Originally posted by aldra
they've obviously been steering the movement toward that end, but I think it was mostly organic to start with. This whole wave of 'populism' (ie. popular rule, as opposed to being ruled over by people who at the very least do not care about you at all) came as a result of people seeking an alternative to the status quo… People sick of austerity, forced immigration, crumbling infrastructure, endless war, utterly reprehensible 'leaders' like Hillary etc. Most people didn't vote Trump because they liked Trump, they voted him because he represented something different and yeah, both Trump and they got collectively F'd in the A in that regard.
Point is it doesn't make sense that this whole movement was cooked up as some sort of false flag or controlled opposition simply to justify a krekkdown
thats the thing with these manipulative narcissistic aristocracy: they have the means, wherewithal, and motivation to keep the proles firmly under their thumb using various schemes otherwise they know their whole fantasy land will come crashing down around them. or more accurately burned out from under them while theyre snuggly inthe middle of it. for example, the first thing the french proles did in their le'revolution® was raid the largest weapons depot to arm themselves. pitch-fed torches and wooden-handled farm implements dont work out so well against swords, shields, and fortified castles. that is a lesson learned and the motivation for gun confiscation in all countries.
the aristocracy gives out just enough freedom and illusion of choice to keep the proles from revolting. that is the whole reason the middle class was invented: the old-school aristocracy realized they needed another layer of cushion between their level of wealth and means and the impoverished. the poor have the fantasy of movin'on up (jeffersons theme) out of poverty into that nice ranch house in the 'burbs with the schools that dont have armed guards and metal detectors at the entrance. the new-school aristocracy forgot the lesson learned and now theyre taking away the wealth that the middle class absorbed (at the aristocracy's expense) to line their own purses.
viva le'revolution®
kill whitey!