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Thanked Posts by cigreting

  1. cigreting Dark Matter
    If you are a democrat voter id like to hear why

    dice 1 to 5
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. cigreting Dark Matter
    do you have a seizure every time you post?
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  3. cigreting Dark Matter
    "its the alcohol i swear"
    ya ok chomo, its not cuz you have such fucked up fantasys that nothing shy of eating dog assholes gets you hard
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  4. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Ghost I don't understand how a man buying a company and then firing people can result in court. He fucking owns it, retards. You can be fired for anything and if you take it to court you are a faggit, who the fuck cares how is this even news.

    Name any other company where this happens daily making the news OH MAN OLD AL BOUGHT A SHOE STORE AND THEN FIRED THE JANITOR ?????? yeah so????

    They wont get shit. Dont you think elons attorneys did they homework before he fired them?
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  5. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Ghost Thanks for the free rent. I'll spend it on drugs

    Best of luck to you in the future. You are lucky you live in a liberal shithole where meth addicts get welfare or youd be dead years ago
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  6. cigreting Dark Matter
    with single mothers if you are a man.
    You are openly telling everyone you are a low quality male without having to say a word. How pathetic and desperate can you be? I cringe when i hear "i take care of another mans cum" all proud from these men who are obviously being used

    How many women do you know of that date or marry single fathers? Ive known 1 and it was obvious she was using the man for his resources as usual.

    If you marry a single mother you will always be minimum 3rd in her list of importence, more likely 4th after her baby daddy

    Single mothers are scum of the earth and an overwhelming majority are on public assistance funded by working people. I thought they are strong and independent...dont need no man (government)

    The government awards these losers with financial assistance because they made poor choices. Can i make some poor choices and get on assistnce as a white male? If not wheres the equality? Why are you democrats and feminists not standing up for mens rights?
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  7. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by WellHung Women are users of men. and men are users of women. Relationships are transactional. Most of the time resources are limited. The same entity can/will rarely provide all/every resource a particular individual is desiring. Life is complicated… lots of moving parts.

    Yeah too bad men are threatened by force to pay alimony and child support. Women use men for resources and men use women for fornication and baby making. What else do men use women for?

    Wouldnt it be equal to enforce no alimony and 50% child support by BOTH mother and father? Wheres all the outrage for equality from democrats and feminists?

    It took 2 to make a child but I guess if you have a hole between your legs you recieve cash and prizes if you divorce a man. You can thank demorats again for this.

    If you have a baby with a woman even if you arent married, youll be a slave to the state for the next 18 years at minimum while the female can sit on her ass and collect child support and endless benefits from the state, all funded by tax payers that make better decisions
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  8. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Concerned_Citizen

    Did you see the video of kari lake citing over 150 example of loser demorats saying the election was stolen when trump won?
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  9. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Ac Delco " double platinum" supposed to be .035" , 6 were .04" and two were ~.044.

    Also they didn't have any tube around the threads/electrode I thought maybe they were a return but they seem clean and the boxes weren't wrinkled up like they'd been gotten into.

    I thought the cheap gap gauge/tool mighta been junk but two others measured the same.

    I've never bothered to check gaps before , maybe they're commonly incorrect.

    Its common for gaps to be all over. Think of all the shit that can happen in shipping alone. Always check gap and adjust as necessary
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  10. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I was married once for 3 years. Fortunately I got divorced when I was young and hadn't acquired much real wealth for her to take. She got two used vehicles, a house that was under land contract she couldn't afford to keep, and tools she didn't know how to use. I got my son. I won.

    Men typically lose 85% of their wealth in divorces. Another way the government transfers wealth from hard working men to loser women.

    Wheres all the fight for equality ladies and gents of the left? I thought you women are so strong and independent these days
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  11. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Common law is still a thing in some states I think. But not in any of the states I did the Brady bunch in

    Nice, you got lucky. Common law is very much a thing in a few states. Just another way for the government to transfer wealth from males to females by force
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  12. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Your belief has nothing to do with the truth of my statement.

    do you have a hard time getting along with people in real life by any chance
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  13. cigreting Dark Matter
    Musk has already fired 2 bleep bloops, hope he continues to fire every pile of liberal garbage

    If i was elon id pay some fag to go around twitter and talk shit about musk and have him note who agrees. Id make the fag take note of the employees political stances then fire every demorat
    Liberals ruin everything
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  14. cigreting Dark Matter
    Numbers don't lie, they show the rate of crimes committed by race. You can do your own research but i am on guard with any blax and 99% of the time my instincts are right. I will say that I give everyone a chance to show their character regardless of race or gender. Fuck me over once and youve lost all respect from me
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  15. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by WellHung u add nothing of substance, ever. Yet ur always here. πŸ™„

    coming from you πŸ˜‚
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  16. cigreting Dark Matter
    op's threads are always guaranteed shit
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  17. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Reddit Re-poster

    Rightfully so. Fast food job pay was never intended to be a living wage. Retard democrats dont understand if you raise lower tier job wages, everything else will also raise.

    I say all these dumbasses that are shouting for higher wages should just open their own restaurants and pay people 20 to 25 an hour and see how well it works out
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  18. cigreting Dark Matter
    good job waiting for the glow plugs to warm up πŸ˜‚
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  19. cigreting Dark Matter
    il cum in ur but faget
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  20. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Grylls I Had to sit through a zoom (heh, zoom) speed awareness course so I didn’t get points on my licence

    Anyway as it happens she was here visiting family and I felt used afterwards

    She left her IG on tinder and I thought why not give it a go, after a few attempts of trying to start a conversation with her she finally replied one morning a few weeks ago saying she’s flying back home in a couple of days

    Obviously sex was the first thing on my mind and she was fucking hot so I tried my best (legally) to get her back to mine after entertaining her for the day

    Long story short I took her to 2 museums and she was a generous cunt because she had coins to pay for parking but besides that she really was a cunt but a sexy cunt I would have fucking licked her ass out before ravaging it but seriously she was a cunt, not even a fucking hug just a thank you kha



    A few attempts at starting a conversation πŸ˜‚ Such a fucking simp. This is some sudo level shit.
    She responded because nothing better came along, felt bad for you, was bored, and wanted free shit. You displayed your societal value by trying way too hard. Women can sense that shit from a mile away
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