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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost I avoid police unlike you who contacts them and saves pictures of people from this forum and has everyone public dox saved so you can contact the authorities and rattex on them if they ever piss you off for some nonce drama.

    i dont know what youre talking about and it doesnt seem you do either. if you provide proof of any of these fantasies of yours, i will send you all 14 of my bitcoins.

    your picture is public record, dipshit. you have your own self to blame for posting your ugly inbred fuckface on here.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley We are not a harm reduction forum, not in BLTC, not here, not anywhere. We neither advocate or discourage any advice be it of a nature that helps or harms. You get what you get, faggot.

    I used to take 13 of them bitches which was 650mg because 13 was a scary number, when i was 13 bitch nigger.

    lol, fucked up as you may be, at least you dont have some bizarre crush on me. you disturb me less than he does any day.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost you sure like to use the word rat a lot maybe it's because you think about snitching or "ratting" on people all the time it's like a freudian slip where you say what you think.

    And if you are saying what you think than that means you think about police interaction a lot, probably because it's your career to interact with them as an informant.

    who have i snitched on, ratboy?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost Sorry but I have a natural gay panic instinct and run away from homosexuals

    you must avoid mirrors. then again, if i was you i would avoid mirrors anyway

    i mean look at your face, you make blind kids cry bro
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost he is also a rat that brags about contacting the authorities in regards to individuals on this website and he makes fun of people who aren't attracted to children like that makes him cool or smart or something.

    what the fuck are you talking about you rat-faced retard?
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley can i get a link to this?

    this fucking psycho has latched onto me since the day i joined this site, always begging for my friendship and trying to get close to me, for almost a whole year. i decided to ignore my gut instinct and see what happens. was that ever a mistake...
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost I don't know who you rape but you are a rattex bitch that posts private messages of people so I would imagine it's not gonna be very long before one of your nonce friends turns on you for you being a rattex ass bitch and leaks all the juicy details of your sex crimes against children so we can all laugh at you like wariat.

    i didnt post other peoples private messages, i posted MY private message to him. you got a problem with me exposing a psycho? and i dont have "nonce friends" but quite a few nonces want to be my friend for some reason.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley eliminate people who make shitty polls
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost if I was wariat I would become a serial killer

    better than your mom being a retard and your dad being a rat. now you get to live with her disorders and your dads face.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost remind us why you raped those children again also stop stealing hikis insults why can't you get your own instead of just copying other people

    who are these fictional children?
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Sure, works fine if you're Xi Jinping or a member of the PolitBuro, Standing Committee and Central Committee of the party. It's also working great if you consider genocide a good thing, or a massive surveillance state. Or are a fan of social credit scores and arbitrary enforcement of the law, and shitty construction work that puts the lives of millions at risk. Like The Three Gorges Dam. If that seems great to you. Then who am i to argue…

    Also, The USSR and China never had good relations, the fact they were both communist was the only thing they had in common. Just like when Stalin sold all the grain from The Ukraine and caused millions of people to starve so did Mao Zedong sell all the grain stores to Russia in the 50's/60's leading to even more suffering, death and starvation. So much so in fact that to this day a common greeting in Chinese literally translates to "Have you eaten yet?".

    And before you tell me that was in the past and China is wealthy now, that's only because of money coming in from The West, it started off with Henry Kissinger 'opening' trade with China, which directly led to US manufacturing moving there, because of the fact that the cost of labor in China is so low, and they don't have any laws, or initiatives to provide the workers with adequate pay, housing or safety regulations. It's so bad that they hang suicide nets around tall office buildings in the lower tier cities to prevent people from killing themselves by jumping from the rooftops.

    The reason why the US wanted to open up trade with China is to undermine their relationship with the USSR and prevent a formal alliance. Keep in mind China was never part of Russia/USSR, but they did trade a lot. When America opened China up for global trade, the relationship collapsed. So, Russia didn't abandon China, China started trading with The West, which prompted that collapse. Not to mention mis-management of the entire society.

    Unlike you i'm not pulling this shit out of my ass, this is well documented history, go look it up. Your assertion that "more people were christian during the soviet union" is A) Not backed up by any historical sources, B) Patently ridiculous because religion was outlawed in the USSR. Sure people may have been secretly Christian, but not practicing Christian. So C) even if there were more Christians in the USSR, there is no way to verify that because you'd get gulag'd if you admitted to worshiping anything other than the state and the glorious leader, so even if they had held a census, everyone would have lied. Things calmed down a bit after Nikita Kruschov became the leader of the USSR, but not by much. Only under the policies of Glasnost and Perestroika instituted by Gorbachev did the USSR give some freedom back to the people. The very freedoms they stole after the Russian Revolution.

    Frankly your general lack of understanding and knowledge when it comes to history and indeed reality is embarrassing to put it mildly.

  12. Kev Space Nigga
    well that was one hell of a social experiment. let a fucked up kiddy-diddler get close to me and treat him like a bro. what happens? thats what happens, kids. thank fucking god i took precautions and never gave this psycho freak any of my personal information.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    we all love drama up in this bitch, heres my final PM to him.

    enjoy, you drama queen faggots:

    lets recap, the day i joined this site you had an odd obsession with me. i gave you numerous hints to back off. the reason is i sensed you were a mentally ill fuckup from the very beginning. you didnt get it, you kept trying to get close to me.
    despite that, you continued acting like some bitch that doesnt know when shes not wanted. i learned you arent technically deficient and you kept insisting with promises to make me a leet haxor, so i did what i almost never do, i ignored my gut instinct and let you get close to me.

    what happened? just days onward you accused me of being some mystery man that got your xmpp account without your permission. i tolerated it. then suddenly im under investigation and lose my business. what a coincidence. not once did i accuse you of having something to do with it.

    then you accuse me of manipulating and gaslighting you, and ironically accused me of trying to get close to you and fuck you over after you spent a whole year trying to get close to me and ignored all hints to back off. amazingly, i tolerated it and politely dispelled your lunatic ramblings.
    [redacted] you accuse me of starting that thread for a nefarious reason, begin threatening me and playing head games. i finally lost my fucking patience.

    and this is the same person who earlier said

    I hope you consider me a friend, as i've come to consider you.

    All i can say to that is that i will try not to do so, and treat you in good faith as long as you do the same with me.

    against my better judgment, i decided to treat you in good faith and treat all your false accusations and head games in good faith. i kept my word. i told you i would offer you honesty. you offered all sorts of exaggerated promises, kept going sweet on me with assurances that you would never lose patience with my tech-tardation but would be angry at yourself for not instructing me properly and all sorts of sophistry like this.

    i gave you my undivided attention for 2 months, what have you done for those 2 months? jack fucking shit. nothing but all talk and no action. we never got past step 0. you ask me to use software i have zero familiarity with so inevitably i cant get anything to work. frustrating as it was, i kept my faith in you and followed all instructions unquestioningly. when we finally get your torcheck script to work, i asked a technical question that you ignored, you just told me to forget xmpp and get on when your invite code failed, you blamed me for it and flipped out. then you wanted to send me another invite which wouldnt work because github wouldnt accept any of my fucking email accounts. impatient with so much of our time being wasted, i asked if you could just create one for me or let me borrow yours so we can get this fucking bullshit over with already, you never delivered, i asked multiple times, you said you would and never did. this is beyond the ability for such a leet hacker like yourself, to create a disposable email address.

    so you spent all that effort for almost a year trying to get close to me to do what? to waste my goddamn time for 2 months? i fail to see what exactly you were trying to accomplish.

    why exactly were you trying to get close to me all this time? you never answered this. you say you relate to me but i do not relate to you at all. you are a psychotic fuckup who flaunts his disease (pedophilia) like its something to be proud of.

    you are projecting your lonely desperation when you tell me i have trouble making friends. i dont, i have close friends, they may not be ideal but they have proven themselves that i can trust them with my life.
    let me remind you that it is you who so desperately sought the friendship of an anonymous, uneducated drug addict. it is obviously you who lacks companionship but im not your personal therapist.

    Come on Kev, i'm trying to be friends with you. Can we be friends?
    Sophie 2020-06-04 at 3:23 PM UTC


  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost you aren't a woman so nobody cares what your opinion is, child rapist

    projecting again, remind us what you were banned on minecraft for?

    that is one ugly rat
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny show us.

    go one day without usimg this black slime and its derivatives.

    my point was we should be burning black slime instead of trees.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny if your pro-life then dont be biased and only favor womens right to choose and reproduce.

    men too should be given this same pro-life rights and if a man wants a baby it should be the states responsibility to assign him a female for the sole purpose of reproduction.

    like state assigned attorneys.

    same thing with the pro choice simps. HER BODY HER CHOICE. his body, not his choice. if the bitch wants the kid and he doesnt, make the bitch pay for it. if women are so pathetic and childish that theyre entitled to lifelong alimony and child support because they cant take responsibility for anything, maybe she shouldnt have a choice to begin with.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo you havent had sex with a female in 8 years which either makes you gay or as asexually beta as humanly possible. Either way nothing you can type is relevant to a thread about abortion

    feminine shaming language. "if you refuse to give one of us the time of day and of course all your money and possessions you must be GAYYYYY, HAH, FAAAG!"

    whats your excuse for white knighting for some invisible bitch? thats some omega cuck move right there.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie I held a knife to her throat because she was being a bitch.

    youre fucking psycho
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Long term thinking, not short term…some tree species grow much faster than others.

    none grow fast enough. at the end of the day, trees are more precious than some fucking black slime 10 miles below the ground.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson For every tree you burn you plant 2 new ones.

    trees take way too long to grow. for the amount of energy we are using, trees dont suffice. calling it "green energy" or "biofuels" doesnt change anything.
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