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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor shut the hell up meathead!

    didn't scare me

    Originally posted by blaster master You're just paranoid

    and it scares me
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor whats the point of going to all the work of burying it

    radiation apparently has allergies to 6-8 feet thick dirt. so I should be safe(r).
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    How funny, I was just telling my friend that I could buy 2 tractor trailers and weld them together and throw them in a hole on some property I'm buying.

    So if you want to give HTS the KY, I could take the trailers off your hand if I ever purchase land one day. and no, it wont be for growing weed.. you can do that above ground now. I want it for a storage cellar and survival shit.

    I'll live in a tuff shed above with a ceptic toilet setup and off grid water supply with solar panel power.
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    What if Red is the Incarnate of my adopted father back to fuck with me
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria Chicago "Industrial" is the fake neon haired gelled up kind.

    fuck wax trax
    fuck metropolis records

    You're too young to know the Analog days of 1970s when Industrial Rock aka Gothic was a thing. Hell, I was too young back then to have gone to clubs. I was a young adult in the later years of it in the mid 80s. I mean, Red wasn't even a good time with 9 months of Moms craving silly foods for another 3-4 years. And that really freaks me out, to have a guy who talks like Archie fucking Bunker and an Iron worker (like my Pops) and tell the same silly memes Pops did. I will stand next to my work anyday, but never underneath it.
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria Brits are the biggest cucks in the entire world
    I would sooner have dinner and stay the night with a hasidic jew in tel aviv

    Hasidic jedis aren't bad people. Maybe boring to someone like you but not bad people.

    Tel Aviv however is being turned into Las Vegas.. and that's not good imagery for the Holy Land!

  7. Krow African Astronaut
    infinityshock, are you a really pissed off guy? Someone said you're an old Prison Guard/Correctional Officer who had shit thrown at him by non-white prisoners and you caught HepA, B and C virus.

    But you stated you're 88 (89 now?) so at least you lived this long. Be happy and when you kick the bucket, leave your Gold you buried and your beautiful 1930s Floridian Castle to me for inheritance and I will make sure to place a really beautiful Plaguer outside with your life story.

    Gosh blessing and take naps if you need. I know having only 10 percent of your liver not scarred will do this to an old person.
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you know the uk is apart of europe right?

    LOL Not anymore (Brexit! ZINGGG)

  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Admin Getting mugged would deliver the NY experience.

    Yep.. but I'll pass on that if I can. At least at my age. takes three times as long to heal. Being over 50s is like being 20 with AIDS :|

    Originally posted by blaster master the thing about going to chicago instead of NYC is there's a free place we all could crash in chicago

    and nyc is spendy af

    Still a Thing.. ^this
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria "clubs and art places"

    Fucking boring

    I want to explore the city and experience the industrial wasteland
    I want to hit up some grim dark noise shows and then go to a creepy run down bar with the band members
    I want to visit ground zero and blast "Sieg Heil Viktoria" while dressed as an orthodox jedi
    I want to walk through a neighborhood full of brownstones while listening to Radiohead's "Hail to the thief"
    I want to ride a cab through manhattan while blasting Dido's Thank You

    I want to fucking experience NYC not some nobody shithole in the midwest
    Sounds like fun, like 1978 when CBGB still existed. It's rating a 30 on the scope and one of the safest cities now because too many people to witness a crime and most people this day and age (unlike 30 years ago) would at least record it on a cell phone where thugs know they will just end up being caught.

    unlike San Francisco where you could be stabbed at 10pm and not have anyone notice until 8am the next day.. especially in the Tenderloins where people will just think you're sleeping in your own piss.. until they see it's blood the morning after.

    But there was a time when the Industrial move was a thing. 90 percent of those buildings are removed because of Benzine and Asbestos (BOY!)

    You want a shitty run down bar, prolly still the Bronx.. or some parts of Queens and shitty parts of Brooklyn is still a place. I wouldn't yell Zeig Heil or whatever nazi shit you're into. you prolly get stabbed out there .. for sure.

    You want a city that is still heavy in Industrial Powerhouse go to Chicago.. it's still has shit like that Im sure and or Newark NJ

    Chicago is where AL Capone and his minions lived. It's called Second City because it's the second "NYC" & NY of the midwest yet it is its own city.
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria Chicago is fucking boring

    NYC is the only place in the US worth visiting

    Chicago isn't boring I'm sure. lots of clubs and art places.

    But I am going to make this book. I may not have a chance next year with funds.
  12. Krow African Astronaut

    Remember the NETA/ NETB statement I been making

    It looks like it's called DNS Spoofing

    go here and download or read online

  13. Krow African Astronaut
    May 2019 (or June)

    We can rent an AirBnB (No trashing the place with beer cans and no wrestling sober nor intoxicated, no harassing nor sexual harassment of Cleaning Lady who comes by)

    A White-flag; table sit to discuss what your history experience was with this former TOTSE (though you may remain silent and listen to others.. not encouraged though)

    I would like to film a Totse, Zoklet, (redfern?), NIS and other documentary. Perhaps we could youtube or facebook chat with Totsean aka DfG(whatever his user name is) and anyone who doesn't go.

    cheapofares is like 318 for round trip on Southwest (from SFO to Newark NJ.. that's hella fucking cheap). and the more people who help me rent the AirBnB the cheaper it is for us to stay. considering a shithole 1 bed closet size Hotel in Manhattan is like 200 bucks at best we can live in a condo or house for a fraction and trade off bedrooms for floors depending on how many go)

    We can set up multiple cams, close up, distant shots..etc.

    Then the icing, perhaps we can request a special visit from Jeff Hunter to come visit us at an open restaurant area to discuss the website/bbs dialup.

    so I want to do this before NYC gets too fucking hot.
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Hopefully this answers your question. This is like 20% of the women in LA, and 60% of the women you seem to end up meeting when you go out to do shit.

    If you have a decent body and a minimal level of BDE, they will give you their chlamydia in a heartbeat. If youve never blown your load into a bitches sinus cavity in the back of an uber before, get a fake film crew to follow you around LA for a couple of weeks, and bot yourself an IG account with like 300k followers.

    WHOA Wait youngster. I'm mid 50s.. what does BDE and IG account mean

    What about former cougars (with MONAY) that decide they will just go back with young looking 50 year olds like me (I mean I look prolly mid 40s now)

    Can I find a rich Sugar Momma?
  15. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by JĎ…icebox the fuck is a body condom

    it is made for men and women.

    It's probably real real thin latex (like a condom) that a woman's body condom will look like those old 1990s Fly Girl Biker shorts that have what looks like an inverted condom attached to push inside their cooth region.

    and then a man can wear the same but with an outie condom that's apart of the latex shorts and he has to push his dinky in inside it after he places them on.

    then you have intercourse which is prolly more like outercourse (teehee)

    this way you don't get the icky chlamedia cooties or crabs/lice, the clap or hopefully if they don't break at the same time, TeH AIDS
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria Why? They're both niggery subhuman races.

    You're asian and white and prolly slightly above av IQ and you're saying this shit about the "Amerasians" ?

    I mean I thought the word Nigger was redefine as just any mother fucker who is ignorant as shit (which you show off lots)

    Also, you can't use that word at an ignorant black person because it washes it's meaning out and is just straight racist.. and you become just another dime a dozen racist with 'hate speech person' skills for doing so.

    Maybe I'm a nigger. Lately I been self humbling myself by calling myself a big piece of shit while looking in the mirror. I need to just be a better person. no matter how much better I can get, I'm gonna not say "Positive" in the mirror.. but "I'm a big piece of shit.. I need to do better". if I do what some professionals used to tell people "Daily Affirmations" like Stuart Smally, I will just accept the level I'm at and not advance. That old school hippy shit don't roll today. Now it's Asian-Affirmation (Asianirmation?) and humble myself everyday with insults of how much of a Piece of Shit I am. then I just might advance myself for the betterment of not just myself but all of humanity.

    Join me in this De-affirmation technique, my fellow TOTSEAN-ITERITES
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Post a half of a leg. In a month maybe we'll get an elbow.

    maybe she doesn't have enough room in her home to get it all in the camera shot without going outside and moving the camera 4 blocks back for a selfie.
  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny yes but i thought it was just fictions because we didnt have internet until the the mid 90s and i only get to internet around 99.

    I think that was close to us as well. living out in the fucking boonies of the Bay area at the time.

    hearing and waiting. getting shitty first gen DSL was maybe 4-5x faster than my 56k just as no one was using the Dialup boards as much.

    then Cable came and I think the guy had me test a download and upload of a file. and I was expecting faster but not that fast and he was like.. All done.. ok. and I vaguely remember something about not trusting his ass.

    so I tried downloading a large file from some site but it was kind of slow and i thought "Fucking scam file d/u test. but it was just because the other site was bogged down.

    this may have started the addiction that dialup was too slow to have. with dialup I just bounced on and left for hours. this was a "Real time" event and not delayed like most dialup boards or the free AOL i would bounce on.
  19. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Where life is a constant party, and you feel like you play in a rock band.

    Can I have this in the next incarnate (If such a thing exist before the big final Spiritual Spring Cleaning)
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny everybody wants to be china.

    They're Winning! that's why. And they and the Wealthy Saudis are buying up America.

    Everyone loves a winner. But Chinese should be more Humble and less chest beaters. I mean they're winning. what's to beat your chest for.
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