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Posts by cigreting

  1. cigreting Dark Matter
    bludy vagnl blch
  2. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by STER0S i wonder why shinzo abe's assassination never received more coverage

    Because the chinese led news outlets in the usa dont want to give anyone any ideas when the demorats start coming for your guns
  3. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by STER0S did u dieded

    i hope not hes me hero
  4. cigreting Dark Matter
    eet gud
  5. cigreting Dark Matter
    spit on it
  6. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Haxxor Some of the best dishwashers out there

    wood putd lod
  7. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by slide22 you missed our friend Kr0z. he used to get really fucking angry but in his "cool tone" and stalk you for making fun of him as a dishwasher

    I tried so hard to get him to ignore his former convictions and told him to move to California where they'll hire ex-cons for much better-paying jobs. but he wouldn't have it.

    kind of like you and every other military guy who was stationed in cali and all Texans. they hate it here even if it would of possibly made a better life for him later on. not living in California but making fat money then go home and buy a house of his own.

    They may have higher paying jobs but the cost of living in comifornia will be higher. Also miguel with his crew of 8 in his truck with no insuramce will do it for pennies on the dollar
  8. cigreting Dark Matter
    urer granpsap sew funie sumtim he cum 2 mutch me gt crabie
  9. cigreting Dark Matter
    whats that faggy looking thing on the bottom left
  10. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Grylls dnt be stuped u remba dis pic

    u pult dwn heems candie ?
  11. cigreting Dark Matter
    m8 me putd wuv in urer granpsapas but wen me jakt ov inet me emptie coknit bols in derhe cum 2 faget
  12. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Grylls I was secretly chatting to this 31 year old pinay for about a week because she had beautiful chink eyes and I guess she fell for me because I acted a gentleman and never once referred to anything sexual

    knowing she lived only an hour away and uses public transport out of the blue I thought fuck it she’s just waiting for me to invite her out or something so I went ahead and did

    straight away she was down for it all giddy and shit and already whatsapped me her train ticket (one way🙄)

    I felt guilty because I only wanted to fuck her and send her on her way back home
    but it turned out I actually felt more for her than I realise now thinking about the way we connected aside from what happened

    She’d already showed she had intentions of staying over by telling me it was one a way ticket

    Anyway we had a cracking night and then it was down to me sleeping on the sofa and her taking the bed like I explained it would be if she ended up staying

    So lights out night night, nah, she was always waiting for me to make the first move so fuck it I went and waited in MY bed while she was in the bathroom

    I got out of bed and stood up to adjust my package so it’d be the first thing she’d see when she walks back into the room

    I just grabbed her and started kissing her, told her to sit on the bed and stood in front of her with my crotch in her face and said “go on then”

    And she did, I could tell she’d done it before even though she was acting all shy and shit

    I pushed her down and pulled her grandma style knickers off (bitch wasn’t expecting it) while she gets all’s embarrassed and then she says

    Don’t put it in, I said what do you mean??

    She said “I’m virgin” wtf

    She said I can use my hands and mouth only, i just started giving her oral with her almost choking m to death

    I thought to myself, well she did say hands also, so i slide a finger in and she’s so fucking tight holy shit fuck, she really was a virgin i could only fit one finger and she was moaning like I’ve never heard before, I asked if i could use 2 but she said no 1 is enough need I say more?

    obviously i cba going into all the specific details

    now she’s already become clingy, but this is it now, no more fucking around Im never going to find anyone perfect, each and every bitch comes with its pros and cons


    And shit I should’ve posted this in SG

    wats knickers
  13. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Grylls who here fucks shit or gets its shit pipe fucked on a regular basis besides the rat already present

    me rided urer gra psapa wener til heems coknut bols discharged jn meas me cum2 faget
  14. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by cigreting m8 u kep postn shet liek dis me rid ur granps me emptie his coknut bols got it faget

    Originally posted by Grylls woah

    who m3?
  15. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Grylls I was secretly chatting to this 31 year old pinay for about a week because she had beautiful chink eyes and I guess she fell for me because I acted a gentleman and never once referred to anything sexual

    knowing she lived only an hour away and uses public transport out of the blue I thought fuck it she’s just waiting for me to invite her out or something so I went ahead and did

    straight away she was down for it all giddy and shit and already whatsapped me her train ticket (one way🙄)

    I felt guilty because I only wanted to fuck her and send her on her way back home
    but it turned out I actually felt more for her than I realise now thinking about the way we connected aside from what happened

    She’d already showed she had intentions of staying over by telling me it was one a way ticket

    Anyway we had a cracking night and then it was down to me sleeping on the sofa and her taking the bed like I explained it would be if she ended up staying

    So lights out night night, nah, she was always waiting for me to make the first move so fuck it I went and waited in MY bed while she was in the bathroom

    I got out of bed and stood up to adjust my package so it’d be the first thing she’d see when she walks back into the room

    I just grabbed her and started kissing her, told her to sit on the bed and stood in front of her with my crotch in her face and said “go on then”

    And she did, I could tell she’d done it before even though she was acting all shy and shit

    I pushed her down and pulled her grandma style knickers off (bitch wasn’t expecting it) while she gets all’s embarrassed and then she says

    Don’t put it in, I said what do you mean??

    She said “I’m virgin” wtf

    She said I can use my hands and mouth only, i just started giving her oral with her almost choking m to death

    I thought to myself, well she did say hands also, so i slide a finger in and she’s so fucking tight holy shit fuck, she really was a virgin i could only fit one finger and she was moaning like I’ve never heard before, I asked if i could use 2 but she said no 1 is enough need I say more?

    obviously i cba going into all the specific details

    now she’s already become clingy, but this is it now, no more fucking around Im never going to find anyone perfect, each and every bitch comes with its pros and cons


    And shit I should’ve posted this in SG

    wats go on then meen
  16. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Wariat fuck a 16 yr old anally for at least 20 seconds without her auitting on me or bailing.

    wats auitting
  17. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Wariat lol even if that guy was me there is nothing wrong with consentual sex in my opinion at any age past puberty and that the person understands it and wants to try it or feels attracted to the other perosn. some girls that age are super hot snd more mature thsn 15/16 yr olds which are legal in europe or by eu standards. secondly nothing this guy did or what was written suggests he expected or wanted sex right away and a crime is only commited not fat ahead of time or what ifs or what ifing things into the future it certsinly not in poland the eu or the civilized world (usa is one big penal colony to make wealthy people richer or make lawyers more money just like the usa healthcare and pharmaceutical systems are a laughing joke by europeans). so basically meeting someone what you guys claim this guy did isnt even a crime. nor does finding a girl that age that uncommon as many are hot or attractive and you wouldnt even know their age or think theyre like 16 and much better to talk to than 15/16 yr olds at least in modern poland or big vities here and many in thwt younger age are actually more open to older men than those bitches who are barely over polish age of consent but act like patologia or parhology white trash people and spoiled brate and princesses who smoke cigarettes and drink and act like trash. there are some girls the age you mention who are full of life curious and will not talk shit or put fown even a much older man on say shapchat vs a 15-17 yr old who wnats to feel of thmselves as children but are white trash in reality who smoke and drink and are afraid of the big bad boogey older man.
  18. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "I wasn't going to do anything, friends only!"

    "i am here to give her advice and tell her what im doing is not ok"
  19. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by A College Professor Literary last night i drank a 'SIXXER' ( thats a six pac of beer , for you yanks ) on jumpinchat and hashed it out about agnosticism and religion, WHAT EVEN IS REALITY ecksetera ecksetera yada yada. and about the ghost of k r o z

    THEN i went to sleep and dreamed about driving acrossed all these bridges where there was a really huge height difference like the bridge was 2 feet taller than the road so you have to drive and slam the SHIT out of it to get up and over the hump and onto the bridge - which is a really violent experience and super hard on your wheels and axles and suspension it really shakes the heck out of everything but what are you gonna do if you wanna make it? ( literary in real life ive been driving on these shoddy highways and bridges full of potholes and big bumps i literary feel like im getting air sometimes and abusing my suspension so i guess this was a shout out to real life ).

    then back to reality somebody knocked on my door and woke me up in the early morning and asked for some gas and i was like okay bud and i poured them my 5gal of gasoline and they told me about their DMT trip and how they are Christian and they died on DMT and then came back , literary it was spooky because it was some goofy stuff but they didnt seem like they were on drugs when we spoke or anything -even though it definitely sounds like some tweaker style story to tell a stranger if you ask me- they wanted to trade me some junk for the gas but i was like dont worry about it bro so they gave me a bottle of pepper spray and told me how he got jumped in oak-land by some jackers. i was like hey man thanks for sharing your story with me but ( hour later ) i really gotta go get some more sleep.

    but i guess thats just how the cookie crumples sometimes , what are you gonna do, you know? probably should get a pistol incase of jackers but its one of those cash twenty-two deals where it can get you in a whole heap of trouble more than you need to get in, indubidably

    buddy i love the way u speel tings
  20. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I've chased shoplifters up to two miles. Ended up in one's living room one time, with the bag of fresh loot just laying there on the living room floor.

    wats loot
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