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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Technologist Kev,
    Don’t flatter yourself. If you think this is licking someone, you’re an idiot.

    Couldn’t care less how old you think I am, you’re a fucking pedo that wouldn’t get within 100 yards of me.

    why exactly do you care that a pedo is not into you? shouldnt you be celebrating?

    i dont desire to be within 100 yards of you, sea hag, even if you werent a repulsive menopausal granny.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace This is not remotely how the law works and you don't actually know what Romeo and Juliet laws are.

    I am paraphrasing a successful public defender.

    Consent is a contractual term. It means you cannot legally enforce the terms of a contract on a minor signed on their own behalf. It never prevented children from performing an agreement willingly on their own. Consent means willingness to submit to legal enforcement, which is simply not available against children and rightfully so.

    Terms like consent and statutory rape are meaningless applied to sex in the absence of force because there is no rape and nothing to enforce.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Were going to get them lactating again and harvest they're milk

    nothx, it will be full of AIDS.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yep. I don't care about gen x or whatever kids are now. Boomers are the one that benefitted from high tax and good wages, and they passed legislation to end it. I would like to be able to buy a house and car with a factory job too, thanks.

    QFT, you get it. glad we agree on something, spic.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Just on Twitter and they're fully spamming gay porn with the hashtag #proudboys. They are convinced that the Proud Boys are homophobic, racist, etc. In reality they were/are a civic nationalist group fully committed to tolerance and multiculturalism. The lefties were told different by their masters, and they do as they are told. They don't question.

    The left has had a crusade declared for them against anyone pushing back against black crime, or defending themselves against black criminals. This is genius, as this war will go on forever. It's like the war on drugs or the war on terrorism, it's a fight that can never end, and never be won.

    The left has abandoned all demands not related to hurting normal people. They have abandoned the fight against huge corporations. They have abandoned the fight against income inequality. They have abandoned the fight against war. They have abandoned the fight against censorship. They have nothing left, other than hate for normal people, especially normal white people.

    They are losing an election against a bullshitting geriatric orange fruit, who most of them spent the last 4 years going mental over and making up bizarre stories about.

    They need thorazine. The better ones at least. Most of them need the pentobarbital bus. Malice would agree.

    QFT. Couldnt have said it better myself.
    when the bolsheviks grabbed power in russia, they cracked down on strikers and unions who were complaining about low pay and horrible working conditions, then came the mass slaughter of all disillusioned leftists who realized what their utopia ended up being like, this is what the fate will be for american leftists too.

    btw, i just saw technologist mention she worked for 34 years, that is longer than i have been alive. this decrepit granny tried to lick me in another thread i subsequently unsubscribed from and then tried to shame me for not being into her. if her goal was to thoroughly disgust me, congratulations, she gets the troll of the month award.

    i wouldnt touch you with a 10 foot pole, granny.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny teenagers are too old.

    i prefer 7-11.

    we need to find tyrone to open your butthole to complete your coming out ceremony.

    Bummymofo, everyone on NIS says youre black but do you look like a tyrone? will be needing your assistance here
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood That's even less of a reputable news source than the daily stormer

    The graphs speak for themselves.

  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood THE DAILY STORMER KEK

    yeah no, actually they had lots of cases and it's still really bad there but the fake news and Qanon disinfo would have you believe they are all out in the markets or "shops" as they are called there without masks and going to the spa but that is simply not the case at all and they are rearing from this as much as the rest of us. FAKE NEWS AND DERPADEWS IM CALLING YOU OUT!!!!

    Actually, it is the daily mail, DS is just commenting on the juicy parts.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Obbe, you misunderstand consent in law, it is a legal contract and it is not a restriction on children, they can consent all day.

    "Romeo" laws let kids consent to sex with each other. So whether or not kids can consent to or have sex does not seem to be the point when you allow the most aggressive 16yo boys open season on every 12-17yo. By the time the nerds turn 18, there isn't a virgin left anyway.

    If it is a contract, the adult simply can't use that consent to enforce in court what the child consented to provide and the adult is screwed out of anything they provided.
    When it comes to sex, the restriction is that the adult can't legally accept the child's consent.

    It is the adult who can't consent to a kid and gets punished for doing so.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace "Why haven't I gotten sick yet?"


    It's like those people who don't get vaccinated and boast about how they never got the measles. It's called herd protection. You should thank society for it sometime by wearing a mask you fucking idiot.

    How do you develop herd immunity by isolating yourself you fucking moron? Sweden never did any lockdown and they had fewer cases than anyone.

    Originally posted by Bugz kev are you in australia or some place south hemishere?

    flu season hasnt started yet. as a matter of fact, fall just started.

    Flu season in the southern hemisphere started 4-5 months ago, a year ago in the northern hemisphere so I dont see how this is relevant.

    actually, i forgot to mention that i did get sick this year, just a few weeks after the new year but i doubt it was covid because it just barely made it to america at the time. otoh, it was a worse flu than average and it took 3 weeks to pass so its hard to say.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat SWIM has a vague memory, most likely a dream in which he chats with the retard admin of one of those onions sites and gives him security advice, the admin brushes him off claiming he has been at this a long time and knows what he's doing, then like a year later the site is gone and SWIM reads that admin has been identified and arrested.

    Was it dreamboard by any chance? i have a real memory of trying to talk sense to those retards back in 2011. i rejoiced when they were busted. one less group of delusional low hanging fruits...
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Well, the comments i did have the misfortune to read were pretty disturbing bordering on the deranged. That's why i never got involved with any sort of community aspect.

    LOL, ya think?

    You are right though that small groups are a good way to become a target, but the opsec measures taken by all members were insane. Never felt the need to get involved with groups that require you to post OC as an admittance fee.

    opsec can never be insane enough when the state department considers you worse than a terrorist, technical security is a must but a meat shield beats all odds. it is how we defied corporate copyright in the early 2000s, no way they were gonna arrest 200 million people at once. it is literally the only use normies are to me, make them your personal army whenever possible.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Octavian OP wants to fuck kids with his massive cock nose.

    i thought that was joe biden, he is always smelling kids hair with his jedi nose in broad daylight.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie I've used some platforms, but it was to grab the content and bounce. Trading content securely within a small group is best for that sort of thing though IME.

    i lurked too but you cant grab anything without looking thru the posts they make. small groups are a great way to become a target, i suggest bumming off larger networks. need that herd protection and they need pedos as proof of security. fair trade i think.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie In the way you feel about the unwashed masses of low IQ stereotypical pedo types. I don't associate with that type of pedo, but i thought it was interesting how your early experiences with that scene, informed your attitude to pedos in a more general sense.

    i see. well what can i say, they are just as cancerous as the general public and are not nice to kids, worse even.

    have you been to childs play, playpen and all those popular onion honeypots? would you let your kid or underage relatives near any of those freaks that frequented there? i know i wouldnt.

    i dont think my view is in the minority either.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    An obese single mother whore is narcissistic? wow, who couldve saw that one coming?
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny I think you realized how shitty of an argument “muh DSM” is and just aren’t ready to admit it.

    what im wondering is did all homosexuals suddenly wake up not-ill in 1975 when their orientation was removed from the book?
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai Luck.

    bullshit, i get sick every year and conveniently this bad flu season i got nothing.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Boomers have been talking shit about millenials since before they were even born.

    What a surprise the millenials grew up to talk shit about boomers.

    Way to keep the generational shit cycle self-perpetuating you lead brained fucks

    the difference is i dont talk shit about the next generation, only the one that fucked mine over. at best, the next gen will feel neglected as the boomers will get all my attention and hatred. they might have to raise themselves as we figure out now how to deal with these useless, overpopulated aging fucks and how to properly, humanely dispose of them.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting wats crouton

    the fucking enhancements on this site...

    k r a t o m

    its a natural substance that resembles toad diarrhea when you brew it into a tea. feelin pretty chill right now...

    i got a plastic bar with pegs on them but its a little rough for this purpose and im making a hell of a mess. Crouton isnt that expensive but imagine working with some of the more golden shit. this will do for now i guess.

    what fillers do you guys use? i am thinking of making real pills, these gel caps fuck up the onset of action.
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