And yet, they choose not to.
Every planet in the solar system will be mined. Helium is a scarcity on Earth and we use it for balloons.
Mars is more feasible nigga. You think you know better than NASA? Kill yourself you filthy nigger.
Get ready for everything in the stores to get more expensive
This only works when manufacturing moves to the US. Which it isn't. It's continuing to move away.
I meant for helium and other gasses.
There's a reason the Venus concept you linked to is ARCHIVED and NOT HAPPENING while NASA and SpaceX both currently have active plans to colonize Mars.
2019-09-25 at 7:15 PM UTC
Dream journal
I wish I had dreams more often
I took 25ug and I feel pretty happy right now
but unfortunately I'm not going to be able to play tonight :(
TOMORROW, I will arrive to the promise land, and we will begin civilization anew.
About two months ago I was vaping 50mg nicotine daily. The habit was cheap, costing me about 25-30 dollars a month for a bottle of 50mg/ml juice and a pack of 5 coils, but god was I fucking addicted to that rush. It was the first thing I did in the morning. I hitting it once or twice every hour, and would even count down by the minute till my next hit in some pathetic attempt to control my use. I tried tapering down, it didn't work. I tried gum, it didn't work. I was a slave to the pacifier.
Then, finally, I bought a pack of 30 7mg patches. And at first it was rough, going two of those suckers a day. I still craved the physical sensation of vaping and bought some 0mg juice to satisfy that, and also to dissociate the act of vaping from the act of consuming nicotine. Eventually I was down to one, and not soon after I began FORGETTING to put the patch on. Withdrawals were next to none. It was a hard drop off, but within a week or two I was completely not caring about the nicotine. I felt, at most, a bit more energetic when I put the patch on. 7mg is the lowest dose you can get with patches.
Since then I've been putting on a patch maybe once a week, still on that same box of 30. I think I paid 22 bucks for it or something and it was one of the best decisions I've made. And now I'm on the last of it. I might buy some more patches later on, but I really feel no desire to continue using them. They're kind of annoying and leave itchy red spots. I also forget to take them off at night and it keeps me up a bit.
Also, last week I let my friend borrow my vape and gave him a pack of coils. I bought a bunch when they were on sale so I have like 4 months of coils that I'm going to give him as well. He smokes half to a full pack a day and has been doing so for the last 10 years. I'm hoping to get him started on vaping so that he can at the very least quit using those cancer sticks. It's also significantly cheaper than smoking which is probably going to be a big draw for him. Especially since I'm giving him these coils.
Feels really fucking good my niggas.