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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Data That's called growing up… The world changes you retard. Being mentally inflexible is not a brag.

    what the fuck are you talking about you blabbering retard?
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Data You didn't understand what he wrote lol.

    didnt read
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lllll Yeah… 11 max!
    And 8 at a time

    i said half your age PLUS seven, not half your age divided by seven
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by FreeAssange Bush was a buffoon. I have a video somewhere of him yelling at me at a campaign event. Even worse was McCain. Nelsen's Rule of Post-Mortem honor: The longer you lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda, the more deeply you betrayed your country. Craig's corrolary: the more reverential the cable news anchors are while covering your funeral, the more contemptible and corrupt and vile you were as a human being.

    I went to a campaign event of his in Sourth Carolina, Darlington, I think, and when he finished his little speech next to the cardboard lifesize cutout of him as a fighter pilot, with Lindsey Graham –still a congressman–sitting in the front row, staring at it and rubbing himself through his slacks, he opened it up to questions and i shot my hand in the air almost forcing him to call on me so the lady with the microphone comes over and i say, Senator McCain, you support an immigration policy that is doubling US population within the lifetimes of the children in this room (it was in a big tent, actually) even though the majority of Americans think we have enough people in this country. Will you at least say where we will stop immigration? At one billion? Two billion? Three? Never? He pulled his head down into his neck until he looked venomous. You and I, sir, he hissed, obviously have differing opinions on immigration. But if there is one thing I know, it's this. There is no room in the Republican Party for racists, bigots, or xenophobes.

    haha what a piece of shit

    I was in a battle with him out in Phoenix a few years later and his spokeswoman told a reporter that I was "good at clever theatrics". Wow, I just rrealized I finally have something to put on my LinkedIn profile. GOOD AT CLEVER THEATRICS. I should put that on my business card too (if I ever get business cards) Craig Nelsen in bold and then underneath that in italics, "good at clever theatrics"

    your problem is you have no guile, you speak to a murdering, psychopathic sac of shit as if he is some honest human being you could have at a dinner table. you use words literally and intentionally and you mistakenly take a lying politicians catch phrases, soundbites and all other meaningless virtue words literally. you assume they know what those words mean, you assume they are human, you assume they give a flying fuck about you or your family.

    he isnt human and he doesnt regard you as human. the communication between you two is an illusion. the sooner you realize his only use to society is to be shot and disposed of or be thrown in a cage in the name of studying harmful specimens, the better off you will be.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by FreeAssange yeah youtube is deleting dislikes from his videos. 2.5 million supposedly. Meanwhile, they ban and shadow ban people who have spent years building up millions of followers, and if that Zuckerberg sister doesn't like your take on shit, she will just cancel you without warning, without explanation, without consequence. just getting away with it all. all of these silicon velley giants are the same and not even american and THEY are the ones who chose Biden. But Kamala is going to be worse. She WANTS to be feared

    twatter is doing the same thing, deleting any videos of biden groping children, under the guise of deleting child porn. irony.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    i actually agree with michael moore on this documentary, every part of it. 100% the truth. renewable energy is a scam, burning trees instead of oil solves fuck all, i thought we were taught the past 30 years that more trees means more oxygen? how are we supposed to fight the carbon dioxyde in the air if we burn all the trees?
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat And please point out a society that died because a bunch of gays did their thing behind closed doors, or women had a right to choose.

    babylon, rome, ancient greece

    USA certainly hasn't died.

    it is a dead man walking, give it a few more decades

    Though I hate the gay pride and all the other trans activist garbage.

    lookit the selfrighteous virtue signaler pretending to have boundaries, 20 years ago wouldve supported abortion but not anal sex, 10 years from now would support trannies but not pedo shit. fuck off

    Women have had choice for years, babies being born every day.

    and all becoming fuckups or incels.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    one day he will jizz on the wrong guys granddaughter and lose more than just his teeth
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    lol, that would make for some interesting case law and be a hilarious precedent if it was set.

    current laws vaguely say that the childs right to a stable environment outweights the parental rights to birth or adopt a child. so technically, a child can argue that his parents, on account of being fuckups, violated his right to a stable upbringing by having him.

    its doable.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls No!!

    Kevin seemingly regards everyone with contempt and hatred, especially his mother, yet is manageable when Franklin is around.

    the whole thing stinks of projection. monkey see monkey do. in countries like vietnam she wouldve been prosecuted for raising a fuckup. i can think of a different title for that book.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls We need to talk about kevin

    Good movie

    you mean home alone?
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls No fighting in my thred pls

    but she called me kevin! she must die a horrible death.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley Don't shill for your pedophilic boyfriend to get a van for you and him to go kidnap kids in with to produce porn to send to lanny on april fools day and then one of u goes around the block and calls 911 and reports him and runs back into the kiddy dungeon

    I know how u guys work and I don't want anything to do about it :(


    backing off...
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    doesnt hikki need it the most? jobless and lives in a trailer.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    infinityshock lovingly lets lardass lanny lap the loins leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny Depends on your criteria for degeneracy I suppose. The social institutions of Japan have always seemed to be much more offended by the notion of someone not being sufficiently alienated from their labor (hikikomorism) than sexual deviancy. You sorta have to admire the egalitarianism of it, as long as you function economically you’re left alone to enjoy your own private hell or paradise of intensely personal hedonism. Not that I’d actually defend that sort of social organization but like there is a way in which it represents local maxima in personal freedom

    man, just imagine the idea of the government staying out of your personal life and what literature you read in your own home, then imagine a constitutional monarchy respecting this very basic right but a representitive republic like america with a first amendment and founding fathers not doing so.

    really blows the mind!
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein My fiancé is the only one with the key to my lock Kevin…

    Maybe you should stick to creeping the kids section at the library instead of worrying about adult relationships..


    so they all say...
    speaking of creepy, only my mom calls me by my full name.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lllll Ok so let’s say I’m 20 or 22…
    There’s one.
    Plus 7 more!!!!

    its a limit on age not a limit on number of partners, lol
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy I thought I was suppose to be half her age plus 7…

    same difference
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie For sure, i'm thinking of setting up a new organization on Github, for the purpose of developing NIS related things and bots and integrations for our presence, i already started a custom new community server, where we can aggregate rooms/servers related to what we do there and have a resource index and can test the things we have developed.

    whats with the new community server? a new forum or a place for NIS members to host sites of their own?
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