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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost look at this normie that can't appreciate real music. Absolutely no self awareness

    fucking execute me for my sins
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite Again, i don't disagree with you that females have privileges due to their sex. Most can fuck their way to the top, and people tend to have empathy for them more than they do with men. All they really gotta do is find a rich guy, marry him, get his cash when they fuck him to death.

    no shit, so stop with the double standards. she has options for dealing with unwanted attention. what exactly is a man supposed to do in the same scenario? resisting or rejecting her is not an option, so what can he do other than let it happen and be silent about it afterwards?
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost by pressing the play button

    you don't like cock noses music? Awwww i guess you're just an NPC like me then

    NPC only listen to one kind of music, i listen to any genre if it has a good beat.

    he should post some lolicore instead, its bound to be something other than random noise i hope.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    all noise and no melody

  5. Kev Space Nigga
    lol i spotted several people wearing masks in their car in my hood, joe biden did the same when driving to his inauguration but all the marchers playing trombones werent, because forcefully blowing spit into the air by the dozens into the crowd doesnt spread covid19 at all.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny what victory ?

    ww2 is the turning point for the US of A, for the worst.

    it was the begining of the breakdown of american family traditions, the advent of negroids into the US military, and the cementing of banks and the fed supremacy uber all aspect of american economy amd lives.

    it was the banks that pushed all these countries into war and on this v-day back in 1945, none of them,


    lost. they all won.

    that had fuck all to do with the war, we diddnt do jack shit until japan shoved a pinecone up our ass, before that we were selling to both sides. one might say the turning point was the roaring 20's where the erosion of tradition and thus turning point began but the 60's was the bigger and more obvious turning point when the 20's generation matured and became in charge.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat I dont get why in Poland they dont celebrate the end of the war and victory day happened in Poland? or that the armja ludowa or first and second polish army under belarussian front didnt exist? why do they not celebrate it like other eastern europeans and ex ussr?

    because poland is the mexico of europe, you are one of the few poles i have seen who arent russophobic.

    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Paedophiles can't celebrate Victory day.

    That includes you Wariat, your country lost before the war even started.

    Stupid cunts.

    im celebrating it with a shitload of fuckin soviet phenibut while listening to an old soviet band Цветы.
    you cant stop me limey. go celebrate multiculturalism or gay pride or something.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how much benzos are you on.

    depends how cuddly i wanna feel or how urgently i need to sleep
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats not very gentlemanly.

    they dont have to be ladylike but we have to be gentlemanly? stop being a cuck, vinny.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Deanna Troi I am pretty sure Kev is always on benzos because there's really no other explanation for how someone could be so dull

    and yet you made this account all for me, i never felt more special
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    i see and im not shocked but saddened nonetheless. why couldnt it have been ratboy?

    RIP Bill Krozby

    sophie take some notes you fuckhole, threatening to come after me and so many people while our community shrinks by the day. we on our way to become the umpteenth totse knockoff to end up a failed state. even rabbitdweeb and chintavian buried the hatchet.

    while we mourn for Bill Krozby, lets take a moment and get along or some shit like that.

    im not good at this stuff, fuck me
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    fuck the holocaust, 6 million jedis versus 26 million russians killed to save europe so europe can bitch and moan about RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA 24/7

    makes me sick

    Slava former USSR
    Slava the russian federation
    Slava Putin

    some of us americans havent forgotten your brave and most audacious sacrifice
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ He'd OD'd on Tek and they wrote him off as a suicide, instead of misadventure. Probably because of the levels in his system. They figured, nobody in their right mind would take that much.

    wtf is tek?
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost wtf kev i didnt know u were obbe seesedhed with me

    shut up nigger commit suicide faggot
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    shit, its really for real? what happened anyway?
  16. Kev Space Nigga

    Today is the day our unthanked, inferior Soviet liberators crushed the superior nazi gestapo thugs who were on their way to overrun the planet.

    this is a victory of all victories whose significance is historically unprecedented. typically, might makes right and the poorly equipped victim stands no chance against the powerful victor who then goes on to rewrite the history.

    nothing makes my cock harder when i see an oppressed victim successfully beat the shit out of his bully thats twice his size.

    a kid killing his adult rapist, a battered wife killing her rowdy prick of a husband or 26 million under equipped, under prepared, under fed soviet soldiers defeating a rich, powerful industrial empire and bombing them back to the dark ages.

    this is probably my favorite as far as justice porn is concerned.

    this war for the first time in history was a war that was a victory for the underdog, where it was firmly proven that justice, not might, makes right. so much for all that bullshit about how germans were genetically superior to everyone and how the planet revolves around them.

    we made powerful oppressors around the world shit themselves and all the nazis piss off to the jungle where they can larp their eugenic fantasies while living as inferior apes.

    its the biggest and loudest FUCK YOU ever dispensed in history to a seemingly invincible establishment, my niggas it was fucking beautiful.


  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny well i wouldnt call protecting women from sexual assaults 'white knighting'.

    part of the blame lies in these western women, true. what do you think is going to happen if you go around dressed like a prostitute ?

    but most of the blame lies in white, western men. none of this would happen had any of these white, western men have the courage to rape their womenvolk whenever they dressed like a prostitute to the point they stop dressing like one.

    the purpose of blossoming flowers is to attract bees and the purpose of prostitutely dressed women is to attract dicks.

    thats just how nature works.

    i certainly would. that whole segment was two feminist wenches arguing about how men can better serve women. FUCK THAT

    let tyrone service the ugly retarded dykes

    if it isnt what she expects, let her protect herself. equality FTW
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian This nigga is looking for friendships on a site called NIGGASinsapce

    hey OP; you can tell to your grandmother how you truly feel; it doesn't interest me whatsoever what kind of monkey you are.

    God save us all.

    happy victory day, space nigga
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    post screenshotted fecesbook page? that site gives me the willies.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite It kinda is. If a female is able to subdue, take off your pants, get your hard, and mount you, then you're either a willing participant or not worth of the title of man.
    I'll assume the latter in this case.

    Also, lol. A fucking pedo speaking about castration. Oh the irony.

    a female is able to subdue alright. do what she says or she cries rape

    dont you wish you could have real life cheat codes like that?
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