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Posts by ORACLE

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Obbe Not unless you explain why in a short essay of 5000 words.

    Shut up retard.
  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Obbe The tumbling of tumbleweeds is all that exists and may exist. The self is only a fabrication which ties the rest together.

    Shut up retard
  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Stop lying.

    Shut the fuck up and suck this cock faggot
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Occam's Razor would dictate the simpler solution, that everything was created as intelligent design by an intelligent being. It wouldn't suggest great leaps of belief in billions of one-in-a-billion coincidences.

    That's not the simplest solution because it is not simple and it's not even a solution, as it poses a more complex explanation than the thing needing to be explained and offers no useful purchase over the world.
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL That's not how Occam's Razor works, bud.

    You don't know what Occam's razor is, how it works, or how it applies to this situation.

    Pro tip: I am giving the most parsimonious account thus far. Prove otherwise.
  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Fox Why wouldn’t they? What we can see from here is blurry blips of light billions of years old from across the universe. Which is a little different than sending a probe with sophisticated measurement equipment to study interstellar phenomena up close and relay that information back. Obviously you would have no real-time communication with the drones, you would just send them out by the trillions with onboard intelligence so each one could carry out its mission independently.

    Intelligent life is like a virus, or maybe more like mold overtaking a ripe fruit - look how humans spread across this entire planet within a few thousand years. And even you concede that probably very soon we will do the same thing to our solar system. And if you take that reasoning a step further, there seems to be no reason why we wouldn’t try to spread our influence beyond that, across the galaxy and then the entire universe, given the means. There are a few things that would stop us along the way, such as a planet wide extinction event or whatever. But out of thousands, or potentially even millions of intelligent civilizations throughout the universe since the beginning of time, they can’t all have been hit by an asteroid or nuked themselves into oblivion. There must have been at least one that could have done it. Unless of course once a civilization reaches the level of technological advancement to do so, they would also have the technological means to abandon this reality like I said.

    Other than that, the only explanation for the Fermi Paradox that makes sense to me is maybe the rare earth hypothesis. Maybe intelligent life really is just so uncommon that we’re actually the first or one of the first to ever reach this stage.

    But the theory that interstellar travel is just “too hard” doesn’t really hold much water. We literally have the technology to do it right now, in fact we’ve already started albeit in an extremely rudimentary way. The Voyager 1 probe has already left the solar system and will reach a distance equivalent to the nearest star sometime within the next 50,000 years or so. And that’s on 1970’s technology, within the next century we will be able to send things out much further and faster, although it would still take probably over a million years to explore even our own galaxy due to the light speed barrier. What we DONT have right now is the will or foresight as a society to see through a 50,000-year project, let alone a million-year one. But once humanity evolves to be able to think on these kind of timescales, rather than just within the frame of reference of one modern day lifetime, what’s stopping us? People are already looking into this kind of thing even today, like project Starshot for example.

    I mean obviously it’s an extremely difficult problem, but if a highly advanced civilization had billions of years to figure it out? They could eventually accomplish literally anything within the bounds of physics.

    And yes the universe is still relatively in its infancy, but still, out of the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the observable universe, and if life isn’t just some infinitesimally unlikely event, there’s been plenty of time for other civilizations to evolve before us. So again, I find the rare earth hypothesis far more likely than the “too darn hard :(” hypothesis.

    I do like the triple post though, you seem to be upset with me after learning who I am. Did I really hurt you that bad before? Why don’t you go buy a private jet with all your millions and fuck off lol

    They wouldn't because there are 99999999999999999999 googillion x better uses of all stated resources than your retarded anime fantasy, dogfucker

    If we wanted to resolve more detail, we would build bigger, better telescopes... Here. We will develop better telemetry... Here. We will manipulate signals with AI to glean out beautiful high resolution data... Here.

    What you are proposing is that we send a mass bearing probe out millions of LIGHTYEARS I.E. LOTS OF REAL YEARS TO GET THERE, wait for it to get there, then we are completely blind as to any data gathering it does, any issues we might need to correct, it's just operating absurdly blind.... And then pray that we can find a way to get signals back? How? Do you know the sheer amount of power an EM wave needs to get all the way to us bearing any significant amount of energy? No you don't. You don't even know what the inverse square law is let alone how that affects signal propagation.

    You don't understand the basics of spacetime geometry so you are just writing retarded fanfics that could never even be useful to a civilisation nor coordinated on a massively multigenerational (literally millions of years) level.

    This doesn't make sense on any level. But a moron will remain a moron. And so you stand.
  7. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Fox Yeah I do it’s all about bragging about how much money you have and how difficult it was growing up in a bad neighborhood. Also having sex with other people’s girlfriends

    There is not enough crack smoking or slanging in this comment and proves my point
  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Fox is a peepee breath white boy who doesn't understand nighop
  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Fox Yes why? Don’t tell me you thought of me as something of a nemesis??

    Dogfucker ^
  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Are you the original Fox Paws?

  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Fox But human beings are kind of late to the party. If the universe is almost 14 billion years old, and sentient life evolved on earth in about 4 billion, that means there was plenty of time for potentially thousands of intelligent species to evolve before us and they’d have about a 8-10 billion year lead on us.

    At least one of these civilizations should have created automated drones to explore and map the universe within that time. It’s simply a problem of engineering, and given enough time (which they had), it should have been solved by now. Less likely that these beings would have the means to colonize every part of the universe themselves within that time. But even if they were just drones zipping by at significant fractions of the speed of light, you’d think we would have by now detected some kind of signal to indicate their existence if they were so ubiquitous.

    I personally think the most likely answer is that once a civilization reaches a certain level of technological advancement, they upload their minds to a digital world and lose all interest in reality. The ones that choose not to die off due to being unable to compete for resources with a hyper intelligent race of supercomputer-people.

    I have a half-assed pet theory about this, that dark matter/energy is actually some kind of super advanced cloud computing system created by an ancient civilization that has since expanded to permeate the entire known universe over billions of years to increase processing power/memory capacity. All we have to do is learn to tap into it as others have. Obviously there’s no evidence to support this theory, it’s more like the plot to a sci fi novel at this point

    No, why? This is just a bunch of retarded assumptions about the sci fi shit YOU would do without understanding the challenges because you are an idiot.

    Why would an intelligent civilization "create drones to map out the universe"? Are you mentally defective? We get information from all over the universe at the speed of light. Why would they send drones? How would they control drones far away when radio communications are limited by the speed of light? Do you think you have a radio antenna that can transmit more information across the universe without attenuation or disruption than a magnetar? No you don't because you are brain dead.

    And no there hasn't been "plenty of time to evolve intelligent life" and we aren't "late to the party". Again
    meaningless stupid assumptions.

    Statistically we are in the youth of the universe, 14 billions years in compared to the trillions ahead. Earthlings are some of the first life forms amongst the countless trillions that will emerge in the cosmos, we are almost infinitely fortunate to be so early. And even on Earth, out of the trillions of species that have existed, humans are the sole accident of intelligence. And our intelligence is highly contingent upon a bunch of massive coincidences of evolution. If there's anything you can discern from life on earth it's that general intelligence is unbelievably rare. There are many features observed to have been independently evolved, wings, claws, hippity hops. Intelligence isn't one of them. There are some semi intelligent animals who can perform certain tasks like a young child, like orcas. Those are the smartest ones we've found. I.e. the next smartest thing we have ever found evidence of is basically on the level of a severely retarded person compared to an average human adult.

    Who's to say we aren't some of the first or we won't be the first ones to actually leave cosmic signposts of our existence? I think the chances are good. And every one of these arguments taking it seriously is always some retard who does not understand shit about engineering who watched too much The Matrix.
  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL
    n experiments in 2012 and 2013, polarization correlation was created between photons that never coexisted in time.[51][52] The authors claimed that this result was achieved by entanglement swapping between two pairs of entangled photons after measuring the polarization of one photon of the early pair, and that it proves that quantum non-locality applies not only to space but also to time.

    In three independent experiments in 2013 it was shown that classically-communicated separable quantum states can be used to carry entangled states.[53] The first loophole-free Bell test was held in TU Delft in 2015 confirming the violation of Bell inequality.[54]

    In August 2014, Brazilian researcher Gabriela Barreto Lemos and team were able to "take pictures" of objects using photons that had not interacted with the subjects, but were entangled with photons that did interact with such objects. Lemos, from the University of Vienna, is confident that this new quantum imaging technique could find application where low light imaging is imperative, in fields like biological or medical imaging.[55]

    In 2015, Markus Greiner's group at Harvard performed a direct measurement of Renyi entanglement in a system of ultracold bosonic atoms.

    From 2016 various companies like IBM, Microsoft etc. have successfully created quantum computers and allowed developers and tech enthusiasts to openly experiment with concepts of quantum mechanics including quantum entanglement.[56]

    Entanglement has nothing to do with anything being in two places at once.
  13. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Only solution is to commit die
  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL When you travel in time, you are not actually travelling in this time. You are travelling in another time, another dimensional plane, and then returning to this one. It appears as if you have traveled back and forward through this plain, but it's actually another. There are multiple layers of similar realities all running concurrently, but not necessarily in the same time line, and usually not. It's usually not that makes time travel possible. You are basically breaking through into the next layer of existence, and it happens in the fraction of an instant. It's more like teleporting between dimensions than it is time travel. That's how the quantum world works. That's how a photon can be in two places at once simultaneously and can communicate with one another. All the layers are working together, as a giant machine. "Spooky action at a distance" is how Einstein put it.

    ^ This is wrong

    Also the photon can't be in two places at the same time.
  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by mmQ The one that gets me sometimes is if there were SUPER INTELLIGSNT people with advanced technology then they would have found us by now.

    It's kind of like the time traveling paradox since if someone foild time travel they already would have come back to us. Assuming we cant go into the future. Which would determine redetermination

    Why? I think the likely answer to the Fermi Paradox is that interstellar travel is just hard as motherfuck.

    Honestly, the part of me that usually talks about science and tech is an optimist. But it's not my deepest and truest side. I really do think space travel will just be insanely hard. It's somewhat realistic for us to colonize our solar system in the next 5000 years. But beyond that, I think we might make it to the nearest stars for exploration missions and the like but that's around it. It's just gonna be too hard from an engineering perspective. Only way we break that is with truly well managed AGI doing all the heavy lifting.
  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Oh? Are the laws of physics invariant across the universe? If so try to explain why.

    Maybe Spectral has secret info about how things are at the edge.

    Yes, Noether's theorem establishes conservation laws in our universe that mean that if it is in any way causally in the same realm of existence as us, the laws remain the same. Otherwise you have all sorts of energy conservation violations.

    Secondly we can observe the spectra of light from stellar objects near the edge of the observable universe, which were formed near the beginning of the universe, and the laws work just the same as they do for nearby objects.

    Edit: also the CMB is literally the "big bang backboard", the darkness is essentially the furthest, most redshifted part of the universe from the dawn of time. Guess what laws this radiation from all the way over there obeys?
  17. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You got Turette's or something?

    Shut the fuck up faggot
  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Lets see that PhD first, genius.

    This is wrong by high school physics standards.
  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by WellHung Triggered?

    Originally posted by ORACLE Shut the fuck up faggot
  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by WellHung Fuck a nigger folks

    Shut up faggot
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