2020-02-05 at 10:08 PM UTC
how big is ur pp?
*Random thought*
The way Tuberculosis use to leave pock marks on the face. Did this ever leave penises looking like bald cactuses?
2020-02-05 at 10:05 PM UTC
how big is ur pp?
I feel this discussion could be understood better with pics but It would be gay as fuck. Not to mention §m£ÂgØL would be beating his dick like it was going out of fashion.
2020-02-05 at 10:01 PM UTC
how big is ur pp?
Man I would hate to have a pencil dick.
2020-02-05 at 10 PM UTC
how big is ur pp?
Can't be that thin considering he's smashing squirrel? Although easy ass access.
2020-02-05 at 9:58 PM UTC
Random Thoughts
I'm going to pray for 9 days and see how I feel after. I have faith God will keep me strong and improve my circumstances.
I'm in a lot of pain as of late. I have headaches more or less all the time. Pain all over tbh. I think the back/ lung pain is smoking related. The headaches are in due part to Cocaine/ alcohol abuse. I have an annoying pain lower left side, w.e fucking organ that is. I'm due to get this lump under my nipple scanned on the 10th. Doc reckons it's a cyst that can be drained, fuck knows.
The headaches are most concerning, it seems to affect the left side, particularly at the back of my head/ cerebellum region.
2020-02-05 at 9:34 PM UTC
I have a monogamy fetish
Sorry we only do fertile hoes, no dried up cunts.
GTFO of my shop.
2020-02-05 at 9:32 PM UTC
how big is ur pp?
My penis I would say is small when not erect but somehow grows to an acceptably pleasing size when aroused. I've had no complaints, ever. I think with enough time off drugs it would go back to normal.
2020-02-05 at 9:25 PM UTC
how big is ur pp?
Years of drug abuse has rendered it incapable of serious, blood pumping solidness.
2020-02-05 at 9:24 PM UTC
how big is ur pp?
Depends. We talking on flop or solid?
2020-02-05 at 9:23 PM UTC
Random Thoughts
I wish I could blow my fucking brains out, but I fear eternal damnation. Also missing out on some good future Netflix series.
Fuck my life.
At least all the people who claimed to being terorized by myself will treated insane.
2020-02-05 at 9:19 PM UTC
I have a monogamy fetish
Asians are disgusting and your kids will look all slanty eyed, fuck-that!
Blacks produce beauties.
2020-02-05 at 8:15 PM UTC
what is your dream life?
One in which I get paid to torture paedophiles.