shit, not bad" and everyone was just fucking with her. she just never came back.

    Good going, faggots. no wonder its a fucking cock-fest on board.

    go to onlyfans then, dont need no bitch here to tone police us and whore for attention.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio Irrelevant, private businesses refusing service to someone isn't a free speech issue. Not bring allowed to do so would be a free speech issue.

    so if a private corporation monopolized the grocery business then they have a right to refuse to sell you food based whether they like your political beliefs?

    its very relevant, its balls-deep up your relevant faggot ass

    if you dont like certain websites DONT FUCKING VISIT THEM, dumbshit
    who the fuck are you to deny millions access to websites they love? who the fuck is google?
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting

    loved the freedom days of the net, cant understand how the fuck so many retards got viruses, an mp3.exe obviously isnt an mp3, apparently it took a genius to figure that out.

    the generation that loved to pirate wanted a nanny state because they kept downloading viruses even if they had to pay for that nanny state. what cocksucking little bitches.

    remember that saying about tohse who trade their freedom for security? i hope every joogle and facefuck user gets their sodomy they begged for.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    this middle aged chink made a house inside a mountain using just basic hand held power tools and you cant even make wood racking?

    what a disgrace to your country, you should be sent to a labor camp and made a man out of
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    those both suck, at least niggas LOOKS like the old temple.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Well said Kevski

    kevski, i like that one, i might even use it as a handle in the next place that forces me to sign up to use their site.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio You have "no amount" of evidence because you have no evidence whatsoever, just baseless assertions i.e. lies.

    sweden completely ignored covid19 like any rational society would have, whats happening in sweden now that i should be scared to death about?
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio People being banned from internet forums isn't a matter of freedom of speech.

    they were not banned from internet forums they were denied their media platform entirely which millions loved and wanted to see, their articles broke records for viewership every day. when you cant refute a public figure's compelling arguments, you silence them like a little bitch.

    thats how tyranny works.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo Good point. I stand corrected. No love for cocky jéw bank snobs. Nevertheless, CCP is a bitch. You wanna watch South Park? You can't because Xi Jong Ping Pong was offended by Winnie the Pooh. I'm just saying CCP has a crazy ass leader and he's probably mad necause he's fat and has a small penis.

    so who gives a shit? hes not running this country. do you live in china?
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i think its natural for men to kiss little boys.

    did your daddy ever kiss you.

    the second one looks very unconsenshual
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio That's only if you use the more secure one, which you only need to do if you're a pedophile basically.

    you have no proof it is secure without the pedophiles you stupid idiot
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Reported for off topic.

    fight fire with fire
    good man

    a snitch dont deserve no snitch immunity
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ Its the opposite, in a way. God wants us to believe he wants exclusive devotion, and he wants us to think if we don't worship him, we will suffer eternally, but what believers don't know is that the consequences are the opposite. God wants us to think for ourselves. Those who can deny "God's rules" even in fear of the consequences, are the ones God ends up rewarding in the end. Those who blindly follow God are the ones he is ashamed of, and who will suffer eternal hell in the afterlife. God doesn't want blind followers. God wants those who can go against that, despite the supposed negative consequences. Integrity.

    god sounds like a woman. they demand to be worshipped but are disgusted by any such soy-boy that takes their demand seriously.

    except this one is a transvestite faggot.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready There is no cure for teh space herpes.. he's dooomed fo sho

    shit that was 2012, he must be dead by now.
    RIP Dr Swole
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny what about peers who both own huge servers.

    not a problem, but theres a lot more to that discussion. some networks have peer to peer traffic while the hookups are done by a server or a few servers, which is a big problem. unless it is fully decentralized, it is unreliable.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Calm down Kevin…it's just a bit of fun and games.

    dont call me kevin...
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo You think so? Good luck publishing anything that talks shit about the ccp. And you can say there are 2 genders while being in the usa. I just did. See?

    say it in public and you will get piss dumped on your head like lauren southern was.

    In China, you are compelled not to question:

    The Chinese Communist Party

    In America, you are compelled not to question:

    The intrinsic goodness of the jedis
    The innocence of black people
    Infinite amounts of nonwhite immigrants flooding into your country
    Your entire neighborhood being replaced with aliens
    Men who masturbate into each other’s anuses
    The precise number of jedis that died during World War II
    The moral superiority of women
    The superior job performance of women
    A woman’s fundamental right to murder her own children
    Children being injected with sex hormones
    Boys having their penises surgically removed

    Ways you will be punished for speech in China:

    The government will bring you into court and charge you with specific crimes, telling you exactly what you did wrong and what you are being punished for. You will be permitted to argue your defense.

    Ways you will be punished for speech in America:

    Private monopolies will collude to shut down all outlets of publishing on the internet, all financial services and your basic ability to buy and sell.
    Corporations will fire you and collude with one another to prevent you from being rehired (permanent unemployment as punishment for speech).
    You will be sued by billionaire jedi legal firms with unlimited money for reasons that make no sense but which would cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight. You will be ordered by a court to pay millions of dollars to jedis (indentured servitude as punishment for speech).
    Domestic terrorists will be sent out on the street to attack you, with the blessing of the federal government. If you defend yourself against them, you will be charged with assault or various other charges.
    If your car is attacked by a mob of government-endorsed terrorists, and you crash your car, you will be charged with murder and sentenced to hundreds of years in prison based on your beliefs and jokes you made.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Wow you seem really triggered over a simple question…lol.

    Pro Communist, got it.

    answering your question equals being triggered? tone down your projection there cowboy.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite Enter married, apparently.
    I don't think he died though.

    whats the difference?
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Not talking about having the server at some storage place. I'd add it to the collection i have physical possession of, in other words my data center. Since i'd implement the same mechanism OnionShare does, it would be peer to peer, in the sense that i'd host the stuff you want, and keep a dedicated hidden service open for such traffic from me to you.

    i said peer to peer, not server to server.

    i dont know if odysee is any good but they say they use blockchain technology to provide a platform for censorship resistant video sharing.
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