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Posts by ORACLE

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker The governebt is a poor manger. The free market in America has taken more people out of poverty in the last 240 plus years than any system, at anytime in history, over any period of time. Government control of any industry is facisim.


    The Journal cites the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as reporting that medical bills are by far the most common cause of unpaid bills sent to collection agencies in 2014.

    When it comes to bankruptcy, the study cited court records of bankruptcy filers from 2013 to 2016, with the end result showing that 66.5 percent were tied to medical issues. In other words, they couldn’t pay their medical bills, either because they were too expensive to begin with, or they had to take time off of work and were not getting paid.

    The research also noted that 58.5 percent of bankruptcies were caused specifically by medical bills, while 44.3 percent were caused in part by income loss due to illness.
  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by cigreting Well then he should have had priorities on what he spent his money on each month. When I was working independently i had to get my own health coverage. You know what I did? I decided what I was going to cut out of my budget and what was a necessity in order to make sure I had my insurance premium paid every month. You know, like a responsible adult would do.

    All you democrat fuckers are all about not being held accountable for your actions. Durrrr ashtrayneisha couldnt afford her insurance because she had to bail out her boyfriend from jail and buy weed. Da gubberment should pay for her health care right? Not her fault she/her family are multiple felons in and out of jail. Oh wait they pay for all nig gers health care anyway while i paid about 300 a month for a single healthy male with shitty ass coverage

    Oh yeah you were such a good boy for sacrificing your quality of life significantly in the statistically overwhelmingly unlikely event that you would need coverage.

    Lol, classic "I got pounded in the ass so everyone should have to get pounded in the ass or they aren't as virtuous as me".

    Insurance is a scam and you don't want to admit you got scammed and fucked, that's all there really is to it.

    You'd have cheaper and better coverage through taxes that literally improve the lives of everyone in your country, but you're so ass pained by the idea that the money is being used to help people who have less, you would rather just guve more money to some insurance jéw's yacht fuel budget instead, all while not using it.
  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker He should have got an attorney. That may have happened but it is not legal .

    Sure it is. Even under EMTALA, they are only required to stop you from bleeding out from your severed fingers, not reattach them. It's not an emergency medical condition any more.
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker In every state in the US the executive orders allow for compasionate exception for those with health issues that make wearing a amsk dangerous. So while a store can have a policy that requires a mask. They can't require you to wear one if you have a medical expemtion. Under HEPPA the store employees can ot question that exemption to even inquire what condition you suffer from. Under the ADA they can't refuse you service or entrance on the basis that you can't wear a mask for medical reasons. So if you think it's not worth arguing for your rights granted under federal legislation I feel sorry for you. People like you are why they can get away with this shit that would never have been tolerated in America 30 or even 20 years ago.

    No gives a shit, faggot. Least of all Walmart employees.

    If you're sick then ask for the exemption. Or if you're just a bitch then lie about being sick, cough like a girl twice and go about your shopping.

    At no point does having an argument with a Walmart employee become a necessary or fruitful use of your time. It is categorically retarded and makes you retarded.
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I've never lost a fight in my whole life, and I've taken on many, many guys bigger than me. My punches are so fast you don't even see them, and my accuracy and power behind the punch is 100%. Enough power to lift the person right off their feet and send them several feet in the air with a hard landing. I grew up on the streets since I was very young, and I also worked LP at a large and busy department store for almost 10 years. I've been through every kind of violent encounter you can think of, and I always come out the winner. And I've never been charged for assault either, because it's always a fair fight. One on one, from the standing position. That's why I don't fuck around any more. My whole life has been violent, so I'm conditioned to it now. If someone tries to challenge me or do an injustice to me, I give them one warning, and if they persist, I beat them to a pulp. That's the only way people are really going to learn; I've found that out over the years. People don't learn, unless you give them a really good shit-kicking. Then they learn, the hard way.

    Didn't read
  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Dregs between us you made it gay from the start lover. no need to stop being that now.

    Actually you're just gay bud.
  7. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Obbe Also doctors can still choose to go private in Canada, they just have to opt out of working for the public system.

    Like permanently or can you go back to working for the public system?
  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Obbe They don't set a limit… Doctors can see as many patients as they want to in a day. They do set a limit on how much a doctor can bill per patient, which I am fine with because they shouldn't get to decide to bill 50 dollars for tim but only 5 dollars for rick.

    And specially not 85000 dollars for Rick vs 35000 for Tim for an ingrown toenail.
  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I've beat up a lot people.

    You've never won a fight in your life bud.
  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Just tell them to fuck off or you'll put them in the hospital for the next 10 weeks. That's what I do.

    SpectraL is timid and has never threatened anyone in his life
  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker If a Walmart employee order you to remove your socks would you argue?


    The company's policy literally has nothing to do with the employee and it's a god damn waste of everyone's time trying to get them to dick around arguing with your dumb ass, when they straight up do not give a fuck and are just doing their job.

    I would either go shop somewhere else or wear loafers next time.
  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker So where did you hear this? Because that would be against the law for a hsopital to do in the US.

    From a friend. I just googled it and apparently it's from the documentary Sicko

  13. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by mmQ If it's concluded that free healthcare should be a basic human right, should not also welfare be a basic human right, and even more so than healthcare? As in, if every single person deserves free health services, why shouldn't every person deserve free food/water/shelter services, regardless of their employment status or value to the world.

    This one also isn't a matter of "deserve". America should simply be embarrassed that someone can die of starvation in its streets or have no roof over their head in its borders, the same way America would be embarrassed with pothole riddled highways. Thank the federal government for that one thing we got super right.
  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Yes, but not because it's a matter of "deserving" healthcare. I don't give a fuck if you deserve or don't deserve whatever. But the way it is currently handled is literally some borderline third world shit that should not be happening in supposedly 1st world America in 2020.

    I remember hearing a long time ago about some wood shop worker who had an accident with a saw that cut 2 fingers, and the hospital essentially told him "pick one to keep" because he was uninsured so he couldn't afford to keep both.

    That's fucked up. If there's a human being who knows how to stitch fingers around and I lose 2 fingers, the only barrier to solving this problem is Jéw gold... that's an artificial problem right there.
  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Dregs Diced up(and actual…so keep the minds out of the gutter lol) Spicy Portuguese sausage with rice(mixed with some veggies)…had 3 helpings was delicious…now I wanna die from the fullness

  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Like imagine trying to argue with a Walmart employee as if they give a fuck beyond just doing their shitty job.
  17. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer................................... the only time anyone has said anything to me was the geriatric at the door standing sentry duty at home depot. i told him the flying forklifts are more dangerous than any tiny germs. he didnt stop me from going in or doing my shopping.

    i went into a couple of grocery stores and not a word was said. as a matter of fact, the employees seemed more helpful and polite than normal. its somewhat disappointing because i was looking forward to nicely explaining the scientific facts of why masks shouldnt be worn, backed up with sources to cite, along with plenty of logic and reasoning.

    what i have noticed is that people who arent wearing masks now make 'hey' gestures…faint nods…to others that arent wearing masks. like corvette drivers and bikers do to each other on the road. it happens to me everywhere i go.

    Tldr: infantcock went out looking to Karen but IRL people aren't as retarded and starved for confrontation as him.
  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    I am necrobumping to showcase that only someone who gets absolutely zero pussy would make a thread like this
  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
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