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Thanked Posts by rabbitweed

  1. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Do you breath through the side of your neck? Wait… Don't answer that. You probably have a hole in the side of your neck you can breath through so you can keep sucking cock without coming up for air.

    If he had ever done any real fighting in his life he'd also know that the side of the neck is a blood choke, not a breathe choke. You pass out if you don't tap - you don't suffocate.
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  2. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Hitchhiking across the country isnt for the weak-willed. Having a bisexual experience at the end of it, isnt either. It's a tale only few can tell and it's far more interesting than some fat slob who sits at their computer their whole life criticizing something like that while they gorge on cheese and watch price is right reruns all day.

    At any point during his 'adventure' he could have got on the phone and said 'ey papi, I need muchos pesos' and he could've been back home in his mommys bed within 24 hours.

    It's not a genuine working class adventure. It's a trust fund kid LARPing as a poor person.
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  3. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls Trolling is so easy

    He says, as a single tear falls down his face.
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  4. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Lol to have sex with women Grylls needs to bring them drugs.

    I believe that's called prostitution.
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  5. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood People used to think DC current would blow up their house. I'm not surprised most people hate or fear trannies because they are obviously the next step in human evolution

    Isn't what what Eddison said about AC? Not DC.
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  6. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein You miserable lonely niggas hate to see people in here who aren’t retarded & disgusting and you literally… crave my attention lmao

    But you’re outta luck lol

    *weekend activates*


    And yet here they both are, diagnosing me.

    Me thinks the faggots doth protest too much
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  7. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Wow he even copy pasted the synopsis. He couldn't even sum it up in a few words of his own.

    Maybe he should just get a bot to download and paste his opinions for him. It would free him up to do other things.
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  8. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I’m so happy I’m off today , I feel ya there.. it’s been going good and I’m staying safe as possible.. hope you are too …

    I shouldn't moan about work - sometimes it's nice to just appreciate what you have! I'm healthy, live in a safe warm place, I eat well, and have a lovely wife, I shouldn't be greedy with the universe!

    Enjoy your day off and take care of yourself.
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  9. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe

    What's sad truly sad was my thought process around it

    1. Obbe made a substantive post. I disagree, but he put some work and effort into this. Maybe I should engage him.
    2. Wait a minute, Obbe made a substantive post. Somethings not right here...
    3. *googles* oh FFS, it's just more reddit soy flowing through him like the empty intellectual vessel he is.

    Is your dying father as disappointed in you as I am?
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  10. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Ever hang out with these lefties? They're grimy.


    One of my old friends from high school is a hardcore lefty. He came and visited me once when I was a depressed socialist student loser.

    He shop-lifted some stuff, then did some dumpster diving and made felafel. He wore ripped clothes and skateboarded everywhere. He was a student in Australia, living in hostels. I was re-watching that 70s show because I was depressed out of my mind, and he ruined it for me by telling me how sexist it was (I cared at that point).

    His father was a doctor. His mother was also a doctor. They lived in the fanciest house I've been in to this day and had cleaners. He basically LARPed as what I was - a poor working class person - with his parents money as a backup, and became a hard core anarcho-communist.

    I'm pretty sure I earn more than him now. Sad.

    EDIT: Oh and I forgot to add. He was in an open relationship with a girl, then found out "it wasn't for him". Probably because she got extra dick and he didn't get extra pussy. What a patriarch, deep down.
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  11. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist I’m not dragging you anywhere.

    Great, that's good!

    Originally posted by Technologist I’m telling you you’re a piece of shit

    See I feel like this is what you might say to someone to drag them down.

    Originally posted by Technologist You’re in your 30s and still have no clue who you are, and cannot manage life around others. Figure it out dip shit.

    How am I not managing life?

    Areas could be improved, but I acknowledge it. Over all I feel like I'm doing pretty well, especially considering where I came from.

    But I'd be glad to listen to what you have to say. Quick bit of info before we begin - how old are you and what do you do for a living, again?
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  12. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting The othering isn't an accident, it's the whole point. Such ideologies are by their design exclusionary.

    The harsh truth is losers are naturally attracted to egalitarianism - it's a step up for them.

    Hence why techno is so perturbed when I say anything positive about myself, and wants to drag me down to her level.

    I like to lift others up, personally.
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  13. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    How's it been going candy? I'm working more hours, it reminded me of how crap working a lot is.

    Staying safe from corona-chan?
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  14. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist What a piece of shit you are. Why are you so nasty? You act like you’re better than others when in reality your an angry person that fits nowhere. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    It was our good friend Obbe who *insisted* on talking about families. I thought I might as well indulge him.

    Obbe starts it here:

    I graciously offer my condolences:

    Obbe can't let it go, and begins the psycho-analysis:

    Really I've been very patient.
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  15. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Conservatives, FFS. I already know the answer to this but: Where is your dignity?

    Southerners: Trump is a NY, coastal elite trust fund baby. Remember - the people you hate? He is pretty good at mocking Southern accents and wouldn't be caught dead in the presence of 99% of you.

    Alphà males: He tweets more than any 12-year old girl. He can't fire anyone face-to-face. He is incredibly thin-skinned - he can't handle any criticism. He's always a victim, whining incessantly every waking moment of his life. He can't walk down a ramp or drink a bottle of water, has never worked a hard day in his life, is afraid of germs, and thinks "exercise depletes your life battery." I bet Greta Thunberg could beat him in a fist fight.

    2A supporters: Does Trump give one. single. shit. about guns? Is there any evidence of him caring about guns or gun rights that wasn't in a political context? He threatened to take away guns without due process.. He keeps flip-flopping on stances and seems confused, probably because he can't relate to his supporters at all on the issue.

    The ultra-rich - When you take away the fact that he's catering to the rich with tax cuts and deregulation, you're reminded that the rich in NY hated Trump before he ran for office. He did not have a good reputation among the elite whatsoever before politics. He's cheated his whole life to get where he's at. He inherited $400 million in fraudulent money from his family. And even lost more money than any American for a decade. He's bankrupted countless businesses and his entire career is built on shitty branding with his name.

    Military: 5-time draft dodger. Shit on a Gold Star Family. Ridiculed veterans with PTSD. On a sitting Senator who was a decorated war hero and spent 6 years in a POW camp: "I like people who don't get caught." Avoids war memorials because it's raining. Has incessantly requested extravagant war parades, with seemingly no other goal but to boost his image. Shamed the National Security Council on live television. Provoked the resignation of Mattis, who has now called Trump a "threat to the Constitution." Calls dead soldiers "suckers" and "losers."

    Christians: The dude can't name a single bible verse. He doesn't go to church and just lazily repeats empty platitudes about God like a used-car salesman.

    Women: "Women, you have to treat them like shit." "Grab 'em by the pussy." "When you're famous, they let you do anything." He is a vicious sexual predator. 26 sexual assault claims (literally a new one today). Many with ample corroborating evidence, as well as DNA evidence by Jean. He cheated on all of his wives, including his third wife with a porn star while she was raising their newborn son.

    Qanon pedo conspiracy idiots: Trump bragged about barging into teenage locker rooms as they are undressing, is close friends with Epstein and Ghislaine and thinks highly of them, and is accused of raping a 13-year old.

    "Patriots": This guy bragged about himself on 9/11 and the Saudis are basically his homies.

    People who want the "swamp drained" and corruption out of politics: Trump has hired arsonists to the fire department in every aspect of government. DeVos, Mnuchin, Ross, Pruitt, Zinke, Bernhardt, Perry, Barr, etc. It's like the all-star cast of corruption. Completely unqualified billionaire friends with huge conflicts of interest that seek to enrich themselves. He has the biggest turnover of any President by humongous margins, and then after firing them, whines about people he hired every time.

    "Law and order party." The man has committed at least 10 felonies. Committed two felony finance violations, committed 5 felony OOJ charges, including trying to fire the person investigating him. Twice. Committed numerous instances of witness intimidation. Soliciting a foreign national, etc, etc. We haven't even seen his finances, which would not surprise me at all to include money laundering, tax/bank fraud, tax evasion. After promising to release his tax returns in 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, and claiming they were "under audit" for 3 years, he has now blocked and appealed them all the way to the Supreme Court.. Nothing to see there, right?

    Republicans - Ted Cruz in 2016: “Donald, you’re a sniveling coward” "Consistently disgraceful” “Nominating Donald Trump would be a train wreck” “Big government liberal”
    Lindsey Graham: “kook,” “crazy” and “unfit for office." My favorite: "If we elect Donald Trump, we will get destroyed. And we will deserve it."
    McCain was basically his arch-nemesis.
    The last two living Republican presidents, George Bush and George Sr., publicly opposed his presidency.
    There's a gigantic list of Republicans who opposed his presidency

    …Is all it takes in this country to get 42% support an anti-abortion stance and an R next to your name? Is Fox News and hyper-partisanship really this powerful?

    For the life of me, I can't think of someone further from the people that support him.

    How embarrassing it is to have been conned so hard. If only they knew.

    Can you please provide a source and use quotes when you copy paste stuff? Thanks
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  16. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks I'm kind of the worst accountabillibudy, I know.

    Don't let my actions discourage you.

    I'll go back to normal soon enough.

    Like I said, first time on the crystal in well over a year.

    I'm usually a good boy.

    I just want you to do well.

    I guess you look at my life and think it's fucking boring, idk. Might have a point there.

    Maybe there's a happy medium. Like not doing meth but doing more nature walks.
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  17. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    I'm praying for u fona
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  18. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor i suggest reddit

    now there's some fresh free thinkers, with a hint of edge. a bastion of rebellious intellects.
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  19. rabbitweed African Astronaut

    Wade Greyfox, seems to be associated with both Wasilla and Willow Alaska.

    Related to a James W Hummer, age 72, who lives in Wasilla Alaska and currently lives in Willow. Same name as the guy caught selling knives in that article I posted.

    Notably, it does not say Wade Greyfox is deceased.

    Let's track him down and bring him to NIS. Be advised - stalking old men is lols announced.
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  20. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL His original handle was MmmmQuestions.

    You have an incredible memory.

    Remember Euda? I used to think he was a cool dude. But then you talked to him more... and you realized he was sociopathic. That positivity thing was a mask.
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