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Posts That Were Thanked by netstat

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Jesus is king His face has that kind of downs syndrome look except without the asiatic features


    is downs for asians only?
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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by netstat hunting would be more interesting if instead of fat fucks with powerful and accurate rifles camping in a tree house waiting to ambush a deer it was people with bows and arrows and kives and spears going hand to hand with giant beasts like the old days

    I never understood how 'sport' hunters take pride in killing things that have no chance of ever fighting back

    sometimes I try to think up ways to arm up wild animals to give them a chance, like maybe an automatic turret on the head of a giraffe or an LRAD panel that blasts hunters with an ear-shattering screech
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  3. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    The camera was planted there, more a prop really. The whole thing is just engineered, nashville doesn't even exist.
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  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by netstat he should have used a large amount of annm/anfo like mcveigh

    Typical mass shooting, bombing event.

    Dude with big bomb, big guns with extendo clips and heat seeking bullets that can go through walls and the guys fires two rounds, the gun jams, he throws the bomb into an empty field and then gives himself up to mall security guard with a taser.

    Every fucking time.

    All these mass shooters bring like 40 drum mags and then they reload after firing a few shots.

    It can't be that fucking hard to kill a bunch of people like god damn what the fuck
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bugz something has to be out there. I just got tired of people being so close minded. I'm not looking to invite these fuckers here. it never turns into a good thing if there was a colonization of different beings.

    the problem is it's very difficult to strike a balance on open-mindedness, being too eager to believe in anything is just as likely to blind you as refusing to believe any 'conspiracy theory'.

    with most people it seems to be all or nothing though, like AA/NA over simple moderation
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  6. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Sudo wow I just googled this and didn't know they had a bill to remedy those who lost status maternally through marriage, I was under the belief there were still many who didn't have status because of this. Stay focused because people will be quick to paint you with their brush so just huff the paint when their back is turned

    i prefer to huff gas, keepin da culture aliuve thank u very much
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  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Jesus is king You're going to die of lung cancer

    You’re going to die of poverty and no one being able to tolerate your ass for more than 5 minutes. And you’re going to do it well before lung cancer kills me
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  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    no it doesn't. Why do you lie about every single thing?
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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    Originally posted by filtration I'm gonna slit both her and her dogs throat… I must and will protect this soul… I shall make this little one superior, antithesis to the jedi.

    i've got a dead-nigger storage lot if you're interested
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  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    may you fuck all of your step siblings and recieve no consequences
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  12. Originally posted by stl1 Yeah, I'm askeered.

    You do realize that people shoot back, don't you?

    You've been shooting blanks for years old man...that black daughter you have wasn't a genetic throwback...
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    posting in a US thread
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by RottenRobert Imagine a meth head on Viagra ripping that pussy apart

    part of the justification for US bombing the motherfuck out of Libya was rumours that Ghaddafi was arming 'rape squads' with viagra and sending them after 'rebels'
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  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by rabbitweed You don't find it at all suspicious that trump was winning everywhere, then they counted all these ballots, that were enough to turn the election in multiple key states?

    Come on if that happened in a "flawed democracy" you would immediately see it for what it was.

    You really said "don't you find it all suspicious" which is basically the most dubious way to start a statement involving an election in the worlds most powerful democracy that everyone watched and no one was surprised about besides people who don't know how democracy works? There is literally more concrete proof there is that the world is flat than the subject of your "don't you find it suspcisidiscnsidfnskdfsd?" QUEERy. Fucking stupid people believe stupid things because they "feel" it gosh darnit. There is literally nothing that offers any proof otherwise. A couple ballets got lost on a mailtruck somewhere in who cares land. The

    Trump campaign literally tried and failed to coordinate with Russia because they were too stupid. The democrats, state legislators, senators, pollers, election officials of both parties weren't involved in a massive cohesive conspiracy dubbed Operation: "MAKE WHAT IS OBVIOUSLY GOING TO HAPPEN ANYWAY HAPPEN." There was not a huge cross country conspiracy to stifle trump votes and make millions of fake ballots to distribute equally in key places across the country. That's a dumb conspiracy. Just dumb. Anyone who believes it is dumb. I have dumb Qanon type friends and they don't even believe it after watching youtube videos.

    Shame on you for believing a coping strategy for a narcissist's fragile ego. It's OK, that man is gone now, the healing can begin
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  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    How did trump win by getting fewer votes lol. I can see the American public school system is still turning out some great mathematicians
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  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Who would have thought Zanick would be giving sound advice in the best interests of children he does not know? I'll help you hide a body anytime good sir
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  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra almost makes me want to create an account and claim to be the rapist, back to finish the job

    We could DOX her and subtly let her know you know where she lives, what she does, and who she is with all the time. To really sell the ass blast from the past.
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  19. Her husband sounds like a cuck.
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  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Sudo You ever heard the saying "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? Why wouldn't I want to keep tabs on someone that has held me against my will, assaulted me, raped me, and nearly killed me? Someone who's cheated on me, financially abused me, and destroyed my personal belongings? Don't you obsess about the things you truly fear? The things that could really destroy you? Maybe that's just me and my anxious personality. This is someone who has left me in their bed to go fuck someone else, someone who has forced me to suck their dick even after I've yelled no, cried, and bit their dick multiple times, someone who's pulled fistfuls of hair out of my head on several occasions. Someone who got my laptop stolen because they invited a streetwalker in to smoke speed. Someone who sold my childhood GameBoy Color for drug money. Someone who has rubbed my own vomit in my face. Someone who's thrown my cell phone under a running faucet when I called the police because I was being attacked. Someone who has bit me, choked me, spanked me, and spit on me in a very aggressive, extreme, non-sexual way. He's a sociopath. There's no remorse for the things he's done. There's no concept of shame or doing wrong. He's a soulless vessel operating off of negative energy, chemicals, and lies. There's more wrong than there's right. There's more myth than truth. That's what he feeds on; the abundant source of darkness. When you've encountered something like that, when you've been intimate with something like that, it's a little hard to forget.

    Best Bill Krozby thread ever
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