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I want to live in America so badly
2020-04-19 at 6:11 PM UTC
Originally posted by Wariat because maybe you dont cry racism every timr you gt in a fight with so,ebody or beat up right Bill Krozby? you dont start pulling raphael luciano tricks do you?
what kind of tricks are those? Idk, like as a kid i got picked on and into fights all the time, never really got my ass handed to be but eventually I got sick of it and definitely assaulted several kids before they even touched me because I didn't want them to do it again. -
2020-04-19 at 10:22 PM UTC
2020-04-19 at 10:26 PM UTC
2020-04-20 at 12:41 AM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Ah. So I guess the 'stealing our jobs' thing is out now, ruskie?
No no. You manage to do both by not reporting income and eluding taxes. Under the table labor drives down wages and allows you to still be on welfare.
Originally posted by Wariat America is great for women and minorities because they can alwqys claim metoo or hate crime anytime they act oit and someone checks them. hence why these dmeographics love it.
You can't whine about #metoo shit since you actually tried to molest a child. -
2020-04-20 at 12:49 AM UTCNothing I ever did or supposedly attempted as you say was against the will unlike virtually every sex crime there is on the books. It would be as benign as what you see happening every day a teen girl goes to the mall alone or with her friend.
2020-04-20 at 12:51 AM UTC
Originally posted by D4NG0 No no. You manage to do both by not reporting income and eluding taxes. Under the table labor drives down wages and allows you to still be on welfare.
You can't whine about #metoo shit since you actually tried to molest a child.
Not a thing.
Also you cant get welfare without a social security number. Which illegal immigrants can't get. Its pure propaganda to believe you can. You COULD do fraud i guess to get benefits but most illegal Mexicans can't use a computer so -
2020-04-20 at 12:52 AM UTC
2020-04-20 at 12:55 AM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Not a thing.
Also you cant get welfare without a social security number. Which illegal immigrants can't get. Its pure propaganda to believe you can. You COULD do fraud i guess to get benefits but most illegal Mexicans can't use a computer so
SSN fraud is rampant. Anchor babies are, too.
Also, I don't think I specified 'illegal' immigrants. Legal Mexican immigrants create problems as well and can GTFO. -
2020-04-20 at 1:04 AM UTC
Originally posted by D4NG0 SSN fraud is rampant. Anchor babies are, too.
Also, I don't think I specified 'illegal' immigrants. Legal Mexican immigrants create problems as well and can GTFO.
Source on rampant SSN fraud by immigrants?
Mexicans own this land. You can get the fuck out and go back to your continent. Take Tommy with you. -
2020-04-20 at 1:09 AM UTC
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Source on rampant SSN fraud by immigrants?
Mexicans own this land. You can get the fuck out and go back to your continent. Take Tommy with you.
Probably, but I'm lazy.
Mexicans don't own shit. You lived in Central America for centuries and never moved beyond human sacrifce or bothered to put the wheel to use. The Spaniards and Portugese are the only good things that have ever happened to your sorry race. It's a shame they interbred and didn't just wipe you out. -
2020-04-20 at 1:13 AM UTCSSN Fraud:
Fucking sourced.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-04-20 at 1:19 AM UTCThe user called
Originally posted by D4NG0 SSN Fraud:
Fucking sourced.
Alright, I'm illegally immigrating. Can I get a job at a big tech company with just an SSN? -
2020-04-20 at 1:26 AM UTC
2020-04-20 at 1:46 AM UTC
Originally posted by D4NG0 Just get and HB-2 visa or whatever the fuck they're handing out to Indians.
Yeah I guess I don't want to live in the US that badly if I am holding out for a green card, not an H1B. H1Bs are employer sponsored, meaning they know they have you by the balls to an extent (changing employers is a PITA). -
2020-04-20 at 1:53 AM UTC
2020-04-20 at 1:57 AM UTC
Originally posted by D4NG0 Probably, but I'm lazy.
Mexicans don't own shit. You lived in Central America for centuries and never moved beyond human sacrifce or bothered to put the wheel to use. The Spaniards and Portugese are the only good things that have ever happened to your sorry race. It's a shame they interbred and didn't just wipe you out.
Pretty sure mexico was in mezo America and north America u tard -
2020-04-20 at 2:18 AM UTC
2020-04-20 at 2:20 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-04-20 at 2:31 AM UTCrabbitweed you can just have my old SSN if you wanna come over and work and chill just take my extra one
2020-04-20 at 2:39 AM UTC
Originally posted by D4NG0 SSN Fraud:
Fucking sourced.
Notice how these numbers are obtained by an 'immigrant reform group'
Also you literally linked three tabloids lol. None of those sources are credible and none of them link to any IRS sources.