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Posts by The Earl of Sandwich

  1. Originally posted by Ghost the entire point of that was I could actually bump 20 threads with good replies because I got stim brain and i'm fast

    everyone else just spams FUCK A NIGGEEREE @@!!K!!KLWpO!WKPO!kopdk2opdk in 20 threqads LMAO FRONT PAGE FLUSH JUST LIKE RONALDO
    get fucked with that middle of the mall mentality
    go hard or don't go at all if you axe me. IT was NEVER a low effort spam shit all over the front page it was it was it was an art a drug fueled art.

    When you put in the work the words shine like a beacon and jeff hunter looks down and smiles and the google meth cook searcheeers will find us like field of dreams

    You don't take Cocaine.

    Kill yourself.
  2. I haven't got the energy to masturbate.
  3. Originally posted by Michael Myers I once had a discussion with an online, teenage female 'friend' of mine, some years ago. We were part of a group chat, but we also chatted in private. In a private conversation, I said "I don't care if teenage women date a 20 year old man." Then she said "Are you serious?" in disbelief. Then she felt the need to take it out to the group chat and said "MM, did you really say that it's ok for teenage women to date 20 year old men?" (Bitch move on her part) & I said "Yes, I do." Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for her, nobody chimed in to tell me I was wrong (or to tell her that she was right.) Then, a few weeks later, the same girl then tells me she is now in a relationship with someone who is 21. Frickin' hypocrite. I made sure to remind her of the earlier conversation we had and I called her a hypocrite. That's women, for ya.

    What a dumb bitch
  4. Irony is that Wariat has less luck trying to pull naive kids than he does people his own age.

    He has to be the world's dumbest paedophile.
  5. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Long after you kids are gone to a better place, I'll still be here.

  6. Your memes are fucking gay and not funny
  7. Originally posted by Wariat at a sausage fest or a gentleman’s club?

    Both are sausage fests
  8. Fresh air is the best drug yo
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Have you ever tried it?…rimming or being rimmed by a dog?

    Just imagine
  10. Man I feel bad in some ways for him but he did try to have a few people whacked that were hacking/ ripping him off. The conspiracy to murder charges will always ensure he never leaves Jail.
  11. Every time I see that picture Ross plastic?
  12. You should have Pig Horse on the T shirt, I would buy it.
  13. Shut the fuck up
  14. Originally posted by Wariat shes waaaay worse than me man she literslly was non srop with both finegrs or hands ryping like a man,an for an hour strsight. i take breaks after a minute or so typing to you guys.

    You must have hands like salad fingers typing away on that iPad all day
  15. Originally posted by Wariat what happened to this generarion?

    You should be concerned about your own generation.
  16. That book series sounds utter wank.
  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why do folk always try and make it personal when they have no valid counter argument.

    Typical Sudo behaviour 🧐
  18. A story about a cuck bridge builder.

    No thanks.

    What did you go to jail for?
  19. Ewwww shitty panties
  20. Originally posted by Ghost HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW

    When you try to fit in posting a car related meme and you don't drive.

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