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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    I went on Amazon and found the phone for 330 refurb. Buy a refurb. they take a lemon and fix the problems and do a double quality test on them. vs the shitty QC on new phones coming off the line.

    Refurbs are aways the best buys if it comes from a reliable source

    (look for high reviews and purchase from them.. they have to keep their 4+ star ratings up on yelp and amazon)

    Also it wasn't the Plus model was it. this same refurb as a plus went for like 400. a few bucks more and you could of got the duel front cam and 6.2 screen
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietYellow legit question

    I still think she's my old neighbor.

    Even though she claims to be a Non-Caucasian
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs how do you think they play? you seem to be expert on them. you definitely don't need my help here. i just came in here out of curiosity is all.

    I was waiting for the non whites to come in and cool the Nazi theme down a bit but it just got uglier and funnier.

    the RisiR hooking up with our beautiful Mizz Candy was the cherry topping.

    Meanwhile.. "In time great things happens" has brought me two new gems. but the Beto one just made truth at it's level of 10/10 make things too surreal to deal with.

    Welcome Aboard. Capt Lanny has to deal with the Mutiny of this Bounty Ship .. I think eventually He'll drop the pedo's such as Sophie (Our very own William Bligh) off on the Pitcairns and then run this fucker into ground and abort.

    it will prolly be the last of the iterations (unless Newtotse stays a success )
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III it's like people need the $12 insurance of the specialty IPA to pacify themselves into thinking they're doing something worthwhile. i'm not talking about alcohol being the pacifier here though, although it helps. the pacifier is more that $12 price tag

    It's called "Atmosphere" and especially in the Bay Area where commercial real estate can be up to 32 bucks a sq ft vs the 1-4 in the midwest, 12 dollars barely keeps the bar owners out of the red.

    Did you and I go on the same Indie Film making BBS by chance? I remember a guy from Antioch who I never got to hook up with while he lived in chicago but his mother owned a Barn we could do green screen stuff out of. I think he went to Antioch High School. but you said you "Already went through that" with me.

    Dude, I don't have that forum in front of me. I can't remember why I walked into a room 5 minutes ago 10 out of 11 times let alone remember what we talked about in specifics. But then again, I can see where you're going with the thread. But I think the Hipster scene is dying out. I don't see them walking around the club scenes that I drive around during the busy fleet hours.
  5. Krow African Astronaut
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor everytime swim sees one that got filled he goes and scoops the fresh asphalt into a home depot 5gal . hes piling it up in his cats room until he has enough to build a driveway


    that's kind of a shit move. I get the idea of thinking the city is apart of "The Man" but it's paid for by the common man and plus guys like me hit the newly dug out pothole he cretes and blows a fucking tire out and busts a shock or strut
  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor If the thiefs wuz smart they would steal their thoughts

    But they're not. Are you gaslighting me about the google, fraunhofer, IBM experiments of Brain2Text reads?

    like what I think they can read on their faggy iphones
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian Still no meaning.

    Reminds of some bible thumper that said God exists cause the Gold Cruxcifix on the altar in Notre Dam survived the fire. It was infact due to the fire temp not being hot enough to melt said gold.

    Gold melting point

    How hot do you think it got in there. Funny how a Steel Building melted and fell 3 buildings 3 separate times (not including the side of the Pentagon) times in 2001.

    Steel melts at 2400f 500 degrees hotter.

    that Church was like a brick oven. a Kiln of sort.
  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Students n neighbors getting robbed at gunpoint off campus in Berkeley. Used to be a nice safe area. Alot of Cal students r broke as fark..

    Go try n rob Stanford Afluent kids n private cops will kill you first then rush you "crashing" zero line n resesitate your vidals to experience a Eugenics Moment for organ parts.. Like Extreme Measures film. Hugh Grants only decent unfaggotex netflix n fly
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STER0S i dunno about this thread but fuck in-n-out.

    wendys makes the best fast-food burger.

    Frosties melt n turn to shakes ..50 cent frostie deals buy 2 fo a dolla
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    My buddy n Ol lady makes me eat Bamboo shoots in chicken chinese soup.. Shits spicy a bit.. Pandas be getting high off tall grass
  12. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STER0S that shit gotta be delicious.

    Would be like blue fin tuna ..going rate 5,000 a pound
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Just saying. At the end of the day, I get you all. Everything you post, the way you post it, when you post it, WHY you post it. I get it. I'm probably projecting.

    But I get it. I give good advice when I give a shit. I dont really care about any of you but I do. I'm co-dependent. Tstming thinking of it gives me anxiety.



    Get drunk this may 3rd day and just say things good job. Please die ?

    Most people that kill themselves are fucked up on something. It's TRUE. I'm not gonna do it but you know what I mean… it's really hard to kill yourself in general imahineneing dead sober. I'd like to know the stats.

    Someone show me suicide statistics and how many of them are stone cold sober

    Is there uber drivers in Fargo? fam homestead there at one time.. Can I live with you.. Ill give you 200 a month rent
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III yep, time to start getting those affairs in order now so we can be prepared when the first hits

    Roids? You building up?
  15. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mashlehash wash u mayne

    honey pluck daddy for times

    Sober up and cut that crazy beard back.. Maybe some mutton chops
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    It is changing so fast. Knocking Down old buildings and throwing up new..most boxes called Mix Use.. Stores with Apartments on top. Old style they did long ago which shows density growth. And the Brooklyn Basin (Oakland used to be called Brooklyn 100 plus years ago) is growing.. They put up a few buildings in but let the trees to mature some years and now all the power growth comes in with a new ball park.. Whats my point.. I was born and raised here.. Wish i had taken architecture courses .. The new apartments are nicely design (for box structures) but I would of created an older style Facade.. The new color theme is brick red (one of my fav colors) Black, Egg Shell white and Sage Green.. Some yellow. Seems to be a theme but not Raiders Silver and Black (they leaven anyways) playing field-green and mustered yellow(A's theme color) nor much Cal Blue and Gold(Warriors n Cal Bear)..

    I guess what I am trying to say/ask is why duh fug are there so many fucking potholes? Fix these fucking things

    -peace out Y'all ..( my best attempt at sounding ol school urban)

    L8r ya gaybutts
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor Do you know where to get some?

  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Brussels sprouts more like cub assholed rustled scouts OR WHATEVER

    The fuck u on dawg?
  19. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun Aren't we all sick in some kind of way? I mean we are posting on this website.

    Brussels Sprouts
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs Lol. In my 40's. Seems like it was passed on from generation to generation on my father's side. Arthritis that is. My dad when he was alive told me he start getting it in his hands/wrists in his 20's and he worked construction for almost 35 yrs. Any way he had to do what he do for us but he always said if never had kids he would have chopped off his hands and than himself(he had other mental issues lol)the pain was that unbearable too for him. my grandpappi had it in the elbows and some of his fingers before 40.

    Tortuous shit.

    R.A. is caused by a low immune system of the white cells. hurts like fuck. My pinky started to twist into the shape called a swan neck and then just went back to normal.

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