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Posts That Were Thanked by Wariat

  1. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by mmQ That more or less answers my question. I guess in the back of mind I think about how you have sort of called all females stupid gold digging lesser-thans, and so it makes me curious as to how or why you think that's not "treating them like shit." At the same time, weirdly, I feel you have this logistical approach to it for whatever reason. But at the same time it's weird to me. So I'm just trying to discern the difference.

    Youve answered your own question. I tell it like it is and it usually offends people but i really dont care. Its female nature and evolution, they cant help it. The other real problem is the media and society want to tell you its different, that women are the prize and you should worship the ground they walk on, its part of the democrats agenda. Females are easier than males to manipulate, they also make judgements based on how they feel and rarely use logic. Put them in power positions and eventually youll have a societial collapse. Read up on it, you don't have to believe me.
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  2. DontTellEm Black Hole
    She wants to make sure ur home alone pining for her when she gets done having sex w her boyfriend.
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  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr Courts are for "Courts."

    no doubt, that in the past– courts leaned towards the mothers in custody cases. That is NOT the societal or systematic norm now days. I have to be honest and say it, ultimately, depends on the level of representation one has. Whom ever brings the more convincing argument to the bench is who, typically, prevails… regardless of the clients gender.

    You must live on Saturn if you really believe that. Women are jailed far less than men and face lesser sentences than men
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  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr do you not hold any responsibility in protecting yourself? if you keep your dick wrapped up… then you wouldn't be relying on 100% of the words any female you ever poke your dick into.

    Generally, all these accusations have to be "proven." No family court judge will place an order of mandated drug testing or supervised visitation- unless facts have shown cause for such child protections. Again, i'll repeat: No Family Court Judge rules for orders on a/the mere "allegations" of a parent- said allegations have to have substantiation and validity…
    just as in seeking a protection order does. whenever, somebody says…

    "oh i got a protection order against so-n-so" but they didn't have to show/prove to a court "why" they need such protection order is full of 100% crap.

    You won't be able to BS me on this.
    There are "reasons" why you have been given supervised visitation & regulated drug testing.

    Every parent has basic "parental rights" even shitty ones. No parent has the legal authority to keep the other parent from seeing their child– even for lack of child support… "UNLESS" those rights have been taken away by a court.

    every single parent can apply for such ^benefits if the absent parent is not furnishing the basic financial needs for supporting their child/children.

    your personal problems.

    The ONLY way financial support of a child can legally stop is if the parent "terminates" all parental rights to said child. No attorney has the ability/can "stop" the financial obligation because the child has a "legal right" to financial support. If you are NOT supporting your child appropriately and the state steps in and does so for you- YES, you will have the obligation of repaying back the State for supporting your child/children & why shouldn't you? your fuck-up, it is totally your responsibility of support.

    Your personal problems. we should care about this bs why? it should & doesn't have nothing to do with you financially supporting your kid.

    there are federally State mandated Child Support Guidelines that states use. States may sway 'slightly' from said guidelines– but tend not to go to far off the guideline grid. (I'm not familiar with Texas law/guidelines, so, i take your words/complaints at face value)

    it is the case if the female doesn't have custody of her children. If both parents are incapable of caring for the kid- then both parents will share the responsibility of reimbursement for any state aid, CINC, or foster care needs. it was your fuck-up getting someone pregnant. it is both of your responsibility for the financial support of said child. You are full of nothing but excuses for your own personal accountability.

    my only suggestion to you is: grow the fuck-up and EMBRACE THE SUCK.

    you create/created your circus.

    Originally posted by Netflxchillr do you not hold any responsibility in protecting yourself? if you keep your dick wrapped up… then you wouldn't be relying on 100% of the words any female you ever poke your dick into.

    Generally, all these accusations have to be "proven." No family court judge will place an order of mandated drug testing or supervised visitation- unless facts have shown cause for such child protections. Again, i'll repeat: No Family Court Judge rules for orders on a/the mere "allegations" of a parent- said allegations have to have substantiation and validity…
    just as in seeking a protection order does. whenever, somebody says…

    "oh i got a protection order against so-n-so" but they didn't have to show/prove to a court "why" they need such protection order is full of 100% crap.

    You won't be able to BS me on this.
    There are "reasons" why you have been given supervised visitation & regulated drug testing.

    Every parent has basic "parental rights" even shitty ones. No parent has the legal authority to keep the other parent from seeing their child– even for lack of child support… "UNLESS" those rights have been taken away by a court.

    every single parent can apply for such ^benefits if the absent parent is not furnishing the basic financial needs for supporting their child/children.

    your personal problems.

    The ONLY way financial support of a child can legally stop is if the parent "terminates" all parental rights to said child. No attorney has the ability/can "stop" the financial obligation because the child has a "legal right" to financial support. If you are NOT supporting your child appropriately and the state steps in and does so for you- YES, you will have the obligation of repaying back the State for supporting your child/children & why shouldn't you? your fuck-up, it is totally your responsibility of support.

    Your personal problems. we should care about this bs why? it should & doesn't have nothing to do with you financially supporting your kid.

    there are federally State mandated Child Support Guidelines that states use. States may sway 'slightly' from said guidelines– but tend not to go to far off the guideline grid. (I'm not familiar with Texas law/guidelines, so, i take your words/complaints at face value)

    it is the case if the female doesn't have custody of her children. If both parents are incapable of caring for the kid- then both parents will share the responsibility of reimbursement for any state aid, CINC, or foster care needs. it was your fuck-up getting someone pregnant. it is both of your responsibility for the financial support of said child. You are full of nothing but excuses for your own personal accountability.

    my only suggestion to you is: grow the fuck-up and EMBRACE THE SUCK.

    you create/created your circus.

    I don't believe in condoms and I didn't think out of all the hundreds of thousands of women I've been with would lie to me to get a child from me.

    Nothing was proven in court.. except my dna..

    you don't live in texas so you dont know how it is or my case, nice try tho.

    weeel yeah its my personal problem, never said it wasn't.

    again you don't know my case and you don't know the jedidicial legal system here in texas so you're talking out of your ass again.

    again you don't know my case or texas law, I had an attorney handle it for me.

    you seem really frothy and stuck on stupid, I literally have mail from texas saying I just owe 200 dollars or so and them I'm good. And again if you didn't get it thru your thick skull you don't know the law and having an attorney works here in texas.

    Nice try tho, stay mad.
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  5. Originally posted by Sudo I used to beef with Albanians growing up but I have to admit they are a ruthless bunch. They're all tiny though but pretty wiley and surprisingly intelligent

    false. theyre irredeemable vermin that should be exterminated with the niggers and chinee.

    dirty shiptars.
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  6. Octavian motherfucker
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  7. What I find disturbing is that someone actually impregnated the mess...Bill Krozby? do you have anything to say?
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  8. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Which team would win

    Hiki - Wariat - Fonaplats


    Krotz - HTS - Octavian



    with that competition the only thing theyd win at is a cock sucking contest.
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  9. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country tranny I fucked.

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  10. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Being a warrior = murdering family men, leaving their kids to starve, and raping their wives.

    It breaks down to being a nigger.

    thats so undermensche with the constitution of a 2-year old millential who rushes to the nearest 'safe space' if a scary insect appears is trying to be all philosophical and shit about a concept that is so far beyond its ability to grasp, it is the equivalent to teaching a goldfish how to land the spaceshuttle on a postage stamp.

    stupid sĀ­hitskin.
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  11. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
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  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Fonaplats

    uh oh.. we got trubble..
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  13. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
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  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Every sex offender has to register. You don't because you left to a country with no sex offender registry.

    Kind of a brilliant move though, if you think about it.
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  15. Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks I'm not much of a bettor, but I suppose I'd put my money on team 2 if my hand were forced.

    You really think a weakling mexican joo, a tranny and some queer with a huge joo nose wpuld win against an ex psychiatric patient, ex prison inmate and a guy who probably eats babies for fun while binging on meth?
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  16. Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're such a faggot, you mention playstation in all of your post

    You're a deadbeat normie with shit taste and despite having allegedly listening to noise and Industrial for so long you only know of four or five different bands and can't tell the difference between PE and Industrial.
    Also you're jewish AND mexican.
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  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Technologist SNY?

    SNY stands for sensitive needs yard, i hear all the pedos go there.
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  18. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Leaving the house is for homosexuals though I would rather just snort the stuff and lay in a blanket and be cozy. Interacting with humans means less time to get high
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  19. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Im debating blowing off NA. The meetings are cancelled anyway so everyone would forget about me and not hound me for a bit. I do t have any plans to start doing heroin or oxy or fent or coke again.........................but if i DID............ a global pandemic keeping me from the meetings that were MY LAST LIFELINE TO SOBRIETY would be a pretty solid reason. Ive been in the shit a year and a half i think. and im on step 3. I mean having all 12 under the best seems like another cool junkie milestone but fuck if im going to be alive long enough to do that shit and go write gay hallmark cards to everyone i fucked over. I mean parts of the program are great, esp at the beginning. But i think i can distill it down a bit further. 1) Check your impulses. Run your decisions by people less crazy than you, 2) Be mindful. 3) Be of service. Helping people gives you peace. 4) Dont stress over things you cant control, and dont be too cowardly to engage the things that youre passionate about. 5) You can decide to be a different person every day. It doesnt absolve you of responsibility, but you can work towards alleviating guilt by putting more good into the world than you took frim it,

    Shit like that. If i want ti smoke a bowl and a have 3 or 4 vodka sodas at a live blues bar once a month, i shouldnt lose all my stickers and self respect. It wasnt being a weak willed individual that got me addicted. It was a combination of being socially awkward without a way to relate to people...and mostly the indcredibly physically addictive shit i was putting into my body 6 or 7 times a day bc everything else id ever been told about drugs was a lie.

    Thats my update. lol.
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  20. Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    We're the most based niggers on this planet
    We're like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbles.

    Together we form the greatest duo
    Making the most defined and refined gay porns and music

    Slav and Hapa, the greatest mix of humanity this gay earth has ever seen

    Together we will conquer the cosmos and impregnate all the bitches of every planet in every galaxy
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