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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    pussy, just tell us the nature of your retardation already
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You will live out the rest of your life just repeating the same things, thinking the same things, and never changing year after dreary year.

    if the nazis came to power tomorrow, she would jump on the bandwagon and claim she always hated liberals and always was an aryan queen. if anyone quipped her about her black lover, she would claim she was raped.

    you have way too much faith in the typical sheep, you describe them as if they have principles or something. wake the fuck up, they will change their views if its directly convenient, they have no capability to make independent choices. they literally have no use beyond being useful idiots.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny an undiagnosed one

    which is?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    pop a xanny, faggit! u shall never be scurred
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    why bring her to the US? so she can take all your shit and then have the government force you to pay for the privilege of your own cuckoldry?

    Lets learn a lesson from uncle sams recent escapade in afghanistan
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat "right on, glad it worked out but like you said, its bullshit to have to deal with it period. a whole damn year? so much for 'no means no' and being expected to be a mindreader. imagine if the roles were reversed and you kept trying to get with her for over a year?"

    lol Ive never even seen a guy be that persistent have you?

    only sophie
    but he is a demented child rapist so he doesnt count
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny well, its about the grind of always being a contrarian.

    i've always been a contrarian for as long as i could remember, since my childhood and in all my school days, i've always been the one kid that wouldnt do as told and refused to follow the rules and what not. maybe its due to mentall illness im suffering from, or maybe its due to psychological defect or maybe its due to the abuse i endure as a child, i dont know. and needless to say it followed me into my adulthood and workplaces which made my life as a human being and as a useful member of the society difficult and uncomfortable. but now under these raging "pandemics" and with vaxxination rate in my country almost approaching 90% it has became worse. a hell of a lot worse.

    now i spend most of my day being johnny no whenever the topic of vaxxination comes up and i am asked if i have had my shots, which inevitably descends into why i should get my shots and ought to right away. for my own good they say. and with more and more places barring entry to the unvaxxinated and the state making travelling almost impossible, i've became a pariah in my own country.

    a dalit in my own society.

    it really gets tiring and sometimes i just want to give up and take the plunge and be done with it but i cant. i cant because there are still little bits and pieces of me that wouldnt give in and back down, that keep on resisting, and keeping the resistance alive. to keep the fight alive.

    so now i blame the kind of predickament i'm in on my fellow docile chinks. these god damm chinks. none of these would have happened had my fellow chinks just said no.

    so instead of saying no these fucking chinks just took it like cattles taking their prods. in a way i have begin to accept the sad and bitter fact that chinks dont deserve freedom. freedom is a concept thats totally foreign to chinks and i blame totse for introducing me to it.

    i wish ive never knew freedom.

    your so cute for coming out to us like this, want some cookies and ginger ale to soothe that pain there vinny?

    and what mental illness do you suffer from, nigger?
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Once they get the 8G operable worldwide, they'll be able to jam any large area with a few commands in a console.

    russia and china will have a field day with that and certainly use it to good propaganda effect.

    america would be humiliated at the UN and our ZOG government lose all credibility.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood SHE IS BRINGING UP SHIT THAT DOES NOT NEED TO BE BROUGHT UP

    propaganda tactics 101

    on another note, what do you expect from a common bitch? they have been bitching about stupid pointless shit for eons. every witch hunt including the salem witch hunts was spearheaded by hysterical broads on their periods.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite I can however back up my statement that he's been posting questionable content on these boards for a long time.

    you didnt accuse me of posting questionable content, whatever that even means. stop shifting the goal posts.

    Clearly you don't. You're obviously spending time trying to do what you just wrote you weren't doing.

    you told me that you spent time in prison for rape without any coaxing from me. didnt take any effort on my part.

    Why the fuck would i trust some random dude on the internet to give me money? Are you some kind of idiot?

    ever heard of multisig?

    point is i gave you an incentive to back your hilarious projection of your perversions up. give me one to scrounge thru all your shit. i dont care to.

    you dont matter. simple as that.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready They're all phrases not letters. They're pictogram telling a short phrase which they combine. It's difficult because they use intonation and inflections which they speak.

    Italians on the other hand use their hands a lot 😆

    why have a unique symbol for every phrase? thats just as inefficient.

    yep, italians sure use their hands a lot, in more ways than one
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    fair enough
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie I collect broken things. Silly.

  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting This is 100% accurate. When i was a manager at a resort i got metood by this stupid bitch because i wouldn't get with her cuz she had a kid. I showed absolutely no interest and she kept trying for almost a year but i just kept ignoring her. She metood me after i fired her for failing to perform her duties at work. Her words held no weight but I had to defend myself which was bullshit

    right on, glad it worked out but like you said, its bullshit to have to deal with it period. a whole damn year? so much for 'no means no' and being expected to be a mindreader. imagine if the roles were reversed and you kept trying to get with her for over a year?

    my personal record is 3 months where this bitch followed me around nonstop at work and not very subtle about it at all. she was quite attractive and took good care of herself but that was the year my red pill rage was on at full throttle and just in time too because it was shortly before #metoo officially happened.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I hellu did but it came back this morning with a vengeance and the white head was 3 times the size. Popped it again but it wasn't like a teen acne where it squirts all over the mirror

    you are orgasming thru your face since yo ucant get it up no more, old man

    deal with it
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    thats not how joe has it done, the method is completely different. it does work because people have reported positive results but some morons ended up with sass from not following the instructions correctly, problem is i didnt fucking SAVE them, only bookmarked it.

    i shouldve just asked that rizzo cunt for the new address to joes site instead of tapdancing around.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Topics covered and welcome for submission include the following:

    * Participation inequality; lurking, the free-rider problem
    * Online harassment; flame trolling, cyberbulling, cyberstalking
    * Transgressive humour, ‘trolling for the lulz’, viral humour, R.I.P Trolling
    * Online Community moderation, perspectives on ‘don’t feed the troll’, blocking users (i.e. ban-hammering’)
    * Online learning issues; retention, motivation
    * Participation initiatives; Classroom 2.0, eParticipation


  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MLT I mostly have experience within clandestine chemistry, and hacking/cybersecurity, so I'll be contributing as much as I possibly can with content of that sort.

    Welcome, good to have you on board.

    why did you only lurk on &t you pussy? no OG totsean street cred for you.

    oh well, never too late to come back to the dark side.

    do you by chance have joepedo's guide to making MDMA from vanillin extract?
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ajax You don’t target individual websites. You lock down the ISP’s.

    bad idea, people will then move to offshore ISP' that offer worldwide service. what are they gonna do then? declare war on that country for having freedom of speech?
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood opiate users are lazy, thieves, miss appointments, show up to work high and "nod" obviously while everyone makes fun of them. They are the worst people in the entire world

    they also divert medical supplies from the healthcare system and fuel terrorist wars.

    and you fuel mexican terrorists, whats the difference?

    its true opiheads are woozy fuckers but they are way more pleasant than an erratic tweeker going thru a psychotic episode while conveniently having superhuman strength. they are way more fucking annoying and dangerous.

    cool people wanna relax and be happy. only those with tiny dicks seek the effects of stims.
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