I don't mean for gay reasons, like being black.
I mean crazy people. Say some crazy person is wandering around yelling and swearing and being annoying. Wouldn't society be better if societies first instinct wasn't to ignore them - but to beat them up? Imagine that. The whole street just stopped what they were doing, kicked the shit out of the crazy person, then went back to what they were doing. Can you imagine how much better our societies would be?
Civilization needs a bit of strength, or it's free pickings.
They're nothing at all like those shiftless Poles.
^ I'm convinced this guy is a white troll. Probably a woke "anti-fascist" tranny.
It's a lot of effort to shitpost this much.
Indians are real go-getters, I have to admire it. Of course the first generation are so third world and half assed. But second generation Indians are kicking ass in the west. I'd much rather deal with a second generation Indian than some complacent middle class whitey who hasn't been beaten into shape by immigrant parents.
Spectral hacked totse and made himself a mod. Then soon after that totse got shut down.
Spectral = totse killer
Tell me about your relationship with your mother
I'm still waiting on you to clean my house
I extended my canal all the way out the otherside to another river. to the left it just goes to a deadend, I'm hoping to the right it might go the sea
Yeah human beings do crazy as shit. Some human beings risk life and limb to emigrate from their shithole country and then give birth to ungrateful anchor baby who does nothing about complain about the people who built the nation he lives in. That's crazy AF!!!!
2020-04-21 at 11:34 PM UTC
Buying drugs gives me anxiety
Have you considered sobriety?
2020-04-21 at 9:10 AM UTC
New Yorkers plan Rent Strike
ITT: white poeple with no money or property gnashing their teeth at chinese and jedi landlords not getting rent for a few weeks
2020-04-20 at 9:13 PM UTC
New Yorkers plan Rent Strike
You are cucked as fuck if you think it's 'capitalism' for landlords to get subsidized from the state while tenants have to pay rent like usual. Under real capitalism absentee landlordism isn't a thing, because you can't have natural property rights over something you don't occupy.
Fake news, Canada doesn't have the 2nd amendment. Therefore no violent crime happens. You FASCIST
2020-04-20 at 3:22 AM UTC
Buying my first house?
lmao that house would be 20 times the price in NZ. not exagerating.