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Posts by Rear Naked Joke

  1. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Yeah, that makes sense, but thatโ€™s not what Spacian Agency said to me, and thatโ€™s what started this whole conversation, if you can call name calling a conversation.

    People who do nothing but name call lose all credibility with me.

    That's literally exactly what he said to you.
  2. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Nah don't want Facebook's gay subsidiary tbh.
  3. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Candyrein_is_a_nigger You wish bitch. Come meet me up my gun is waiting.

    8402 N Bumberry st.

    Hoodsville, IL, 60029

    Ask for Julio. Bet you wont show up. You have until 5pm today

    I'm going to cum down your throat faggot, I'm coming down there.
  4. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist This, this right here is what set falco off:

    Heโ€™s fucking losing his shit over this????

    Doesnโ€™t take much, now does it?

    All I can do is laugh at his anger over something so minuscule that doesnโ€™t even effect him.

    Keep going falco, this is funny as fuck!

    I'm not "losing my shit" at all you dumb ass bitch. That's why you look retarded and unaware right now. You acted like a cunt, I pointed it out, you acted like a double cunt, I pointed out, then you started crying and throwing a tantrum.

    Hell if you were my girlfriend I'd slap the shit out of you knowing you can't do anything but posture.
  5. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Candyrein_is_a_nigger When are you going to try with actual acid?

    You're the one who hasn't tried the real acid experience I'm going to give you faggot

  6. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Candyrein_is_a_nigger Double posting is fear announced

    Making up arbitrary rules nobody agreed on to generate a W is having no argument unannounced.
  7. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    One trick cunt.
  8. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Awww she so maaaad ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค so cuuutiiiie ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
  9. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Awww did I hurt your feelers? Itโ€™s ok, youโ€™ll get over it๐Ÿ˜˜

    Awww booboo did I huwt ๐Ÿ˜‚ yuw feefees? ๐Ÿ˜ญ oooh boohoo poor bwaby gonna cwy cuz ๐Ÿ˜˜ she can't handuw de twuthy wuthy and ๐Ÿ˜ she hezh no countaw awgumenn? ๐Ÿ™ƒAww pooaw bwaaaabyyyy.๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆโœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘…
  10. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Candyrein_is_a_nigger


    1. Sharing recent ancestry is irrelevant to whether some Italian can claim credit for polish codebreakers in WW2 while their grandpa fought for the fascists.

    2. This article fails to reference the actual study so I hunted it down

    Essentially, it is just evidence of race mixing so the genes spread in a statistically significant way between populations, which, again, doesn't affect what I said.


    Didn't read.

    Mexicans are the only pure race that has been blessed by the gods.

    L o L

    The fact that the call you "Hispanic" is already testament to your impurity.

    Mexicans are literally the mudbloodest Hispanics whose greatx8 grandmas got raped by the Spanish.

    Now don't you feel pretty fucking retarded?

  11. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist I donโ€™t care who you like. You think youโ€™re hurting my feelers? Donโ€™t flatter yourself. Youโ€™re nothing special. Now I donโ€™t know this person, and donโ€™t care to, what you have to say makes no difference.

    Sure anybody can fuck up anybodies shit if theyโ€™re strong enough. Same can be said about you. You could go down with one punch from the right person. This is why I told, whoever it is, it all depends on whoโ€™s doing the punching.

    Now MYOB

    No you dumb cunt, I am saying no one gives a shit who you know or don't know about, how is it relevant to your post you stupid bitch? Why did you say that? Did you doubt his credibility? He is way more credible than you.

    You don't know jack shit about fighting you coin operated cunt. Dumbasses like you are the ones who get their shit wrecked instantly and don't know what to do when someone just starts wailing on them and suddenly everything they learnt in pussy defence class fails them.
  12. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
  13. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    He is an old regular and I like him more than you. And he is right. If someone catches you clean, even a weakling can fuck your shit up.
  14. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    It just sits on the grass and dirt being slowly eroded by the rain, sun and wind.
  15. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    It's more of an "interactive audiovisual experience". It really is pretty unbelievably magical.

    Essentially you are playing Tetris where your actions and the speed of the gameplay are linked and synced with a surrounding scene as well as the music. There are several different "journies", each one with 4 stages that all have a unique audiovisual aesthetic and it is honestly amazing.

    Playing Tetris engages your brain at a very particular level, and they made it so when you press a button to move or rotate your tetromino, it makes sounds within the beat. Occasionally the scene really speeds up and the game also speeds up the block fall speed, so you're doing it but now it's frantic and urgent, and you have to focus in on the Tetris and the scene starts rushing and the music picks up, and your fingers are tapping frantically which generates notes to the beat and tempo, which feeds back to your mind with the music and connects between your zoned in focus on the game and the scene around you.

    It's seriously something you just have to experience, it's very difficult to describe. It's like taking a Tetris themed soft acid trip. I'm planning on dropping acid and playing it this weekend in fact.

    In 2D it is a very pretty and interesting version of Tetris. But in VR it is an actually surreal, almost transcendent experience. The music surges in your ears and the whole scene moves and flows naturally around you. Your head can move freely and see the whirl of fire horses thundering around you, closing in on you, and the rushing into the air as they break. Dolphins swim ahead of you and dissolve into a swirling fractal explosion of cubic molecules and you crash through a curtain of their noise and light as you bring down an I block and Tetris 4 rows... It's sick, like really sick. It makes me want a lighter, smaller, wireless head unit where you can truly feel free of the physical world and experience it. It is almost synesthetic.

  16. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ All dimensions

    He's even gotten fitter.
  17. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Early in the morning or late at night when I wake up and it's deserted, sometimes I stroke off on my balcony and shoot off between the slats so it splurts on the grass below. No one has ever caught me or said anything. When I 2alk past my apartment from outside, you can even see cumstains on the ground but only if you know what you're looking for, and even then it's pretty inconspicuous, it looks like dust or dirt after it's dried and been exposed to the elements for a few weeks.
  18. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    I bought the Samsung Odyssey Plus headset and a bunch of games. My favourite so far are Tetris Effect and Beat Saber.

    My experience is that it's a lot of fun but I wouldn't buy any lower resolution of a headset than the one I've got, it has the same AMOLED panel, as the Vive Pro or Index. Inside Out tracking is also the future, beacons are mad cumbersome by comparison.
  19. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Scron has actually improved dramatically in all dimensions over recent years.
  20. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny without islam, pakis are nothing.

    The wuivalent for whites is Christianity, not whiteness. Whiteness isn't a culture or a thing, it is mongreldom glorified by mongrels.
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