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Posts by rabbitweed

  1. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Zero proof. I posted something from the internet archive that showed when I was a member. You have nothing at all.

    And what the fuck bothers you so much about him calling his tranny partner a 'she'? who fucking cares.
  2. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    What's a website you like the look of?
  3. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood that tranny has been on the internet shit posting longer than you

    You two are so romantic
  4. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    It's odd. Every time I try and treat women the same way I would a close male friend - respecting them, their intelligence, giving weight to what they say, etc etc - it always goes horribly. But if you treat them more like misbehaving children, it goes much better. They seem to thrive when given boundaries, yet they always want to test you and push them.

    Why is that? And why is this not more widely recognized? Polite society would say I'm a monster for talking like this. But it's true.
  5. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat lol he has his own business… nazi salute and memobriloia online ecommerce business. lol.

    Nah I actually draw really awful art - looks like something a child would do - then try and sell it to people.
  6. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Soi has been on totse since at least 2008. I stayed with him in Ireland late 2008/early 2009 I think.
  7. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Taipei and Singapore both look good - but while these people can build peaceful, business friendly societies, they suck at building comfortable apartments. Plus Singapore in particular is really expensive.

    Brisbane is much cheaper than here, but it's swirling down the same western shit hole NZ is, just a bit closer to the rim.
  8. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    It's such a PITA dealing with incompetent property managers and landlords. But at the same time - I hate the idea of not being able to pack up and GTFO if local conditions turn to shit.

    Really need a long term plan.
  9. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy How do I do it?

    Therein lies the problem...
  10. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    What in the fuck is wrong with you? A 'backup' girlfriend? How pathetic and insecure are you that you can't stand the thought of being alone for a few months?

    This shit will blow up in your face. You're not exactly slick about your PI. Sort yourself out.
  11. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy OP, that is a $3 game. Do you want me to buy it for you to watch me play it?

    I'd watch the fuck out of a fonaplats stream or lets play.
  12. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Yeah I like them. I really can't be fucked playing video games so much myself anymore. I do hate how so many of them yell and scream and shit into their microphone - I guess it's for a younger audience. My wife heard me watching Dream doing one of his manhunt challenges thing, and said they sound like girls.
  13. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    I know I am going to regret trying to talk to you like a human being, but...

    ... why don't you just dump the other girl you aren't into?
  14. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    You're a 30 year old virgin with no income who stays at home all day jerking it to CP.

    Sorry I can't be on your level I guess.
  15. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Are you literally talking to yourself?
  16. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    I have my own business (early days yet, but it pays the bills and then some). I have a lovely wife. I have prospects. Parents haven't paid my way since I was 17.

    I was raised by a single mother who was so fucked up that if she were 30 years younger and posted on totse, she'd be fucked up even by those standards.

    So I feel pretty proud of myself.
  17. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I was posting two years before you and my life was relatively decent aside for being a hikikomori at such a young age.

    Wait so you had a great family life and you still ended up like this?

    Fuck, I feel proud of myself now. I'm doing alright, and family is a fucking mess.
  18. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Joke's on you - my mothers a worthless whore!

    You think I'd be posting on totse in 2004 if I had a healthy familiy life?
  19. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Sober up and sort your life out
  20. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal 2004 is newfag tier.
    I waa on there in 2002, I am your superior.

    No proof; didn't happen

    Release the Tapes!
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