2020-08-30 at 9:23 PM UTC
Proof anime is for pedos
if anime is for pedos, who is lolicon for? ^^
correct me if im wrong but arent most poles russophobes that want nothing to do with russia? look how well your little alliance worked after the second world war.
poland has no future, they were shit-stirring morons in ww2 who started a war with every single one of their neighbors and after that did everything they could to undermine the warsaw pact they were part of. after all that, why would czechoslovakia, russia or anyone really want to be in a new warsaw pact?
poland should just be allowed to become a failed state and disappear off the map.
2020-08-30 at 9:08 PM UTC
Yugoslav War
BBC? the lords of infernal bullshit? you have shitty taste in fake news, my friend.
Serbia is russias ally which is why there was so much media demonization of the serbs and one sided narrative about everything when the fact is that all sides committed war crimes. literal al qaeda terrorists were pouring into bosnia from the middle east and every time an armed jihadist was shot, the media claimed they were committing a genocide.
give me a fucking break.
2020-08-29 at 3:34 PM UTC
Universal Health Care
Not a single canadian i know complained about their health system and when they did, they acknowledged that they at least got it which wouldnt be the case if they lived in the states.
nbuff fucking said.
2020-08-29 at 3:30 PM UTC
Social cooling
if morons cared about their privacy enough to anonymize their browsing, big brother wouldnt have dick to collect.
but you know, most people are eager to broadcast their pathetic life to the world.
2020-08-29 at 3:28 PM UTC
The normieverse
wow, more nanny snooping bullshit from fucking FECESBOOK.
who the fuck actually, genuinely, enthusiastically desires a service like that?
god fucking damn i will never understand.
when i was growing up, i loved the internet because i could do what the fuck i want because the adults were too fucking dumb to figure it out let alone control anything on it.
what kind of retarded dipshit incest babies would use the same site their parents use? isnt that supposed to make you UNCOOL or something?
i get it that normie fuckwit hangouts will always exist where everything you do gets micromanaged, but for the love of god how and why do these become POPULAR?
2020-08-29 at 3:19 PM UTC
Don't Tread On Me
i will keep treading on you until you agree to have cybersex with me.
but did u give him da pelvic thrust??
2020-08-29 at 3:13 PM UTC
Lucy appreciation thread.
Lucy aiight but Ella better.
I tried benadryl recently, gave me nothing but paranoid idiocy, i actually pointed a loaded gun at the door for hours because i expected rioters or cops to bust it down anytime.
maybe others have had positive trips.
South africa is indeed a shithole.
oh I cant see youtube videos or links on this browser, i was refering to the general SJW public today.