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Posts That Were Thanked by pEEpEEpOOpOO

  1. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    I read someone unironically use the phrase "white supremacist coup" in the media today and I burst out laughing.

    One thing I don't think the right fully understands is that the left constantly need to position themselves as the underdog while relentlessly pursuing power, and usually getting it.

    During 4 years of Trump the left remained completely in charge of:
    - the media
    - education
    - 90% of the government, save a few ceremonial elected leadership positions

    Yet they acted like they were under some kind of grave assault from which they'd never recover.

    Now a few hundred people occupy a government building for 4 hours and 10 minutes, before they're cleared out (the national guard was activated almost immediately).

    It was a riot, a coup attempt. The wikiedia article is called "The 2021 storming of the United States Capitol" without a hint of irony.

    The entire media, educational, and bureaucratic aparatus of the state mobilized in unison to condemn this using all the mean words they can come up with.

    Capitol Hill in Seattle was occupied for nearly a month. Wikipedia calls this a "protest occupation".

    Disgusted by these tactics? You shouldn't be. We need to do the same thing. Portray ourselves as the victim at all opportunities, while using anything we can - including naked hypocrisy - to win.
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  2. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    dirty toilet hands on my nuggers
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  3. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. A currant. And I would slam idiot asshokes from the DH. LITERALLY slam them. Hey crapstain smell hung you're tickets up time to face justice you quivering cuck smile from the camera fuc tard
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  5. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    because it was just a gay little protest, not some grand insurrection like the media is making out
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    don't be a nigger
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  8. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sudo I was joking about deploying milton friedman because he's a J000000

    Trump is bad at diplomacy because for instance :Norf/Best Korea
    :turning back on kurds
    :wanting to assassinate Bashar al assad
    :telling NATO to up their budgets
    :doing no coordination with Europe
    :sharing intel with Russia
    :most things to do with Russia

    etc. etc. etc.

    The last US election was no more dodgy than any other election and the person with the most votes won, do you not agree?

    North Korea is unjustly sanctioned because they supply rocket motors to Iran.
    The Kurds are basically an inconvenience. I know you probably read articles in support of them, as they and Israeli intelligence flirted back in the day.
    The terrorist supporting war against Syria was just due to Israel.
    Telling NATO to up their budget was just the US MIC angling for graft.
    Yes, no coordination with Europe, but coordination against what.
    Intel with Russia? About Islamic terrorists? How horrible.
    Russia and the US have always been allies. For instance during the cold war who paid the USSR's budget deficit out of their foreign aid budget?
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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    it's honestly astounding to me that people don't see a problem with this

    they're going to be genuinely surprised when the hydra turns its sights on them too

    this is the literal definition of fascism, but it's OK because it's wearing a rainbow cape
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Imagine being a police officer for starters.

    I am a police officer. I protect and serve.

    Today, I literally went to a place and talked to a person and tried to tell them that the volume of their television was too loud.

    I protected and served.

    I made a difference.

    I have a badge.

    Turn your volume down.
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  11. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I see it get posted all over 4chan; never made sense to me because I guess it's supposed to get people in trouble if the censors see it, but 4chan's blacklisted anyway so any chunks on there are using vpns, tunnels or similar

    Maybe it's a big like garlic and crosses to keep vampires away.

    I could try repeating the list to myself at an airport so I don't have to shove chinese out of the way manually.
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  12. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Reminder, stl1 spent 4 years repeating and believing insane conspiracy theories about russian hackers.
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  13. stl thinks he's funny and clever when he posts a picture of trump with a beer gut but actually he just looks like a boomer that still laughs at LOL CAN I HAS CHEESEBURGER MEMES

    His political commentary doesn't go any deeper than "lol orange hair man"

    He doesn't seem intelligent enough to have the capacity to think about an issue with any real depth or thought. Probably from a lifetime of learning politics through television where you gotta wait until the commercial break is over.

    That's what Stl's posts feel like, a re run of Morning Joe with commercial breaks because he will post a "LOL TRUMP IS BAD" meme and then spend the next few hours in "commercial break" mode where he declares victory and ignores everything around him.

    It's quite the sight. He will probably just respond to this with some shit like LOL YEAH BUT TRUMP LOST LMAO xDDDDD GOTTTEM
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  14. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad Uh, they were armed terrorists who broke into a government building. They only started shooting once they smashed the windows. You can't expect to just attack government offices with intent to harm politicians, thinking you're the only one allowed to inflict violence. No. We have police for a reason, and it's to protect people. These were police actually doing their jobs, unlike the ones taking pictures and letting those terrorists past barriers outside.

    What did you expect the police to do? Let them smash through the house so the could get to the government workers and congressmen/congresswomen inside? Then what? Do they kidnap them? Do they shoot them? Just rough them up? Make demands? Fucking what were they supposed to let happen, if not eventually shoot at these people. They're lucky only one of them was killed by the police. Should have been much more. They should've been shot at when they broke through the front door.

    No one reads.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I imagine OP broke into someone's apartment and is posting from their computer
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  16. Originally posted by Fonaplats listen up

    I need pictures and pros and cons…
    Is the flip out foot rest even worth it?
    I feel like if I reclined an office chair it would just tip over and id be on the ground.
    Cmon guys.
    Im trying to order one today and I need help.

    Don't buy that shitty gamer don't need a pic for that advice..they are all shit and rely on dumb dumbs falling for the "oh cool it looks like a racing car seat"

    Go to Office Depot/ Office Max and try the ones out they have there till you find one you like.
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  17. *Raises hand in a triangle at nose level* Hello and welcome to the fraternal order of the cock nose

    We are a brotherhood representing the noble endless path of the cock nose to become a better individual. You do not have to have a cock nose to join the fraternal order of the cock nose, you just have to have a cock nose in your heart.

    For centuries, the fraternal order of the cock nose has been a common ground for Cock Noses of different backgrounds to meet and exchange ideas, provide support and offer friendship.

    Cock Noses live by the principles of Brotherly Hate, steel reserve and huffing cat shit. Join today!

    Here is a picture of our first annual meeting wearing the traditional cock nose robes

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  18. Originally posted by Jesus is king You're so fucking retarded

    You're the fucking retard for not knowing how to embed an image. Go ahead and make your exit bag.
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  19. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by pEEpEEpOOpOO Ok, so im about 40 hours in and it has been a grind for me :/
    Tried playing a moment ago and had no motivation to move forward.

    Heard the story was great, but I also heard that regarding The Witcher 3 and I got bored of that game too.
    Maybe im spending too much time with the side gigs?

    The big issue I had was that pacing was weird. Like... a lot of the side gigs are important or interesting story and setting wise, but the main story is very much a "ticking clock" scenario. So I run into the same feeling I get playing Fallout 4 - every time I brush up against the main story, my character is desperate and wants to do things now. We are in a hurry here. Panic. Gotta fix this shit, pronto. And then you fuck around doing side gigs for 10 hours, and it's barely mentioned. Go back to the main story and OH FUCK OH FUCK THIS IS SO BAD MY CONDITION IS GETTING WORSE! and then you do another 10 hours of side gigs with nary a peep about it. Same shit as Fallout 4: "WHERE IS MY FUCKING SON?!" *spends 3 months in game building a cool settlement and exploring abandoned factories to loot duct tape*

    Devs of narrative driven open world games really need to figure out that they can't have that narrative be driven by something emotional and urgent without it quickly becoming awkward when the rest of the game's structure is taken into account. Why the fuck would V ever decide to take a break from their quest to unfuck the shit that's happening to them to go track down a bunch of taxis? Get into some bareknuckle boxing matches?
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by blaster master He and I had a similar falling out, one day he no longer was satisfied with the free shit I had given him and decided it would be in his advantage to talk a bunch of shit about what sort of person I am.

    Was that before or after his daughter died in the church shooting car accident?
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