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Posts by Octavian
2019-05-23 at 5:50 PM UTC in If God never gives us anything that we cannot handle...Lol the new Well Hung is such a cuck. I remember a different guy full of cheer and fun, not this depressing shit.
Folks, someone's life is running out fast. 👍 -
2019-05-23 at 5:10 PM UTC in If God never gives us anything that we cannot handle...
2019-05-23 at 5:08 PM UTC in back on drugsI fucking hate Cocaine. I have no kidneys left cause of the shit.
I just want to deepthroat a shotgun but I'm too vain to blow away this masterpiece. -
2019-05-23 at 5:07 PM UTC in Risir has never gotten laid without being drunk...
Originally posted by CandyRein Lol@ asking a random man on the Internet what’s going on in my personal life
Oct, do you believe Stl knows what’s going on in my home right now.. do you believe that lmao
Stl.. what color is my kitchen ?
I don't gorgeous but I wish I was coming home to your sweet ass. 😍 -
2019-05-23 at 5:04 PM UTC in Bill Krozby would make a good fatherI concur.
2019-05-23 at 5:03 PM UTC in If God never gives us anything that we cannot handle...Posting in a suicidal thread.
2019-05-23 at 5:02 PM UTC in Anyone Seen Mikeyagain?Good he's a fucking faggot anyway.
2019-05-23 at 5:02 PM UTC in ghost and HTS are probably shooting up heroin amongst the dense vape clouds of their room...Give me a kidney.
2019-05-23 at 4:56 PM UTC in Risir has never gotten laid without being drunk...
2019-05-23 at 4:26 PM UTC in Risir has never gotten laid without being drunk...Lol cummies.
He gots tha goodies!!! -
2019-05-23 at 4:23 PM UTC in SlepBest thing is to get up as soon as you wake. I always wake at 6 then sleep till 8 and feel like shit.
2019-05-23 at 4:21 PM UTC in Blacks aren't human
Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine They way they look and behave is inhuman.
They are more close to a chimp than a human and that is not a stereotype.
Niggers are so bestial.
Everything about them is disgusting and negative.
After the jedi they are the most grim and repulsive human-like animal on earth.
After eliminating the jedi I hope people band together and exterminate the jungle jedi from existence.
The jedi has a new alt. -
2019-05-23 at 4:19 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Malice Metro Edition
2019-05-23 at 7:12 AM UTC in I have a brother and sisterPost pic of ugly sister
2019-05-23 at 6:54 AM UTC in My girlfriend likes to spit and push cum on me.
Originally posted by Fonaplats Sometimes (always) she pretends to swallow and then looks at me with the most beautiful eyes and smile but then she starts to grin and before I can react she spits my whole load at me and 9/10 I cant get outta the way fast enough.
Other times when she is on top and I get off, she slows down and before I can catch my breath she has my arms pinned down and is pussy-pushin' my cum outta herself and all over me.
Its been going on for a while but I am still not use to it.
Your gf looks trans. -
2019-05-22 at 11:03 PM UTC in Anything wrong with humanity and society can be traced back to the juden
Originally posted by Jesus Christ You people keep trying to debate about something you don't have any business even talking about.
It's like if a woman who works at starbucks tried to debate physics with a physicist.
Also you might be surprised to hear this, but your understanding about race is completely wrong and warped by your limited experience/understanding of the world.
The world isn't like what you see in the media or your neighborhood.
Go out and meet some Eurasians before you spout stupid shit like this:
Annnnnyyyways, you said it yourself. You're an academic failure and shizophrenic.
Kill yourself. -
2019-05-22 at 10:33 PM UTC in I have a brother and sisterTl;dr
2019-05-22 at 10:31 PM UTC in Anything wrong with humanity and society can be traced back to the juden
2019-05-22 at 10:27 PM UTC in Anyone feel like a spontaneous change in current lifestyle?I think a sporadic change, although shocking to the body, will work wonders. It's in our body's inherent nature to work against this notion as we are all accustomed to indulging in behaviours that are somewhat self destructive, be it physical or mental. By making little positive changes, other positive things have resulted from that one change.
The endgame of this is to actually get something good out of it. Each and everyone of us would like to change one habit, one facet of our being, but choose to sit and complain and NOT do anything.
This game doesn't even have to be physical like going the gym or running a marathon. It could be something simple like not taking sugar in your tea to starting a new hobby. As much as it sucks at first you have to stick at it.
I myself are starting boxing, something I had little interest in at first but I wanted to improve my skills. I'm committed to detoxing off binge drinking which came hand in hand with the heavy Cocaine use. There's various other things I will add to this as I go along. I think overall this can be a postive thing and would be interesting to share.
We should all still feel proud that we at least gave this a go. If not, FUCK YOU! -
2019-05-22 at 10:02 PM UTC in Hey lanny how did it feel when your dad died?Blessed is he that suffers for our sins. We all must be greatful.