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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano im getting sick of this place. Making serious threads with actual content in it and getting 0-2 semi-quality replies is disheartening. I use to get a thanks every 6 posts, but i dont fucking care anymore and i spam like scron now and realize why he does it.

    I'm going for broke with jailbait thread and not much else. none of us give a shit and this is stupid.

    You clearly have a narcissistic mind of needing attention for randomness.
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Yeah I'm not reading schizo rants.

    I'm trying to shorten it to be able to understand.

    it's hard to articulate

    respect to the soldiers who fought but not to their masters who used false flags for war (WMDs never found)

    the first Gulf War most likely had merrit. as far as I'm concerned it was justifiable to go after Suddam for violating an agreement with the USA after 1991 gulf war. but at the same time these goons made so much fucking money.

    Thank you soldiers for fighting. sorry to the civilians of Iraq and other nations you were "colladeral damage" to the MIC who wants offensive weapons more than a bubble of defense for the USA.

    they want to sell our newest shit now to Saudi. those are the fuckers in the 28 pages redacted, released for a short time, stating they wrote checks to Muhhamid Atta (San Diego/Florida?)

    I don't think a spy like this being funded by a nation the USA considers an allie, had the leaders family write a check to a spy that planned on attacking the USA has ever happened in USA history without a response. it's unpresidented or a "unique" situation.

    plus, I never said "no Planes hit the tower" and I don't believe it's holograms. I believe it was something related to this program test.

    Spectral will know. I'm trying to search it.. internet is policed now.. no more "Conspiracy" stuff that would pop up on the first page

  3. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc Cult of the dead cow was a hacking forum. You used to be able to DL some cool cracking tools on the site and discuss hack/cracking tips etc.

    Don't think they been around for a good while now tho.


    It had a limitation of like 40 users. When I read that, I pretty much knew the forum you could only go on and read (download?) but not join. that was Moo and it's funny, totse was apart of NirvanaNet but the address to the original IRC wasn't or to the older dialup email (without research I can't think .. my brain is really having a hard time remembering the term.. something telnet or terminal pulled up newsgroup stuff. you could download codes and use an assembler to pause pause.. brain.. create Exe files? ) it's name was like or some shit. something totse was related to on the original BBS phone number list had the other info. Sometimes I feel like the monkey and sometimes a light shines and I'm the alien ascension thingy.
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    Sorry.. I'm not joking. I think I might be stroking ..back of my upper neck and head was in such pain. I'm having on and off issues typing. I need to call it quits for driving for at least a few hours.. I'm in Berkeley eating and some helicopter is buzzing overhead
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    PS. DH .. I guess you have no clue about this.. but I wasn't sure.. just by proxy of association you decided to bring your date forum to this place. So I added you in the headline of this thread .. I think one of you might be a NIS /Zoklet member.. possibly totse
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    As I have always been open of my intent to get research from all spin-off/iterations of TOTSE.. I have noticed edgy and true flaggable topics have slowed down.. people responding to me less and insults over true trolling jabs (emotional trolling like roasting insults usually). This happened once before.. I vaguely recall saying I'll try to be less serious after realizing Lanny's true age being too young for that TOTSE issue of 2001

    I decided that since th is site is like TOTSE jabs for laughs As well as interesting story posts of mostly current events.. I would roll along with the ant-nest eg:all the users on here as well as tiny chat "tinybltc" related to both NirvanaNet by proxy of forum "better living through chemistry" and Occasionally wait for something of interest like Jeff Hunter from dream force convention video while matching a more modern photo other than Jeff,Alice hunter (former wife or relative) and I believe which was said to be JC Stanton, way back in the 1980s

    <editing .. I made a grammar error> then some people who knowingly to my request of posting a Jeff Hunter photo that they had contradicted earlier claims of knowing who he looked liked then claims no one; including them ., then back to claiming they had photos .. rejected a request to get give me that photo. then a year later Jeff Hunter is seen in a photo (a scientist?) Metaphysicist (spell check needed) with Jeff Hunter sitting behind him.

    I started to put it in the past when suddenly I'm scrolling through bing's search pages suggested news strip bar and I see Beto O'Rourke and I said.. he sounds familiar.. then as I read his story of dialup BBS as a kid posting a story of sardonic behavior of backing over a kid. I thought.. very TOTSE/Zoklet like..

    Then the kicker.. Cult Dead Cow or Cult of Dead Cow. Out of El Paso.. so I thought.. maybe just similar network geeks.. then I saw the cow emblem ACSsI or ANSI graphics.. sure it's probably on a list of a bunch of ansi art.. but I remember that name.. then I found a PDF I made of the main menu.. CDC .. Cult of the dead cow. Linked in totse's main page.

    Still reading? Former PayPal/eBay ceo..cto Harper Reed's boss is a cto start for Beto's current campaign....

    Harper seems decent ..younger than I am but &TOTSE before I joined... A person who says Totse forever on his website ( view or org or net..I think it's com) look to bulletpoint year 1992 .. well.. I see they're all in the same nest-network together.

  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're a retard, reading your gibbering bs is exhausting. go suck on dr mikes nipples some more peedy, and change your screen name, quit being influenced by me. be your own man.

    I was feeling less creative after forgetting pw of email for retrieval as well as obviously the last U-N. .

    Talking about being pathetic. You're either brain-dead for making this demand while you were using the username peedie or peedy in tinybltc on Easter. You're not very articulate either, Mr Bill Krozby
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i was out just now and i saw this straight branch about 7 feet that they cut off and dump in a pile and so i took it home with the intention of turning it into a hat stand for my helmets but after a good shower and thorough soaping all my motivation to actually do it was gone.


    I thought this would be a Pro-GMO to aid in the parishing of produce
  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby anyways.. this was just a thread about the show ramy.. if you have nothing to say about it, then why even comment? peedy and totse2k are like the middle aged version of beavis and butthead, definitely not cute or funny though.

    I noticed you try to al'pha people with angry insults when they try and reciprocate with same level trolling.

    If you're going to be angry and serious about a topic.. then you too have "this is not a SG thread" . movingpicture- forum would of been more apropos

    Next I stayed on topic of film or media experiences.. Amending related stories of similarity. Your just a dog barking at any tree with a sore ass of poison-ivy
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny it would be funny if suicide bombers blow Only themselves up in easter bunny costume.

    there are furs every where !

  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian *White night faggot detected*

    WC Garage,OG? .. Walmart Spree n some DerWeinershnizal hoddog
  12. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian Right listen spastics you all suppose to be roasting me not each other

    Welcome to TOTSE
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    I would love to play this game.. but I never seen you before and I don't know even know what 51 Facebooks gender specific Identify you are. Almost all of you So called DH second Gen.. because 8 or so first DH to NIS pilgrimage stayed for months then suddenly left in an unusual pattern one could extrapolate reasons why with suspicion
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL But most good viruses run in memory anyways. They only leave a copy of themselves on the harddrive, but they don't need to.

    Maybe Vinnie is stating you could compile a hotlink a transparent Box with software like camtasia software and hack it to work in YouTube's compiler uplink?
  15. Krow African Astronaut
    I talked about this but amended an OT in another thread you fake Cris.tian .. Christian refuses to Transparent-On-911dox
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I guess we've found out what Bill Krozby considers being rich…owning a $249 TV from Walmart.


    I paid 299 at Target for a Chinese brand Smart TV with Roku built in.. I think I'm being spied in by Commies n Pinkos
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby \

    And you want a real response to your question? I never saw it Kro'z
  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I have unfortunately. It's full of stereotypes. Like I'm sure some of that goes on, but it looks like a pathetic attempt to normalize muslims. Like, hey look at us, we're just americans like you… It's just strict parental guiding, but its also the plight of their culture if you ask me. An extreme example would be when I was a kid a couple times my dad took my brother and mother and I to hala's place, this guy he worked with at amd and my brother and I were like 9 / 7 years old or something and we'd play prince of persia on their video game system.. but we weren't allowed to play video games with hala's daughter, in fact he would send his daughter away to go eat somewhere else. it was kinda weird.

    But the thing is i think that the plight of the situation is kinda strange. Nice people though, just different. Theres a huge discord between muslims and christians obviously (im a christian) and I think the whole level of "mad BIG DICK TRILL NIGGA man syndrome" only complicates it. I would ask this palestinian girl to come over to my place and she was really weirded out telling me that she lives with her brothers and that they would hate me ect.. so I invited her to my place and she was parked outside asking if I could come walk her up to my place and I tried to go outside but my door wouldn't open, i locked myself in my place and got on tc to ask what to do but i couldn't get out. so i text the chicken to come to my door and talk to me and she was really freaked out. i told her i was locked in my place and i needed her help to help me crawl out through my cats room window and she did and she took me to buy some graphite for the lock.

    anyways long storty short but yeah. anyone here ever seen the show ramy? its pretty bad.

    I am amazed I didn't ADHD in this with a TL/DR aide. Not being mean to you lil Bromo.

    Anywho I read an article on indie films that are in tense and have great or surreal endings.. I waited for Netflix or Prime to show those films like Greenroom

    .. I forgot for some months and it came up.. Greenroom .. I had a hard time with seeing the film with weird holes in the plot..(I will see the rest of it later this week and I support indie actors who did good acting )and

    So I turn on "Kill The Messenger".. which to me could of been a sequal to American Made with Tom Cruise ..though it's a (word correction) Hack-Script of what went down ??

    (Arkansas's Mean Mena (fucking autospell) airstrip drug connection to Contra's). Not a spoiler but the end of Kill the Messenger (Story of San Jose Mercury news and Reporter Gary web) the film ends with CIA director being demanded National Security Doc on Drug connections.. they Didn't show LAPD officer Michael Ruppert who laid a bombshell he had evidence of such at that same town hall meeting in South Central LA could of been a doc Sequal to Gary Web..
  19. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by whoami A dumb cunt/right wing pseudo-intellectual former armchair cultural commentator from the tube of jedis

    99.9% of this iteration of 2 forums..DH n NIS .. it's how we learn, right? .. go on her forum and if you feel she is unknowledgeable about x-Situation then School her or use less of your ego and Offer an alternative phact
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

    Dare to take the rational black pill fam?

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