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Posts by inert_observer

  1. my aunt has a car like that and i've been in the car with her a couple times and it just beeps like a spaceship all the time
  2. smoking HEAPS of weed MOIT
  3. and it's cogs are oiled with THC
  4. Originally posted by Krow Lannny are you going to contact Authorities or will I have to be the rat fink to do so.

    I plan on this shit.. but am told (at my fucking age) to not chicken out and stick around. the world's end is probably soon for most of us the way shit is going.

    this person sounds a bit young. I think a welfare check is in need.

    they'll probably just continue to ignore you anyways
  5. Originally posted by CandyRein Why are you asking me all these questions lol

    because i want to UNDERSTAND. don't you ever just look up at the sky and wonder WHY?
  6. DP somebody stole a steak from you?

  7. Originally posted by CandyRein *peaks in thread*


    He’s busy 😋❤️

    *skips away*

    i still don't get it, are you guys like, dating? are you in the same physical location? did u move to germany? did risir move to the states? or are you just DHing it and dating by message? are you spaceniggas trolling us?
  8. lol how do you feel reflecting back on that decision 3 years after the fact?
  9. Originally posted by DietPiano he already did

    i meant OP will never perform
  10. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i know how to use internet better than your dad know how to use your mom.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no, more like 6 or 8 pts.

    on a 5.5'' phone screen.

    obviously not
  11. the font size is 12 pixels, i know this because i've been on totse since 1989 and am schooled in the ways of old school hacking just like spectral
  12. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny all those in the post and reply box.

    like how many points did you set them to ?

  13. that definitely wont happen
  14. Originally posted by Ghost Post your address I'll show you how afraid I am

    no you wont you sniveling little coward, you're just saying that because you know nobody is going to "post their address" or fly out to fight you because that would be fucking retarded. how about you fly to the general area i'm in, then we meet at an agreed on location. then i'll beat the shit out of you. but you won't because you're a coward who has smoked meth for years and never done anything physical in his life so you know you'll lose
  15. your taste in drugs is shit OP
  16. if u stare long enough into the static you see shapes emerge
  17. Originally posted by Ghost What's wrong with looking up to mass shooters as your heroes?

    because you are just doing it so other people will think that you are a badass for looking up to them and think of you as more dangerous because of that, which appeals to you because you are afraid of the world.
  18. anyone who has been smoking meth for 4 years straight is going to be depressed
  19. Originally posted by CASPER Lol. There's other Malice threads?

    Originally posted by CASPER Not to shit on anyone else's thread, but seemed appropriate

    In his honor, please observe a moment of silence before you bang the goofball into your dick vein.

    As promised, heres the report and a couple of the emails he sent a couple years back, with what ended up being his real name.

    RIP Justin Alexis Hernandez aka Malice aka Catfucker (April 16th, 1990- June 15th, 2018)

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