2020-08-31 at 3:57 AM UTC
Antifa shot dead
A Trump convoy was shot at in LA today.
“It’s kind of surreal,” Johnson, 23, said. In liberal California, she had “never met a Trump supporter.”
This is bordering on parody. Im sure its that youve never met a conservative, and not the fact that the left are such rabid fascists now that no one with a right leaning opinion dares open their mouth in blue states.
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Originally posted by Sudo
this is the best news I've seen for the trump campaign in a bit in terms of polls
The same thing happned in 16 but this time it's even more. There are many who voted Hillary and Obama who are now "secretly in the Trum camp. When all of your friends and family are crazy enought ot vote for Biden you would probably be thrown out of the house if they knew you supported Trump.
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Alan What?
[annoy my right-angled speediness]
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2020-08-28 at 1:29 AM UTC
Antifa shot dead
JIDF Controlled Opposition
Originally posted by Speedy Parker
I'm good with the rights in the constitution. If that were followed faithfully this country would be fantastic.
As the saying goes, rights are worthless if you can't defend them.
'human rights' in general are upheld very selectively and typically only used to attack the legitimacy of geopolitical rivals rather than actually protecting anyone
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Not sure how others can paint a different picture of how an individual feels.
Guy "I'm hungry"
Spectators "no you're not".
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Originally posted by Obbe
The GOP's months-long effort to paint Biden as doddering and senile backfired massively with his solid DNC speech:
I don't care what Aldra says, they have something that they give these old fuckers to keep them hopping around for a few hours at a time at least. It's knocks them flat on their ass once it wears off though.
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It's classic internet trolling, it's what normies get for invading the internet REEEEEE
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[defy my laboured wrester]
Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting
Opiates, underemployment, suicide, NEETism, etc?
These may or may not disproportionately affect white people, but that doesn't mean solutions should be racial.
There are black people who are suffering from opiate addiction just as much as a white addict. Solutions shouldn't be "Here is X amount of resources to aid white addicts", it should be "Here is X amount of resources to aid the most vulnerable". If that latter group is majority white, so be it.
This is why reparations are nonsense as a concept. The second you give money to people based on skin colour you can bet your ass people will find poor white kids in trailer trash parks who have just as little opportunity as any black ghetto kid. "Look they don't care about this child because they're white". Easy optics win.
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African Astronaut
[the overexcited four-footed chanar]
Voting should be physically painful or cost 200 dollars.
A free vote? Whats next free food? Free money?
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Imagine if these people spent half as much time fact checking the mass media as they do Trump.
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Why is it ok for a presidential candidate to sexually discriminate by not only stating up front he was going to pick a woman but then actually doing it.
Last time I checked Sexual discrimination in the work place is a big no no...yet the media isn't talking about that fact.
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Alan What?
[annoy my right-angled speediness]
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Accused and convicted are two different things. Ask trumpy pants.
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JIDF Controlled Opposition
it's funny, some of the loudest anti-trumpers are feminists and the black lives matter crowd
and to get rid of him, they have to vote for someone accused of sexual assault and the worst kind of career cop
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Black Hole
[my hereto riemannian peach]
He might've fucked up with that one. She's a big time Aunt Jemima (female uncle tom) who's seriously unlikable. I can't even imagine them on the same stage, but at least she's a better speaker who probably doesn't sniff children
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Biden didn't pick anybody. Kamala was picked for him. I doubt he even knows who she is.
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2020-08-11 at 12:13 AM UTC
anti racism is racism
Originally posted by rabbitweed
That's not a conspiracy theory, though I've heard many progressives try and say that it is.
I've known some of them. They'd act like it was a crazy theory one minute, then talk about how great it was that it was happening the next.
The ability to believe two contradictory things simultaneously isn't just something Orwell pulled out of his ass.
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Originally posted by Splam
Same definition as a successful animal species, or that of a successful disease. Spread and conquer.
so you mean niggers are successful.
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2020-08-08 at 1:29 PM UTC
Counterfeiting Stamps
If you want to send a letter for free just switch the return address and the destination address and don't put a stamp on it. Drop it in the box at the P.O. It will show up where it needs to go with postage due, which they never collect.
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Friends don't let friends buy software.
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