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Posts by G4LM

  1. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ajax You’re about at that age where looking older than you are is no longer a compliment, OP.

    Yeah, did you even read the OP?
  2. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania Totally failed.. whites seem to love drugs more than anyone else..except maybe Asians and there opium dens.

    Depends on the kind of drug really
  3. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yeah they are because they have huge dicks and bravado, something you lack

    nah my dick is huge and so are my balls. Mexicans are known for big balls.

    Too bad you're only a halfie, krosso
  4. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I can speak a little JP
    After I recover from this hangover I'm going to start making a real effort to finally learn the language

    Yeah, I'm sure you are kiddo.
  5. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country I think they would have claimed that the uni common area was private property, so no unauthorised niggers allowed to just sleep there.

    She was a graduate student who fell asleep in her dorm's common room that she pays rent for, at a school she pays tuition for. She was also not charged with anything. No crime. She did nothing wrong except be black.
  6. G4LM African Astronaut
    I guess some women are into ugly guys
  7. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby girls post pictures of themselves in their panties so why can't I?~!

    Because you are sinfully ugly and nobody wants to see that.
  8. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal That's not true.
    Show the aspiring ethno-nationalists how "based" and redpilled Japanese are and they will willingly embrace their culture and language.
    In fact, half of the young men in the new ethnostate will be married to Japanese women.

    I bet you can't even speak Japanese. Or German.
  9. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby not really man, some girls are raging feminist on dating sites especially tinder, like so many girls there like 5th question about me is my political affiliation.

    Some ho invited me to her place at 2 in the morning for beers and everything was going good but she made it weird telling me that if I tell her im a proud feminist that it would be a reaaal panty dropper and I just stared at her until she apologized and banged me.

    Lol no they're not. What the fuck are you talking about. I have never gotten banned from a dating site ever. All you have to do is maybe NOT post pictures in your panties, and treat everybody you talk to on there with respect and not be an annoying little bitch.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Its like the same chick told me I should put women and minorities before me, even though im a minority, its how about you bow down for me and blow. just because I have a mullet doesn't mean Im a racist, but you get this rattitude from a lot of women here in austin, you can be man spreading here and next thing you know your in a jail cell because some girls got pissed off that you look kinda like her ex bf and accused you of mental rape.

  10. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Where are we talking about? There are various laws against vagrancy in different areas. I know I have been with people who were hassled by the cops in different areas.

    Anyway, the point is, that if the nigger was white, she wouldn't have had the cops called on her by some prissy kikess. Which is true.

    But then again white people don't behave as badly as black people do.

    In Connecticut, where this happened. Vagrancy is not a crime. Basically homeless people are bullied into leaving the area by police despite not breaking any laws. If you cause a scene they arrest you for disturbing the peace or some other equally bullshit thing.
  11. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood If you and fona just joined the new server and didn't grief constantly it would be cool with like 6-7 online

    We've already had moments where it was 5 or 6 online. Pretty cool.

    I'm okay with fona not taking up any more bandwidth
  12. G4LM African Astronaut
    I demand further restitution and I would like fonaplats to suck my dick as well.
  13. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Pretty sure Sudo considers himself a Muslim. Also the problem with religious people is that they don't understand 'The Word'. I don't claim that i do, i don't even claim to be religious. However i think it's ridiculous to take the bible or any sort of scripture, give it a cursory read, and go: Oh yeah, i know exactly what they meant when they wrote this.

    Point being, don't take scripture literally, as far as i'm concerned it's a bunch of lessons and wisdom in story format, together with a compilation of hot takes, written by people who had access to the earlier material.

    I thought that by this you were implying that if they did understand 'the word' then it wouldn't be a problem. You then go on to say that people who take a cursory read don't understand enough. Then 'don't take it literally' so it's meant to be interpreted?

    BUT WHATEVER I don't care anymore I just want to see your penis
  14. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal lol I posted on /pol/ about Japanese and or German being the language of the ethnostate and someone unironically mentioned making a hybrid language from English, German and Japanese …. how fucking ironic and cool would it be if the "nazis" of the future are speaking in Japanese.
    This place really is the Twilight Zone.

    You are mentally insane
  15. G4LM African Astronaut
    You have to be a real fuckass to get banned from tinder
  16. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Some affirmative action admission student was lying around some common area at yale one night, sleeping, and some prissy little kike (who magically became white) called the cops on her.

    Then the nigger got all cunty when the cops arrived and had the cheek to ask her who she was.

    I feel sorry for the cops.

    You know that's not illegal right. You can sleep in public
  17. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Really? Who's the bigot now.

    It's the truth nigga. There's a reason 'modern theism' and 'fundamental theism' are polar opposites. The fundamentalists, the ones who adhere most strictly to the religion, are the insane ones who lead to things like the WBBC and ISIS and Zionism. Christianity is the one which has been watered down the most by modern culture (mainly because the bible has undergone so many widely accepted edits whereas the Torah and Koran have not been edited as much) but they all believe in the same sort of crackpot shit that goes beyond mere theism, and starts to infringe on the lives of others by sheer force.

    I have no problem with theists but when you start following any set of rules to dictate your life, rather than thinking for yourself, it becomes an issue. It's really absolutely ludicrous to believe that the particular text of your particular version of your particular god just HAPPENS to be the correct and righteous one.
  18. G4LM African Astronaut
    Die in real life bitch
  19. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Pretty sure Sudo considers himself a Muslim. Also the problem with religious people is that they don't understand 'The Word'. I don't claim that i do, i don't even claim to be religious. However i think it's ridiculous to take the bible or any sort of scripture, give it a cursory read, and go: Oh yeah, i know exactly what they meant when they wrote this.

    Point being, don't take scripture literally, as far as i'm concerned it's a bunch of lessons and wisdom in story format, together with a compilation of hot takes, written by people who had access to the earlier material.

    This reads like someone who hasn't actually read religious texts. It can be very explicit and absolutely not open to interpretation. A lot of it was written with the assumption that things in the future would remain the same. Dowrys, slaves, etc. Very outdated. Still a part of religious text. You're not SUPPOSED to interpret that differently. Most people do and its good but don't pretend that interpretation is part of the religion
  20. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Yeah I could probably do that but I would want some payment too as getting the XP does take time.

    We'll work something out. I still have to figure out where I'm going to start building but I've been too busy to play today and I need to stop shitposting already
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