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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie 1 BTC 1 Thread. That's pretty stiff, chief.

    I mean, maybe one day a week an all day or Pacific Standard/Saving time of 4 hours. maybe Friday Free for all on sex (except the kind you claim to like.. CHILDREN. that really isn't funny. cringey if you're joking. but I'm not gonna preach.. even SNL does that shit.
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie No i really don't think you understand, but that's quite alright, you carry on shining you crazy diamond.

    OK.. I really have to ask. Just be serious. Are you truly a pedophile? and did you mention you have a kid(s) or adopted one?

    if true, maybe you should turn yourself in. maybe they will chemically castrate you in your country (nederlands?)
    if you're joking, that's the longest I'v seen someone stay in troll character. maybe you should be chemically castrated. if you were in the US you would almost certainly be beaten to death or seriously hospitalized. it's the biggest NO NO in both society of the free and incarcerated.

    be glad you don't live here.
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    Lanny should pass out 1 coin per day linked to the keyword Sex, tits, pussy, kitty, etc

    like a bitcoin to create 1 thread. or 3 jr coins to respond to thread regarding sex.

    like a bitcoin but he can call it a titcoin.

    he's too lazy to code it into his board.
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    more like along the lines of when you're at a restaurant and they bring you a fancy plate and you fucking photo chat it to facebook/myspace kind of shit.. just updating something saultry and it's like "Yeahhh.. followed up by yeahhh, know what I mean"

    i mean.. i'm not damming the titty-kitty chat.. but it's just a fuck flow of it all the time
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost what the fuck is sextext

    like stuff regarding sex with using text. sexting I think is similar but sextext is on an open forum instead of one on one messenger

    we should collapse every fucking related sextext from every thread and forum into one large giant sextext orgy thread.
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost how

    denying.. dehumanizing


    Counter-Op movement when "turning" doesn't work.
  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Ok, so please post the PDF version of your correspondence with the FBI field office in St. Louis. Redact as you see fit.

    Snail Mail. no PDF
  8. Krow African Astronaut

    Counter-Op movement when "turning" doesn't work.
  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost

    easy cards for beginners.

    Curious if this went from NetA to NetB mirror all over again.

    I really stumbled onto some crazy shit.. well not stumbled.. I was a previous user and nothing to have me believe this level of madness would ever happen. so it was very shocking when it became REAL!
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    So as far as FOIA

    When I first read it, I read it kind of dyslexic and thought "We found nothing to your request" but it had multi layers of searches.

    I don't want to reveal the entire thing yet. I might copy/paste it later when I get more info but only redact names (including mine) and addresses except the Field Office.

    So the first thing I notice was suspicious. So, about 7-8 years ago, on Stickam. I had an argument with a guy I think went by "murder face". real saucy. Tinychat and stickam and are pretty much all the same type of chat/video sites.

    one day I got into an argument with murder face who would (along with others) say they wanted to rape my kids. No lie. and then he tells me to fuck off when I said, I should call the cops. this is getting old. Especially when they dropped my PI in front of other people

    these were people in which one of them (purge.. looks a lot like mmQ) somehow stole my password for my room The Lounge and changed it.. and then kept me from being Admin or Mod. He claimed he (as well as a few others) were Zoklet users

    short of this, is Murder Face tells me (after I told him I was going to call the cops) "Go ahead, I'm a fed" and gives me the phone number of his field office (he claims) in St Louis. and I called.. got some message prompt to leave a message. I left a few. I said something like "A guy who goes by murderface on a web chat site said this was his number, he was a fed and told me to call him after he made threats to my kid.. and how he didn't care.. and I think I might of said, most likely not you murder, but to the actual agent, sorry if you have to hear this.. call me back at this number, I have something to talk about".. not verbatim but real close.

    never got a call back. I'm like a Joke to these people?

    but the FBI field office they chose to contact me back isn't Washington DC that I went on, or my local SF.. it's from St Louis, MO

    OK.. fair enough. maybe this is their speciality or chosen specific at this city's field office.

    but anyways, i did a FOIA of Zoklet and Jeff Hunter. one was not found (I think Jeff) but several things which interested the FBI were, they said that they found files on the matter. Something about closing the case but then reviewing it again they reopened it. NARA has my stuff.. there were several files Responsive" and sent to NARA. like an official Government version of

    To lanny and everyone from Zoklet, it seems Zok was in fact employed by the FBI and that he has a rap sheet (I'm guessing he was let go?) regarding the coupon scam?

    So basicly I have to request from several other agencies. I think DoJ was one of them.

    I'm just letting you know i felt I wasn't going to get any other info on Jeff or Zok so I'm deciding to go forward with this.
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    At first I thought it was a flood of alts just to be some unlikely group to come hang out in a Zoklet/Totse iteration, spinoff whatever

    it was kind of ammusing at first. but it's non-stop shitpost after another.

    If we were strangers and talk about the weather or such.. fine.. and even that isn't shittalk.. it's short-time chat for people meeting for short periods (the bus driver in small talk..etc)

    but everyday.. I mean.. Talk about some swag ass event you experienced.

    I get it.. occasionally we get on a roll of hurdur humorous, childish shit. but compare todays headers of threads to just before they came on.
  12. Krow African Astronaut
    Lets just flood this place with sextext n stuffff

    hey lets talk about random childish shit.. but only that.

    We all did this to break up the monotony and hum drum feeling after getting political or some other weird issue. but it's floods of SHITPOST non-stop.
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    PS WTC3 was the Marriott Hotel below WTC 1,2
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost What's RTT.

    I think playing video games is good for the brain. You see old people playing those brain age games for Nintendo DS I think that's good for normies it helps you think faster.

    so.. relating game relates to RTT but not directly. Mario (a name common in most latin nations such as italy and spain) comes from the God of War "Mars"

    a perfect and cute way of creating a code word for the MIC.

    *Marriott take Mario out of it, you're left with RTT. Real Time Text. and advance encoded to watch people type in real time. on a Social Media it's kind of innocent, except you can see if they say one thing and then back up and give another version. or it can be used to see a password in banking in real time before the person hits send.

    WTC3 stood above the back entrance to an underground garage but also a security road to buildings 4, 5 and 6. 5-6 had 1.2 Billion in gold coins.. even if gold melted it would be at the bottom of the bathtub. maybe not all but most. or did they strip it out prior?. the vault was in tact and clean with only a few papers. FEMA videographer filmed it. then his wife commits suicide and then they blame him of murder and he splits for Argentina or some other latin country.

    crazy shit.
  15. Krow African Astronaut
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost I am just faster than most people which is why you can't comprehend the speed of my replies, you think someone pays me to do this but it's just my default setting. Most people can't understand the power of my mind and they think I'm just spamming but I have spent many years improving my brain and my parallel processing abilities.

    I can reply to every thread on page one before most people can even finish one post and I'm usually watching tv, playing video games or making some kind of art while I do it.

    This is what happens when I'm sober. I smoke weed to slow down my brain so I can function like a normal slow human

    That was in the form of a question. Yet i am pretty fast at typing myself.. but not processing much , but today I feel as if I can't think of half the household words out there (not literally) in quick sucsession. then it stops and I'm ok for a bit.

    Maybe it's aging? but my mind is like a 90 year olds right now

    But I wasn't accusing you of RTT or anything :___)
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by JĎ…icebox They also crush their own throats

    is there a pattern of this.. if so, how or why would a coroner risk his Job for writing it off as "Suicide"?
  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie If we're so smart you'd imagine we'd disappear people more sneakily.

    I didn't say you made them disappear.. i mean in what context do you mean. like you're the boogie man and made them go away (spook agent?) or you would annoy them with geek talk as they sextext all day long and thought "oh.. nothing of interest here"
  19. Krow African Astronaut
    Not a lot of fruit or produce have the vitamins packed in one item. Banana's are great for leg cramps or preventing them after the gym or other cardio workouts.
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost What do you mean by that i don't spam. I have barely posted in the last 2 days because all the threads are trash. My brain is just really fast and can process large amounts of data quickly so I can front page flush with no effort

    Whoa wait. You do this as a hobby/art form or do you get paid to do this.. back to "Internet being policed" people do what you just did at bing or google to push content to page 99?
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