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Posts That Were Thanked by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Even lala was a pretty shit poster when you guys all came over.. Go back and look, it's like 200 posts of Donttellem style "lol" and "smh" until it gets better. I made a thread about you guys being boring back then and that seemed to get the ball rolling pretty good actually.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by DietPiano stop

    Weed helps me sleepI might have to start eating it at night now that I'm off serryquel and can't sleep anymore. I don't want to but it actually works and it doesn't make me feel hungover in the morning. I'm using up what I have within a few days though so that I'm not tempted to use any it closer to my drug test. I'm getting confirmed diabeetus so I have to stop.

    i hope you die
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  3. Technologist victim of incest
    Just got home from my work Christmas party and I’m drunk!!! I’m going to bed. Nighty night💋
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    This is a rare photo of a 4 foot 11.6 inch domestic house-cat dancing with it's Owner of 6 feet tall.

    This photo was taken just 3 months before eating it's owner. it was said that the owner suffered a bad cold and was bed ridden for 10 days yet forgot or was too weak to feed his cat.

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  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Sophie Gay.

    ^ Child molester
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  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Sudo falcon was held down and stuffed like a stocking every year by his large bearded uncle before he would cover himself in gravy and cranberry sauce and force him to lick it off

    Shut the fuck up phoney tryhard faggot
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  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Period Blood We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

    Ok coward
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  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    These "Christmas cards" are shit and worthless, people are just Thanking because they like seeing their username in it.
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  9. If you told a priest any of these wild conspiracy religion interpretations you have they would school your ass.

    This is what happens when you get all your bible knowledge from youtube conspiracy nuts.
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  10. I think you're just making this up, sounds pretty nutty to me.

    You just use your misinterpretations to justify hate and that is the WORK OF THE DEVIL
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  11. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Don't speak to me unless I address you by name.

    Did I address you? Don't address me! I said don't address me.
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  12. God wasn't gonna destroy them. It wasn't until they tried to rape angels that he said "enough is enough"

    He was going to spare the city but they crossed the line trying to rape angels. Sinners can be saved but sometimes they can't, like when they try to group rape an angel.

    Hateful people like you were the first ones to die. Don't try and pretend you wouldn't be helping the crowd
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I asked you if you know where FIT goes. There are tons of federal taxes collected that are not FIT. The tax cuts only pertain to FIT. So once more do you know where FIT does?

    You don't even clearly know who you asked or who you're talking to lol. Bitch you don't hold some secret as to where federal tax dollars go. Lay it down, Spectral.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Rrr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I turned into the internet on MXE once. It was wild. Later I became a satellite signal ghost and flew around my house and neighborhood, then got back in my body SUPER CONFUSED because I was sharing it with a helicopter which slowly became the worst hangover I've ever experienced from any drug. I actually tried to fly/jump out of bed and collapsed on the floor.

    I took like 300mg. Spent the hangover lying on the floor, sipping soup, and being mesmerized by FLCL. I lost half my brain cells that night. It's on erowid somewhere.

    I was able to imagine you imagining this really vividly and I think a part of your trip just became unearthed in mine. I know what its like to be a mexican cyberelectric ghost now
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    jesus christ, comparing the taste of 4loko to cough syrup

    that's a whole new level of degeneracy
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  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I'm gonna submit a pull that only allows you to open the admin control panel if you pass a breathalyzer tezt

    nigga you aint never gonna have an active mod, admin, janitor, maid, or you crusty ass mom to clean up your little shit piles never again if you do that. Now nigga do that sound like any kinda way to live to you?
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  17. being an artist, that is, someone who conveys the supreme quality of the esthetic image as itis first conceived in their mind, is not a choice. i view anyone who has a compulsion or otherwise spends a ridiculous amount of time creating something that will convey an intense emotion or memory, or something that will help people in some way as an artist. these people are either born with this trait or something happens to you to make you anxious and weird and sometimes mean and angry and sad and anxious and sleep and they make you stick knives and needles in your arms. but not all angsty weird people are artists either, some of them are just junkies. those kinds of people are usually content just doing their drug of choice and then doing something really dumb people do like watch family guy for 12 hours or just keep talking and never shut up and nothing makes sense.

    there aren't many happy artists though, most of them are impostors and their art fucking sucks. anyway, this girl i work with is a total fucking normie, but since it's the "popular" thing to do with her younger crowd she goes to festivals and "drops acid" (like half a tab) or "does mushrooms" (1.2 g) and she dresses up in elaborate costumes for these festivals and stuff and dresses kind of eccentrically and is one of those people that like always puts their hand on you unnecessarily when they talk to you. plus she drinks alcohol and smokes weed so today i was high at work and for some reason we were talking and i called her a fucking normie and she got pissed and was like I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT but it's true. i can see into her future, 5 years from now she will be happily married with some faggot living at the top of yuppie hill in goddamn downtown, married and drug free and only has friends over for i called her a fucking normie again and she called me a weirdo and i was like well look at my name lol.

    but all this leads me back to the point. there is something special about an artists life or conscious, it is unique, different to most people who only seem to consume, and that quality is fuckin golden. its worth more than ANYTHING. worth more than sex, worth more than being rich, worth more than showing off to your fancy fake friends, worth more than having 200 african kids on another continent working for your comfort while you fuckin rack up money at the mall. while you are being shown what to consume and how to feel about it, the artist is continuously perturbed and anxious. it may take them many decades of suffering and practice before they finally (if they ever do) discover their method of bringing new art to the world.

    people can also transition in and out of this state. factors like health and substance use can effect it dramatically and unpredictably.
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  18. I'm gonna submit a pull that only allows you to open the admin control panel if you pass a breathalyzer tezt
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  19. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Post your home address if you are a real emo you fake poser bitch

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