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Posts by HikikomoriYume0

  1. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    and I don't need help

    can you not grasp the concept that there are walks of life outside the realm of what you have come to know?
  2. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist OMG you seriously believe it now?


    I am though, I have always been this way.
    You people are so closed minded and normie.
  3. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny come, let uncle see how far youve grown up.

    dont be shy.

    Why do you feel the need to post under three or four different accounts on such an obscure and insignificant website?
  4. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs you're a fucking idiot.

    speaking to yourself again?
  5. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're definitely mentally stunted but you're not 15

    No, I am 15.
    I'm exactly the same person I was then mentally, I can feel it.
    As for you, you are the mentally stunted one, I am brilliant I just haven't gotten around to exerting my brilliance yet ... but I will ... soon ... I'm still on vacation.
  6. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING VII: Mattchews Camping Trip How loud?

    I can hear the humming all over the house, it's as loud as the fridge.
    I'll record some audio here in a bit.
  7. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator When dealing with nigger, actuate the trigger.

    If you see a nigger, pull the trigger.
  8. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    I'm transaged, my psycho-spiritual sense of self is the same as when I was 15 years old, I'm not kidding.
    I am a 15 year old.
  9. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Nil I'm just embracing the parlance of our times my niqqa.

    Too bad you didn't embrace the emo movement a decade ago and off yourself
  10. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost It's so they can identify victims you… MONSTER!

    sure right ...

    the same people who use their CP stash to frame people all the time care so much about the victimhood of the lolis
  11. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yesterday I was at the store and some lil girl pulled her dress over her head.. and I just kept walking but I heard some older lady frantically getting the mosthers attention saying something like "excuse me she's undressing" and I thought who cares if just a toddler being a toddler but then quickly thought oh yeah theres tons of nonces like hiki walking around that actually get off on see that stuff because their so twisted

    1 - you are an idiot, not me
    2 - I'm not attracted to tolders, I'm into girls ages 10 - 15
    3 - stop being a hater and get with the times, bigot.
  12. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Who wants to place bets that (((Ina Fried))) is a CIA plant
  13. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Nil ur just mad that you can't stack ur gwop to the cieling

    You are not black or a 13 year old zoomer, enough with this nu-speak.
  14. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you should quit being so negative, their just having fun, chicken.

    you're just jelly their more successful than you

    Gorging yourself on gibs and dressing up like a clown is not success
  15. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
  16. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    then how come the NSA and FBI have the world's largest collection of CP?
    Shouldn't they be punished for possessing that type of material?
    If they can have lewds then so can I.
  17. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Insert it into your pc and load into it

    couldn't be anything too serious

    maybe you'll get lucky and find a treasure trove of CP
  18. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Imagine being in your 30s and 40s and unironically dressing like that

    poor coons
  19. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I guess. People have told me I look like dave ghrol and the singer from incubus but I don't think I do its just an archetype.

    just like you look like peter bright aka dr pizza that pedo gont

    You look like a jr high student trying to look edgy and 2cool4u

    I bet you drink monster energy drinks unironically
  20. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    What the fuck is wrong with people who only ever focus on the negative side of things?
    I have neighbors who are perpetually depressed, excepted they're not depressed.
    They always jump to what's wrong and will say negative things without even being affected by it, as if it's their normal.
    People like that must be brain damaged or abused when they were little.
    I might come across as a bit negative, but I always seek the positive ending, these people don't care if there is a positive ending or not.
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