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Posts by rabbitweed

  1. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker It means that in the US which has more mortgages than your shitty little excuse for a country you dolty old dolt.

    why the fuck would I be intimately familiar with US mortgages?
  2. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That is what fixed rate means you dolt, fixed rate for the duration of the loan/mortgage.

    That's not what it means here you stupid old man.
  3. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Its obviously a cat

    I'm sorry I've been thinking about

    a lot.

    Who are you gonna kiss?

    If you pick hikki you could prob take his virginity.
  4. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You have to work it sexually

    What's your pic Bill Krozby?
  5. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Homosexual pedophile detected

    You have to think strategically.
  6. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra Before we worry about anything like that we first need to establish what the purpose of the state is - my argument would be to serve and work to the benefit of its people, though that does not appear to be a popular perspective among the powers that be

    I quite liked 'Anatomy of the State'. Which was the hot Anarcho-capitalist take by Rothbard.

    The thing is he was pretty much 100% on the money, but I'm still not an Ancap.
  7. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Again, you continue to compare the western finger up the but hole with the chinese communist anal fisting.
  8. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra people die every day, and as far as that goes I'm more concerned with what's currently happening than what China *might* do in the future.

    I'd say Australia isn't really in a position to point fingers at China anyway, considering our history from woodchippering the Aborigines to supporting Suharto.

    I actually found it really amusing that the federal government openly accused China of using the COVID outbreak as an excuse to 'violate human rights' when the Victorian government was kicking in peoples' doors and arresting them for posting anti-mask stuff on facebook.

    Point is - the world is changing whether you like it or not. There are no good and bad guys, which is what most people seem to have such a hard time accepting. States and alliances don't stay in stasis forever, and all of them are so corrupt and dysgenic that I would never want them to be.

    I wouldn't want the world to continue slowly circling the drain forever just because the status quo lets me get fat and live to 90.

    So you're just bored of Pax Americana, and want China to go back to the last millenia and have vassal states not because you think anyones life will actually improve, but because why-not-lol?

    You are right. The world is changing whether I like it or not. And America cannot dominate the world forever. But China is not going to be the one to do it. Most overhyped regional power ever.
  9. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    IDK. Hikki has a younger face but I am much more confident that Speedy regularly brushes his teeth.
  10. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra What I'm asking is - how does this affect you? You talk as though you're under threat from China.

    I'm not particularly interested in the specifics of territorial disputes - they're not something I feel that external parties should be deeply involved in, especially since the US is keeping several of them unresolved because a resolution would benefit China.

    Do you really think it's that odd that I don't want hundreds of thousands of people killed? Probably including Vietnamese soldiers.

    I mean look I'm a bit of a dick but I don't wish mass murder on anyone. Which again, if you had your way is exactly what would happen.

    Not to mention the kind of pressure that could be exerted on countries like Australia if the PRC had access to all the Naval bases it wanted. We're under their thumb enough as it is.
  11. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bugz that is a simpler way of what I was saying. If you never used credit you probably don't have a FICO score and can't get a house loan unless you put down like 80% and willing to pay a huge interest on less than a 10 year loan when the average is 30 years.

    You need to have used credit cards for a while. Doesn't matter if you filed Chapter 7,11,13 etc you can build it back up with tricks in just two years.

    some people get credit card offers in months after a chapter 11

    Not really how it works here (people definitely buy houses without credit cards), but a good credit score would definitely help.
  12. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra They're not the same, but they're both failed ideologies. Capitalism has starved just as many people as communism, just when it happens it's attributed to 'market forces' rather than an ideology that strips everything down to a dollar value and cuts costs to the bone. This book has some interesting insights.

    All the 'capitalist' famines happened either in war time, or in the 19th century. Maos Famine happened in peace time, in the middle of the 20th century, and dwarfed everything that came before it. You know as well as I do that westerners in university are sympathetic to communism.

    Originally posted by aldra This really just seems to come down to opinion rather than any concrete reason. Outside of the regions where there are territorial disputes, what threat do you think China poses?

    Again you keep dismissing the territorial disputes as if they're not real. Or is it just a case that you don't care if people there die because deep down you're just an edgy teenager who wants America to lose? You're not being very clear. If you honestly believe the US should leave so the PRC can have a free hand making war on its neighbours, then just say so.

    Originally posted by aldra There has never been a communist state that wasn't completely under siege from international economic interests - as a result it's impossible to guage its practical effectiveness. This is not a defense of communism; it's end goal is impossible and completely against human nature and development, but capitalism's end state is not much different.

    The US intelligentsa desperately wanted the USSR to succeed and were some of its biggest backers. Post WWII the communist bloc was an international economic interest.
  13. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Wow the financial landscape in the US is completely different.

    Maybe these great rates rely on people going into debt, fucking it up, and paying the juicy rates.
  14. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Vinny sure does talk to me a lot, considering I almost never reply to him.

    Maybe he wants me. Gay.
  15. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    They're spoiled children, little emperors, the only children of only children. We're at two generations of one child policy.

    It's not the 1950s anymore, the PRC can't just throw them all at the meat grinder and have people just deal with it.
  16. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I've talked about this before - before Mao there were catastrophic famines every year. The year that he began his reforms was the most dire of them because the entire country's economy and production base were retooled, but there was never a serious famine after that point. Without his reforms they never could've industrialised.

    Western historians focus like a laser on that famine, disregarding the larger context - a lot of this comes from the fact that they only ever cite people that were upper- and middle-class who lost wealth and prestige, not the billions of peasants whose lives were improved immensely. That and the vested interest in denigrating competing economic ideologies.

    Mao killed more people than the war against Japan and the Civil War combined. It was notable that it happened in peacetime as well. The idea that you need a murderous famine in order to industrialize is straight communist propaganda - all of chinas neighours industrialized to a much greater extent with zero famine.

    Western historians are incredibly biased in favour of communism - hence why the holocaust is a much bigger deal than holodomor or the chinese great famine.

    Originally posted by aldra My father fought, but not for ideology or anything like that. Most people were swept into one side or the other based on where they lived. Even though he fought for the south he was well aware of the atrocities the US forces committed and was happy just to make it out alive.

    It's juvenile to look at the world as a conflict between communism and capitalism; both are ideologies that have killed millions through starvation, mismanagement, war and general cruelty and both are doomed to failure. It takes more than an economic ideology for a functional society.

    For all your talk of taking advantage of people 'less' than yourself I would've expected the underlying belief to be similar to my own but perhaps you're happy with just wealth and status or maybe you're just not there yet

    I think it's more juvenile to look at communism and capitalism and claim "whatever man they're all the saaaame". Ditto with looking at Red China in the pacific and the USA in the pacific. One is clearly a better alternative than the other, across the board, it's not even close. Doesn't mean that it's perfect, but it's so much better.

    As corrupt as the RVN was, if it had remained a separate state it would be twice the nation the North is. Just like East Germany/West Germany, North Korea/South Korea, and PRC/ROC. The latter were all corrupt shitholes in their own right, but so much better than the alternative.
  17. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe My family helped me out.

    That's great. I hope to be able to do this one day.
  18. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ajax Sure it is. Fixed rate means for the life of the loan.

    Could you give me a link for a 30 year fixed loan mortgage in your country?

    Banks here offer fixed rate for 3 years, max.
  19. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra Why do you think China cares about anything more than 'winning' at trade? Sure borders are contested, but they've always behaved as a kingdom rather than an empire.

    The borders are not only contested, they are pursuing their claims militarily. Why are you so dismissive of this?

    The US is literally reacting to Chinese expansionism.
  20. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra why do you believe this?


    Mao killed more people than Hitler and is still on their money.

    Aren't you a descendent of boat people? Kind of a vote against communism I would have thought.
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