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Posts by toz

  1. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator She is pretty nice

    80s was a fun time. Big hair, shaved back a bit bush but not bald like today. (or a love trail and arrow)

    the music of different genres were pretty sweet.

    Just that AIDS and Crack Cocaine and CIA Contra shit kind of fucked stuff up.

    "Most violent decade in recorded US history" -FBI stats or some shit
  2. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung bored out of my mind

    fades with time!
  3. toz African Astronaut
    So DietPiano and Candy are better because they're normies?
  4. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung being weird is better than being a boring normie.

    thanks pal. I think :|
  5. toz African Astronaut
    Other Minds is a 2016 bestseller by Peter Godfrey-Smith on the evolution and nature of consciousness. It compares the situation in cephalopods, especially the octopus and the cuttlefish, with that in mammals and birds.

    Demon below. don't be below the demon of 8.

    7x he comes back when you slide into a slope of hedonism and debauchery?
  6. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost ur retarded!

    Is it a play on words.. I just sounded it out. Occupy the mind?

  7. toz African Astronaut
    Kind of like this.. not sure if she meant this or not... Build up and not Out.. Preserve Nature or bring it back

    We could make it like Brave new world with out all of the Hedonism
  8. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Number13 Responding seriously to a half assed conspiracy shitpost, how fuckin dumb are you?

    Well I thought you were somewhat disturbed by it. I just posted how I understand there is a political power in control. they control the whole world by joining together. they are the elitist and in some form Illuminati is real. How much of the level of conspiracy that goes way out there has some truths or mid ground truths mixed with opinions and fantasies.

    so much has happened in these 20 years plus. even before.

    I'm trying to tell you that probably a majority of Earth's jedis don't want this. they just want peace. a lot of the younger college kids want to form bonds with non jedis. to figure out a future without all of this tension.

    Like I said.. lets build up and not out. reclaim the grounds with miles of green and untouched land.. allowing it to grow back to it's natural state (or with the invasive plants we introduced since it's impossible to remove)

    we build up.. we can sustain a much higher population and just use defense money to build a global bubble to protect us from an eventual earth changing moment when an asteroid (just a mile or so) causes global damage (if it fell into the Atlantic ocean.. would wipe out Florida and all lower lined coastal areas.. possibly NYC and Boston and Philly, Norfolk, DC.. etc.

    stop killing the fuck out of each other.
  9. toz African Astronaut
    Something to do with the number 8 or octigonial ?

    is this Meta's friend. I have seen him someware!

  10. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Nil I doubt it, the apocalypse is bigger than one man, forces of history and all that.

    There's still hope.

  11. toz African Astronaut
    Another "Blame jedi" thread.

    there is no Israel. there is only a state of Isreal of real jedis who deny the state and it's policy and want peace yet live there. and then there are Real jedis by culture.. who use it to control the state and falsly call it Israel

    such frightening times when Trump proclaims Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the US Embasy to it.

    I admit I'm a bit ignorant on some policies or politics over there yet I know what would be viewed in the Goys view as "Synagog of Satan" in control.

    Zion Yes, the false Zionist movement post WWII.. NO. I'm not Anti-Zionist. I am Pro Zionist. I am Anti Zionist Movement. it was a very BADDDDDD Idea!

    build Israel Up and not Out. Be the leaders of Micro cities and maintain climates and high tech progress. let this State of Israel go and make friends with your neighbors as they should with you

    easy to say, but in time it could happen. there will always be a rogue fucknut on both sides.
  12. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs noooooooooooooooo i have the sadz over that too. oh well making guys spend their money on lil ol "me" well sorta me on another site. can i have a hug or squeeze from you though larry? i won't tell a soul

    Do you happen to have a sister who just updated her facebook page?

    I got a very old update prompt.
  13. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala NO MEANS NO

    No to What.. be specific.
  14. toz African Astronaut
    shitty translator says

    Trump es un guero siempre apurado.

    not sure if I did it right

    Originally posted by -SpectraL Every other nation has immigration laws, so why should the USA be any different? There's a big difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration. Nobody ever said they can't come, they just said they have to use the legal system and come legally, just like everyone else. Why should they get to jump the line and others have to wait a long time to get in and they can just waltz in and nothing happens? The country only takes in what it can afford to help with. Anything past that takes away from the resources and livelihood and security of the citizens and legal immigrants already in the country. And 95% of the so-called sanctuary claims are bullshit. The only reason they are coming is they want a better life and a better country. Who doesn't? They're weren't in any immediate danger. How about instead of abandoning their own countries, like a bunch of lazy sellouts, they take their countries back and make something out of them, like we did, instead of turning tail and running to their neighbors and expecting people who did work for what they have to just hand it over to them? People against Trump on this are just plain being dishonest and skewing and obfuscating the actual facts and logic of the thing, just to suit their own political opinions. Too many. Not enough sense, and way too much virtue-signalling.

    It's his somewhat hostile look at the Hispanic culture. He calls everyone south of the Border "Mexico" even if its Salvadorians, Guatemalans, Colombians etc:.. ALL MEXICANS!

    how is this not being a bit bias towards them. And not paying them for the Fountain in Central Park?

    "Sue Me"

    That's fucked up.

    I would support The Donald if he did what he said he was going to do. Expose corruption in the Capital DC and reopen the 9/11/01 investigation and willing to have his buddy Larry Silverstein, Dick Cheney and other criminal or possible criminals (can't judge the acts suspected and call them guilty)

    If they could prove Larry Silverstein just had a good hunch and didn't keep inside info on a hire level than anyone else to profit while people died? that's harboring inside information.. not an attorney but harboring inside info of terrorism is probably a special circumstance problem and no doubt hard core imprisonment .. yet he's so old now, his lawyers would bail him out and hold up the hearings for years.

    so He got away with a good life.

    Dick Cheney on 0 evidence of WMD proven to be false made Billions as a stock holder of the company which got the bid (contract) to repair war damages.

    as well as Pinkerton/Blackwater? I think Bush's cousin or someone had huge stock invested.
  15. toz African Astronaut
    shitty translator says

    Trump es un guero siempre apurado.

    not sure if I did it right
  16. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG Natural selection indeed

    Me or Mr Lanny

    If Lanny, You're saying he's worthless sucking up air?

    If Me, Suck my dick and do some pushup's güero

    Edited: LOL

  17. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG Fucking obviously, which is why I didn't say han. Retard.

    Did you open a Taqauria in China? I wonder if that would be a popular place. Party on Weekends of course.
  18. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Rock means rock or roar (hence rock and roll) in Norse.

    In Irish we call rocks Carrig. Carrick is a very common place name in Ireland.

    The Irish never were interested in sailing as much as Norse people were. Lots of Irish are actually Norse in origin though, and vice versa.

    That's where the redhair comes from? The Children of Esau.. brother of Jacob.

    Irish are jedis by Proxy
  19. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian Errrrm, sorry Hitler wanted to destroy us?

    No, this was a state of Saxony

    It fell into the hands of Germany during a fight against Napoleon?

    Fuck Hitler. It's weird because Churchill is a British Saxon. he bombed his own heritage of art and culture because it was too hard to Bomb the fuck out of Berlin?

    He wanted to payback for London's V1 & V2.

    How about Berlin for London? why go after another part of their country who wanted their own autonomy from Germany? plus why kill innocent civilians for the innocent civilians lost in England. No I'm not siding with Hitler you daft knucklehead.
  20. toz African Astronaut
    lol 0:38 - 0:44 "The jedi Box of Germany"?????????????
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