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Posts by ORACLE

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    hurrrrrr durrrrr.

    the exchanges dont have 999 numbers because there arent that many people who need it.

    whats your number ? how many people called your number looking for the person who owned your number previously ?

    thats right. thats the sensation of pulling things out of your loose, circumscised ass.

    The exchanges have 10000 numbers, but there are only 999 exchanges possible per area code. If they were all filled out then that would be one thing but they aren't, there are only a few exchanges per area code.
  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by netstat They're refusing to comply with a request for local decryption of a particular phone, because they (allegedly) recently redesigned their drive encryption system and eliminated their technical capability to remotely decrypt iPhones. They'll still happily turn over any of your data they have on their servers.

    No it's not that. Authorities want Apple to publish a custom update to the phone in an isolated environment and deploy some exploits developed by the TLAs.

    Apple won't comply because that would be suicide on a global scale.
  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Obbe

    It's spelled "below", idiot.
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Fox What you described is pretty much the exact concept I was talking about. I just didn’t bother to reword a bunch of Wikipedia articles & waste time getting into all the particulars. I never said the drones, probes, whatever would be completely disconnected from any kind of wider network. All I said was they could be sent out en masse and somehow relay information back, which is what you just described.

    It’s funny how you literally agreed with everything I said but phrased it like an argument just so you could appear smart by “winning” that argument.

    I didn't reword shit faggot, link what you think I reworded or kill yourself nigger. Don't project your own stupidity on to me retard.

    And no you didn't. Don't lie you piece of dried cum.

    I just literally bullshitted out my ass to spitball one idea for a single probe that can regulate a laser fired alongside it and the whole project can be one ultra long term but self contained endeavour.

    You suggested Von Neumann probes being sent out to do who knows what into the radiation and stresses of interstellar space and will just take over the universe for sure lmao. Easy to say unless you think 15 seconds about the actual challenges of developing such a thing.

    And the math doesn't even work out. Even if the intelligent species was born 8 billion years ago, even the first photons they sent out would have a radius of 8b lightyears they could possibly have traversed. What if they were all the way across the universe? We wouldn't see them for another 40+ billion years even if they went at 100% the speed of light (I.e.literally impossible).
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no, seriously, do you know how retarded it is to communicate witn far awar probes with optical technology ?

    its like trying to throw a needle at another needle in a haystack a few lightyears away.

    thats utter retardation.

    have you ever tried aiming a laser sight at small things a thousand yards away ?

    Yeah dude your fingers are literally the exact same thing as a hypothetical future laser probably aimed by AI.
  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Fox Ok but why the fuck would we ever send probes out you retard? There are 1x10googol better uses of our resources

    Because a specific, precalculated scientific mission that uses finite and realistic amount of resources is actually a realistic idea, just one that will pay off in an extremely long time. As opposed to blindly sending autonomous drones out there and hoping they work.
  7. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Obbe Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?

    I'll gag you on my cum faggot.
  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    american phone numbers have 10 digits. thare are only like 300 million americans, ie - there are more numbers than there are americans,

    3 X MORE.



    XXX = Area code

    YYY = Exchange number

    ZZZZ = Your assignment

    Not every area code has 999 exchanges. In fact they only have a few. Each exchange has 10000 available numbers. They are not gonna add new fucking exchanges for literally millions of dormant numbers. When they can just kill inactive numbers and recycle.

  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no, burner phone refers to NEW, UNUSED, VIRGIN phone number that you can use and discard.

    what you have there are used, discarded, and recycled numbers. just like you.

    No faggot. Phone companies recycle inactive numbers all the time. If you buy a new phone number. It's 99% certainly recycled.
  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny same thing, different scale.

    No, it isn't.

    ^ retard.

    ^ literal mongoloid.
  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Obbe First write a 5000 word essay explaining why.

    First tell me why writing words and essays aren't just made up fictions about a system doing what it does.
  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Obbe People will talk about something just to keep their voice boxes in working order so they'll have good voice boxes in case there's ever anything really meaningful to say.

    Launch a real insult faggot.
  13. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The ship could send back light pulses in Morse code. That means you could travel a light year and get a steady communications signal back within just two years.

    You are mentally retarded, just shut the fuck up and kill yourself already. Why the fuck would you use MORSE CODE to encode information rather than binary?
  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny yea but whats the purposes of life ?

    To make more life.

    Or do you mean "our lives"?
  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you havent heard about hayabusa,

    have you.

    Are you illiterate or do you not understand the difference between something inside our own solar fucking system and something literally millions, if not billions of light years away?

    Also only retards would send autonomous Von Neumann drones out and toss it into deep space expecting some sort of good result will just happen in a couple billion years somehow. It can't be drones, you simply cannot control them that far away.

    I totally believe we will send out probes as truly multi generational infrastructure projects, sort of "gifts to the future". For example it seems like a good idea to send out micro probes similar to Project Starshot, laser accelerate them to relativistic speeds from here on earth, where we can have a big power source, and hopefully have some sort of plan worked out for them to orbit their destination star system or galaxy or something (because you will not be able to brake or slow them down, these will be carrying more kinetic energy than nuclear bombs at that point). There they could gather data and communicate with one another to assemble into a more powerful probe, fire micro ion thrusters to adjust its orbit after capturing solar energy from stars and use it to power an internal iris.

    This would set up for a grand cosmic pool shot, where we would fire another laser a few years behind it, after it has had a chance to gather data, to precisely approach the black hole at the center of the galaxy and swing around it to fire back to Earth, similar to the concept of the proposed Halo Drive, but just mad precise and extremely long distance. The probe's main job would be to align itself in the path of the return beam, so it fires through the center of the probe, and open/close to encode binary information into the beam. This way it could relay data back to earth. It would have tremendous lag and no control but it could basically just be our current technology, sent afar, to mediate a return signal sent by us with a constant stream of information for millions of years.

    The amount of data we receive back will only be dependent upon how long we can afford to keep firing the chase beam, and how well we can receive it. We will have to work out ridiculously precise estimations of how that laser shot will work after millions of years. But if you parked a receiver in space for just that purpose, away from politics and war, it could fulfill its mission some day.
  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL And you are a one-trick pony.

    ^ I summarily destroyed this chump so he's mad.
  17. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Also evolution is the literal answer to the "one in a billion billion" or whatever issue. That's the entire point, that you can gradually select for more and more effective means in the environment.

    For example imagine there were a car that randomly moves and changes direction. What are the odds that one assembles that can navigate a track? Low.

    So instead we can break the task down into chunks and progressively work towards making such a car by selection over many generations of simpler trials with some success criteria feeding back in to progress it. It's a tremendously wasteful process but it works because the universe paid the down payment on everything.

    For example:

  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Obbe You are like a bellows, empty yet full of hot air.

    Shut up retard.
  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You are missing the point. On the one hand, we have a billion billion-in-one coincidences, and on the other hand we have an intelligent designer we can't see who created it all. Which is more plausible?

    You're literally saying "intelligent beings emerging are a one in a billion billion coincidence, so it's more likely it was an intelligent being."

    You never solved the one in a billion billion coincidence. You just tacked it onto itself and called it solved... while doubling the amount of things that need explaining.

    That's a textbook paradigm case of multiplying entities beyond necessity and not even a solution. Occam's razor cuts your dick off.
  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL If we assume an intelligent being created everything, then everything else makes perfect sense. For example, if you were walking through the woods and saw a mansion standing there, the simplest solution is that some intelligent person built it, not that the wood and stone just accidentally all came together just that way after millions or billions of years. Occam's Razor would be only to glad to validate it was created by someone, over the idea that the mansion just formed itself by coincidence. Every nail in every board would have to be just an accident.


    We are trying to explain the designer of the house.

    If your only explanation for a designer is another designer then by extension you must use the same explanation for the next designer in the sequence. So your god is just the lowest level god in a chain of gods and there's no real explanation possible. This is what the Mormons believe and introduces info ite entities.

    But what you WANT to say is the next designer needed no designer. That there is some original designer that came about without needing another one to make him.

    And that's precisely what we are trying to explain, how that works. That was Darwin's great inversion of reasoning: how can design emerge from uncomprehending processes? It is the metaphysical junction where chemistry turns into biology.

    We are the intelligent designers who came by uncomprehending processes. There is great physical evidence to this effect. But it is also the most parsimonious assertion because we arrive at the same end result (trying to explain how an intelligent designer can come to be) but minus one unnecessary additional entity.

    Occam's razor is specifically; don't multiply entities beyond necessity.

    Therefore Occam's razor favours my explanation, while shaving away yours like a scrap of rancid fat. Similar to your physiology.
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