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Posts by 8stringflinG

  1. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Your question is a meaningless personal attack because you lack facts

    I know you're simpleminded but that doesn't mean real life is as simple
  2. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra lolbriety

    doesn't he post about smoking weed and drinking regularly

  3. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Not to mention that aluminium will vaporize at 2470F just about the time steel start to pour.

    You've never taken a physics class, have you?
  4. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Op gladly sells his shit pussy for Snickers bars and honey buns on the reg when locked up because he enjoys being a bitch whore

    I've never been locked up and never will be because I'm an angel :)
  5. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 8stringflinG Would be nice if you had a source for this other than your own asshole. But I know you can't provide one.
  6. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. Just maybe. But I catch & release…
    If u know what I'm saying. ;)

    That sounds really predatory and I think I need an adult

  7. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Each state holds governmental jurisdiction over a defined geographic territory, and shares its sovereignty with the United States federal government. According to numerous decisions of the United States Supreme Court, the 50 individual states and the United States as a whole are each sovereign jurisdictions.

    I bet you believe all that sovereign citizen bullshit too.

    If what you were saying were true, federal law wouldn't matter. But obviously, it matters greatly. Because federal law trumps state law in most instances.

    You are like a race horse, running towards its death with blinders on. Can't see the cliff on the side so it stumbles off. But no biggie, there are other horses watching FOX at home.
  8. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Happy birthday
  9. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Right, like each ot ur profiles. Ur mentally deranged. It's really weird

    Candyrein is a nigger and you are too
  10. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Try following the adults and maybe you learn something. I have already stated quite clearly that Sanders had to reduce the size of his staff by 25% in order to keep his payroll costs at the same level it had been before the raise. That means they negotiated to get 1 in 4 of them unemployed. Get it yet ya dumb cunt?

    Oh sorry you were spewing so much bullshit it was difficult to recognize.

    Would be nice if you had a source for this other than your own asshole. But I know you can't provide one.
  11. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You have been poorly educated and well indoctrinated.

    Says the old man who supports a wannabe dictator
  12. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Check ur post history, bud lol ffs

  13. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    OP is a liar and a weakling
  14. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Agreed. U seem pretty worthless. U live some exaggerated make believe life on the internet, that only you doesn't see through as pathetic. I'm honestly worried for ur mental health & want to see u get help.

  15. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I get laid anytime I want Jr. But the fact that you brought it tells me you don't.

    Yeah no, I've seen your face. You're literally falling apart. You have at most another 30 years to live. Probably less. I can't wait until you'll dead. I'll be alive and voting long after :)
  16. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker A province and a state are not the same. A province owes its sovereignty to a central authority. With states the central authority owes it's sovereignty to the separate sovereign states joined in a federation agreed upon by all member states. To make is simple for your simple mind think of the US as 50 separate nations all working together within in a common agreed upon system of laws and not as one thing made up of 50 equal parts.

    Lmao that is the stupidest thing I've ever read, and I've read your other posts in here.

    Federal power always trumps state power. The states are not 'different countries.'

    I mean I've seen some mental gymnastics on this site but this is impressive
  17. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Random FACT.

    Donald Trump literally has taken cold showers his entire life because his skin cant even handle lukewarm water.

    hot water removes the spray tan
  18. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra telekinesis probably. there's no defence against that

    my penis brings all the boys to the yard

    and they're like

    its bettr than urs

    dam rite

    its betr than urs

    I could teach you but I'd have to charge
  19. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun Wait, which one?

    This one I stopped posting on it earlier today.
  20. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Like I said little boy. Your a pussy who is full of shit.

    Says a wrinkled old man with a wrinkled old dick who has neither pussy nor shit to stick his dick in.
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