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Posts by HikikomoriYume0

  1. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Now lets take a look at art

    Here is how the modern European express themselves:

    and here is what the judeo-negro "people" think is music

  2. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Without the Europeans we would have no modern world, no technology, no space travel, no modern medicine ... nothing.
    The world would resemble an african village with orthodox jews everywhere ... basically the most terrifying nightmare you could ever have.
  3. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Now lets take a look at physical beauty



  4. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Without the European race there would be no beauty or soul.
    This would would be an ugly voidless cesspool full of depravity and despair.

    In pictures and video I will describe to you the importance of Aryandom and why jews and shitskins need to be exterminated.

    Europeans (also known as whites in the judaized world) are the true chosen people of God.
    No other race has ever been able to prove that they own that title other than European people.
    They are the most beautiful, the most talented, intelligent, artistic, spiritual etc etc
    Every other race comes short or completely falls flat when compared to Europeans.

    Take for example, the European dwelling:

    Now compare that to what niggers and jhew rats have come up with:

    And here is a jude settlement in Berlin

    Niggers are judes are incapable of understanding beauty, they know only filth and degradation.
  5. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietYellow Anyway, yeah sell your computer and buy a mac mini. I can't wait to hear about it.

    Do you even have any experience with the latest macs or are you espousing groupthink?
  6. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Make sure the socket is compatible. Not all motherboards will work with all CPUs, it's not like USB or anything.

    I already know that ...
  7. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra this thread is funnier to read when you know that HTS is whiter than I am

    White liberals are the scum of the earth.
    They would sell out their family and entire volk to jewish people who want nothing but to destroy them, because their entire lives have been built around the talmud.
  8. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG Is it maybe because you have no solid evidence you back your claims? Because you are so fucking stupid you believe in government created phobias about small ancient religions?

    Dude, you're an idiot, just shut the fuck up.
    In fact, if you can't be bothered to research the most obvious and well documented "conspiracy" of the past 200 years then you should seriously kill yourself and I'm not being ironic.
  9. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    lol @ black people thinking they know anything about music
  10. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    >you don't know shit about music
    >proceeds to post coon tune shit

    lol you're being ironic, right?
    Are you really that stupid?
  11. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III yes when i was awake for meth on 2-4 days

    i've already posted extensively about this and the music i heard was better than the music you are hearing

    #1 - You don't even know what it sounds like
    #2 - you have no taste so you wouldn't be able to judge whether or not it's good in the first place
  12. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III yes you do

    no, I don't really.
    I do sort of recognize your avatar though, which is of that insufferable wetback whore so I ignore you.
  13. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Doubt it, the autopsy showed he died pretty well loaded.

    He probably had a slow and prolonged death in agonizing pain
  14. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung But it will give you a positive outlet for your pent-up anger and angst. Just start with a light combination of weightlifting and Cardio. I'm telling you your confidence will go through the roof

    How do I gain weight?
    I need to start bulking up so I can kill as many shitskins as possible when the tribulation arrives
  15. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III ive already had this thought about myself so basically you're just a poseur and fake and gay

    I don't even know who you are so you're nothing but another NPC
  16. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs than don't think about them. its so simple. if you get homos on your mind thats all on you. you control your thoughts no one else. quit looking to blame others for your stupid thoughts.

    homosexuals are destroying society
  17. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Jesus, you need to start physically exercising vigorously, regularly. I bet if you started that your outlook would change.

    What do you suggest?
    I thought about it for my health ... I seriously feel horribly depressed and physically ill, I wish for death each day.
    My body feels like if it keeps going this path I'll be dead in a decade from now.

    However exercise isn't going to cause me to tolerate the filth that are ruining my world.
  18. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung The lack of diversity in small, rural towns breeds racism to the extreme. you need to get the hell out of Hicksville, Indiana. It's not doing you any favors.

    I grew up in a small city that had plenty of shitskins, it's not a lack of interaction with them that breeds racism, actually interacting with shitskins is what causes people to hate them.
    For me it's not a lack of or too much interaction with them, I simply do not want them around and I desire to live in a white society.
  19. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Killing yourself can be painful and messy and it doesn't always work.
    I remember what it was like to be put under for surgery, if I could have that done but die in the process that would be pretty great.
    For all you know malice probably suffered greatly before he died.
  20. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs fucking all talk and never any action thats why you should kill yourself. just stfu and do wht you say will do right now coward. if you can't do it right now you just another coward. oh your response to this is worthless til you actually kill some people. bye bye

    It's just an expression you fucking retard
    as for killing myself, I would never do that because I'm not a retard like malice.
    What I want is to feel better, but my body is fucked up from alcoholism, spine surgery and the various bike accidents plus the horrible diet I had growing up.
    So I might seek assisted suicide, which needs a different name .. I will dub it "peaceful exit" .. that's far from killing myself.
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