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Posts by 8stringflinG

  1. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You're a fucking retard

    Lol you're just mad because I'm younger and got promoted higher than you ever could dream of
  2. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I think I banned you on Zoklet once, during The Purge.

    No you didn't that was blah
  3. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Itt faggots that don't know anything about texas

    Itt: Bill Krozby getting ripped off by his boss and working below min wage but doesn't have the balls to stand up for what is legal and just
  4. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Aldra has never touched another man's penis.

    He blocks out the memory
  5. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I just wanna build I don't care about all your drama.

    I just wanted to play a Minecraft server with a bunch of people :(

    This is just like when my parents took me to Disneyland and spent the entire time fighting

    Cmon your parents never took you to Disneyland
  6. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I'm crying false advertising. I want a real Impossible Burger that doesn't exist.

    Alright I'll ship one to you for $50usd plus $10usd for international shipping
  7. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL So you're the notorious §m£ÂgØL.

    Fucking retard, yes.
  8. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Nah fool I can make more money doing tips. You obviously didn't read what I posted you nugger

    I'm talking about minimum wage you retard

    If you work two 8hr shifts you should be making 105 not 80. Even at these tipping jobs your income needs to be above minimum wage by federal law. You can't legally make less (including the tips) and if you're making a measly 80 for two days you need to bring that up to your boss.
  9. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL There's no such thing as a nigger. There's just people. People who are all the same.

    There are people: the blacks, the indians, the chinese, etc.

    Then there are the niggers: the niggers, the whites

    Then above all else are god tier Mexicans but only those of Aztec origin like myself
  10. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Are you forgetting that many people here know what you look like?

    You don't know lmao. I'm 6ft and in great physical shape. Meanwhile you look like a stroke victim

    Originally posted by Misguided Russian There was nothing to remember you spic faced faggot, I was wearing a ski mask.

    Hiding your ugly face? I dont remember that
  11. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I've even seen counterfeit bills coming out of big bank ATMs. They're all over in circulation, but many go undetected.

    I bet the machines can't really tell if its a good fake
  12. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Minimum wage is $14/hr here, and going up to $15/hr next month.

    Thats in Canadian bux tho. About 11.30usd. Cost of living is also higher in Canada and you pay more in taxes.

    Still pretty good tho
  13. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL If it's Impossible, how could it even be there?

    SpectraL having trouble grasping the concept
  14. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo you can go do what you want. you'll be in prison for them counterfeit bills and you'll be gettin fucked in the ass

    I don't have 'bookies' in my neighborhood because i dont live in the ghetto.
  15. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo just cause your jedi sister got raped by brock turner ass frat boys during her expetimental phase don't mean everyones sister gets raped.

    Dont have a sister. Try again.
  16. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian Yeah you ran away when I "used real shit" when talking about how you even look like a faggot.

    I would feel bad for you if you were not a gay; it must be difficult to be so small, dumb, and bad looking. Fuck you faggot.

    Yeah, I don't remember you.

    Also I'm 6ft and muscular as hell lmao. Been complimented by random women all my life on my looks. Old and young.

    You probably look like a slav and your wife is probably even worse a beast. I've seen your sausage hands. Those are the hands of a fat slav.
  17. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Minimum wage is like 6.50 in tx but if you work a job with tips minimum wage doesn't come into play.

    It does if you make under minimum wage. Then your employer has to bring your pay up to that.

    Also jesus christ 6.50 is low. Conservatives fucking you hard. Rent is about the same here but minimum wage is 9/h.

    Still not livable.

    Vote bernie Sanders and get a liveable 15/h wage. Its what he pays his employees.
  18. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo I know niggas bet on sports and shit a lot but these bookies are paying niggas in conterfeit bills, niggas get arrested and the law punishes whoever tried using them fake bills

    Only in your nigger hood
  19. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian Your whore of a mother would miss me for one. She knows this snow nigger dick and the way it fills her up.

    I doubt the guys you suck off on the daily would miss you all that much.

    You little fruity faggot cocksucker, you remember that time you ran away from me in tinychat, fruitcake?

    Lol i like how I use real shit and you need to jump into the fictional because it offends you so much.

    I don't remember 'running away' from you in tinychat. I dont think I've EVER even seen you in there. You must not have been noteworthy.
  20. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo sdfu my cousin got raped in california prolly where you are from… you'd be dead if you even knew that nigga

    I do know that nigga and he has a BIG salami

    Your sister got stretched wide my dude
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