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Posts by Rear Naked Joke

  1. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut

    >.... [11:43:21 INFO]: EchoVizer lost connection: Disconnected
    >.... [11:43:21 INFO]: EchoVizer left the game
    >.... [11:43:41 INFO]: <EchoVizer> t
    >.... [11:44:47 WARN]: EchoVizer was kicked due to keepalive timeout!
    >.... [11:44:47 INFO]: EchoVizer lost connection: Timed out
  2. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Log on, I'll look at the console and see what's up.
  3. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III sorry. i figured you would recognize the trolling aspect right away, as i made a thread saying the same thing about another user the night before. i will probably do the same tonight.

    No lol you got me. Well done.
  4. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    I'm going to turn up the difficulty pretty soon. Right now it's at Normal.
  5. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny yes they are.

    97.626% of all US treasury bonds that matured today are being paid with the proceeds of bond sales that mature in the future, in some 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30 50 or even 100 years from now.

    theres no way the US can repay their debt to china within a decade, much less other "investors", unless it either default, like a bitch, or go to war, like a man.

    treasury bonds are nothing but sheets of IOU with your asshole as collateral, on the elusive promise that their gonna be paid with your tax monies upon maturity.

    which we know doesnt exist.

    Sweetheart, the US federal budget is 17% of GDP and the deficit is about 3.5% of GDP. Kindly shut the fuck up.
  6. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra that's not what I was talking about

    Then if it's his personal obsession with Mcdick's you were talking about, that's mostly referenced relative to the question of his health, specifically his own personal claims as well his self-dictated GP note saying he was in extremely good health... Because the nigga eats McDonald's all the time.

    It's about him being an absolute liar and having the least transparency of any president in any area that matters like his tax returns and his physical evaluation. Just because he babbles bullshit on Twitter doesn't make for actual transparency.

    I mean at this point, pretty much. I had hopes that he'd at least try to dismantle the machine but it just never materialised.

    Why on Earth would you believe that? Seriously, why? That's why so many Americans, including a huge amount of republicans, believe that Trump supporters are fucking retarded. His public history is available for anyone to see.

    Now when people say "I told you so retard" they cry Obama or Clinton.

    Most of 'his' policies aren't really his.

    What a shit excuse lmao, why don't you even consider the same for Obama? As in any organisation, there is a hierarchy of responsibility.

    The people you hire are your responsibility, the people you appoint are you responsibility, the people you listen to reflect on your judgment, the decisions you make are your responsibility.

    In relation to the China thing I think it's possible he thinks he can force China to agree to his terms, but the people behind the scenes know that it's not going to happen but that's all fine and dandy because you can't go to war with a country that you're dependent on to make weapons anyway.

    So... Why are the people behind him telling him to put up tariffs and why is he listening to them?

    Either Trump and/or his people are knowingly fucking over the US at large for some smaller personal interests (as Republicans do so often) or Trump and/or his people are insanely incompetent.

    'whataboutism' is a fucking stupid buzzword

    I disagree, it's a convenient way to call out people trying to redirect attention from a problem.

    My point was that it's become a reality that the US will need to rapidly militarise space in order to maintain their military power; it would've been brought up regardless of who won the presidency. The only real difference is that if Hillary won (and didn't immediately plunge the world into WWIII) it might not have had such a silly name

    ... See this is the the tragedy.

    You have been fucking memed by purposeful right wing misinformation online. because no, the criticism wasn't that "Space Force is silly".

    1. Trump announced Space Force the very next day after the Department of Homeland Security released a report with damning first quarter statistics on Trump's new zero tolerance border policy with immediate criminal escalation i.e. family separation. The new policy many detention camps were filling up with separated children and the population of the children's camps had inflated 5x in those first 3 months.

    The fact that he literally said "I am now ordering the armed forces to start creating a Space Force" indicates that (similar to his Muslim ban), this was not done well coordinated announcement where the military had been consulted and arrangements were being made, it was a slap dash misdirection trick.

    2. He also straight up dogwhistled during the announcement

    Maybe some people held the opinion that "Trump bad, Space Force silly, Space Force bad" but the entire right wing strategy is to signal boost those people and act like the typical lefties in the US are pink haired screaming retards and most of Trump hate is just more unwarranted lefty media hype.

    That's not why there was a negative reaction to Space Force, it's not like a Space Force itself is a terrible idea, the idea had already been floated before, it was about Trump announcing Space Force when and how he did.
  7. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how the fuck is that conspiracy ?

    when the government intended to spend more than it makes in taxes, deficit happens.

    The deficit isn't covered by magic money printed by the government and debt isn't someone else's money. US bonds are still being paid with consistency and they will into future, it's not just a Ponzi scheme where you incur more debt to pay off prior debt.

    Financial leverage isn't AmerijΓ©w schemes for free money.
  8. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny says the one who thinks his taxes pay for goverment services.

    thats even more retarded than believing in angels and unihorns.

    Basically, conspiracy theory.

    Ok buddy retard.
  9. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Out of all the depressed niggalos around here, CASPER would be the absolute last one id expect to lose his battle and give up. But this still made my heart sink.
  10. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny make me.

    I won't. It's a suggestion so you don't appear as retarded as you are, you are free to not take it and continue being a public retard, I'm just not going to assist you with it any further.
  11. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny these, from a person who doesnt know how and what debt ceiling works and indicates, doesnt know how the US governmemt get its monies, and where, if any, all his taxes went,

    or what rating agencies and their ratings are.

    hes a AAA+++ retard.

    Nigga you are retarded, shut the fuck up.
  12. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Arigato Mr Roboto

    Kemosabe Mr Mugabe
  13. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III yea open ur mouth lmao

  14. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    Ape Escape 2: Female sheriff barely escapes the ape. She gets belted into submission, he takes her gun and she manages to run away because he has retard aim.

    Wow while I don't know the situation I'm going to make two comments

    1. If you point a gun at someone who isn't complying, you have just turned the encounter into a fight for their life so you better be prepared.

    2. This shit is basically a laboratory demonstration of what I think is wrong with many people's beliefs about guns, and why this lady probably wasn't prepared.

    The fact that she has a gun drawn and he has his hands on her, then he overpowers her, alteady tells us everything: she wasn't in a position where drawing her gun was a good idea, but she wasn't confident she could take him hand to hand in CQC and treats her weapon as a teddy bear that makes her feel safe. Turns out not having use of one of your hands is not great when someone is in your face.

    And she screamed like a bitch too.

    It's not a magic wand, everyone constantly says guns are "the equaliser" but that's patently untrue outside of specific circumstances. In this circumstance she is lucky she is not fucking dead rather than just being beaten up by a black.
  15. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I never said they did…

    My opinion is that Trump isn't much different from any other (recent) US president - he claimed he would be and maybe even tried to, but ended up completely neutered the moment he fired Flynn. Anything he's done against the establishment has been the equivalent of a kid waiting 10 minutes to do it after his parents told him to turn the TV off.

    As for the 'Space Force', I think that was inevitable given the underlying circumstances. The real, core reason for it is that the US Military and MIC are becoming increasingly aware that ASAT weapons are spreading even among non-'peer' countries and that their entire military doctrine falls apart without GPS and satellite communications.

    True, another President likely would've come up with a better pretext for it than the name of an 80s sci-fi movie but that's neither here nor there

    So you're saying: Trump is not only caught in the usual political evil, which no US president can avoid, and but he's also a dumbass.

    His fiscal policies are shooting America in the nuts. Practically every single measure and promise he's made has been catering to absolute retards who do not care for empirical evidence about everything.

    I don't know what your point or defence or whatever is, it's just falsely trying to equate Obama to Trump or pull a whataboutism when the two are not remotely comparable.

    If Obama is evil like Shredder, the Trump is simply evil like Bebop and Rocksteady, he is both malicious and an idiot.

    Both of them are playing with the same machine but only Obama gets the evil put upon him as if he personally caused US foreign policy to be what it is?
  16. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra in that regard they piled on trump for eating burgers or cooking his steak to hard and whatever else, that's just media doing what media does.

    Not even REMOTELY the same thing.

    One is Obama literally asking for a condiment.

    The other is Trump CAUSING a government shutdown then not being able to host a sports team with Whitehouse staff, so rather than catering from Trump Hotel which is 10 minutes away, he ordered god damn McDick's.

    One is literally straight nothing, the other is a tale of constant and complete incompetence, gaudiness, cheapness.
  17. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Are you going to share the seed?

  18. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Fuck both of you you selfish pricks.

    What's the point of posting here? You really want to buffer your ego by making people who kinda care about you suffer. If you just vanished one day I wouldn't even care.

    Man I'm still kinda fucked up about Malice.
  19. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    That's terrifying and I can feel how helpless and horrified the people behind the camera were. That dude got domed HARD. That was brutal.
  20. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Bro. I really can't take that.
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