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Posts by Lucrimosa

  1. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    I hope for nothing but happiness for you and your wife, T2
  2. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Bring back feudalism.
  3. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo I am very immature and a fucking idiot
  4. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
  5. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Op has a 15 inch vertical
  6. Lucrimosa African Astronaut

  7. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    I was in the car 8 effin hours
    It's all good doe, I got simp codes
  8. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    I'd whip your ass like a senile rock.
  9. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Oh, and you're projecting. You literally have my face as your avi, indicating you're too insecure in your own skin.

    You want to wear a people suit because you are literally a loser and you know it. You didn't start playing runescape til 2013! I started in 2004, and, Bradley, your level is higher than mine. You aren't tapped into the curve, or else you'd obviously know the code. You a cuck
  10. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    And you look at yourself in the mirror too much
  11. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    I can tell you drive an automatic like a npc
  12. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Your cock looks like a spam can
  13. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley No one asked you fuckin rapist

  14. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    When I was, a young boy, my father took me into the city... Psyche nah I'm just playin lol

    But when I was a teen, I took my first trip to New york city and I was like damn, it sure is warm in this bitch. I went to this "business type" mall and the first thing I bought was Godiva chocolates from this store across the street from ground zero. Went outside and there was a food truck playing that "booty booty booty rocking everywhere" song and I was astounded. Anneh way, then we looked at ground zero, and I seen big ol trucks driving in a deep dirt pit.

    We did lots. We were going to go on the Today show but got caught in traffic. All type of stuff. We went to timesquare where I shoplifted various lighters. I shoplifted the whole trip cause I'm a goon. Gud damn we went to the empire state building where I stole a pen. We drove by trump tower where by on the way out of town through the tunnel. Fuckin we went to the museum of natural history and I had my laser pointer and I got in trouble for shining at the cases. We went to uss jfk we went to the mall on the pier and looked at brooklyn. We went to mars 3000 we went to central park, we saw the jehovas witness headquarters we went to china town and ate chicken feet.

    Then I came back 10 years with my dad in the dead ass middle of summer. We rode the metro rail in. There was this Italian girl on the train. We had a full ticket to town, I was like "dad, come on- let's ride to grand central station" he was like no, we're getting off in Harlem. We got off in harlem and I made sure to take one step at a time and held on to the banister so I didn't wind up in the psyche ward. My dad got a haircut first thing lol. He went to this barber shop called levels where he got his hair cut by quite the little big mouth. Dad told me to come inside the barber shop so I wouldn't get shivved. After that we went to the department store and obtained brick a brick. We went to shake shop and ate we walked by the projects. Lol we seen multiple overdoses. Fuckin, uhh, we went to the park and watched the bache. After we were ready to bounce, we got on the train and rode back to the truck. We drove back to camp and went to bed. Something about that night at the tent it got dead silent. I was like wtf. I turned over and slept in my queen size bed that was in our teepee. The next day we packed up the tent and quickly drove home.
  15. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley meanwhile i'm gettin ga cadillac

    Radiator ain't been flushed since 2001
  16. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Get a job ol' suck ass fuck ass duck ass nigga

    You be on omegle talkin to isis talking about "oh bro I understand"
  17. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Yo hairline recede farther than a southerner in charleston trying to call himself a blue jacket
  18. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Nigger you are a predator
  19. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Harassoen nigga
  20. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    You that nigga with that archaeopteryx chain.
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