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Posts by Infinityshockrates

  1. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    welcum back mr cummer
  2. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman

  3. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 So more 'mah free market' protectionism for Elon and his overpriced electric shitboxes. Elon Mr libertarian who's the biggest corporate welfare recipient of all time. Elonists be like 🙈🙉

    Don't like it? Just start your own electric car company and win those contracts yourself.

    Originally posted by Infinityshockrates You know ANY company can bid on government contracts right? It's not like he's the only one, he's just proven himself to be the only one consistent and capable hence winning all the contracts. Anyone else could do this stuff, but they don't

    Yelling at rich people doesn't solve anything. If you want to see change maybe try doing something about it. Or maybe you won't because if it was YOU winning those contracts you could never take the criticism you would donate all your assets to the poor and apologize to society for being a rich billionaire asshole, move to the mountains to reflect on your financial sins and live out your days a hermit
  4. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    drug dog
  5. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    they have never been prescription as far as I know

    idk if they are even sold anymore. THere's still lots of people talking about it on YT, lol roshambo is like one of the first videos that comes up searching it. He's a real trend settler

  6. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    I got put in for the GPT4 beta test

    used it to scan the site. IT followed the robots.txt and didn't scrape the mongolvoid. I wonder how much it pinged lannys server

    it then generated fictional data.

    10/10 service so far, this has potential. just imagine if it worked right
  7. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    and guess what folks?

    Google skewing their search results to hide pro Donald Trump content and promote democrat content and skew elections and public opinion is 100% within their rights. It's their data, their servers, their technology.

    If you don't like it, just don't use it.

    If you think regulating GOOGLE will solve anything, you are part of the problem
  8. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The problem with unregulated social media sites is that they are unregulated.

    So property rights don't exist because the internet isn't "real" even though if someone puts illegal content on a server they can be "in possession" of it (even if the server isn't physically anywhere near them)

    Lanny banning someone because he doesn't like them shouldn't be illegal. It's his server, his property. He can do whatever he wants with it.

    If you believe anything different for Zuckerberg or Elon musk, you are a communist and don't believe in property rights, simple as.
  9. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Fawkes Yep that’s the exact counter argument the censors used. Hey if you don’t like our massive platform that is one of only two or three of the main ones, you can use one of those other two or three that have the exact same censorship rules!!!

    It's not like having "fair and unbiased censorship free NO FAKE NEWS" social media is a human right or something. If these platforms are all universally bad, like banks, Then just don't use any of them.

    We live in the future and all of this technology is already outdated and should have been replaced with something better long ago. I don't want anyone to regulate anything because I don't want to use any of this shit in the first place. If they have any kind of laws involving the internet it will just get used to fuck people over in the future, just like copyright laws which have made the internet magnitudes more lame ever since ISPs, technology companies and government started enforcing the rules and policing the internet

    If any governments tried to take over any of these big tech FANG companies they could just launch all their servers into space and ignore them all until it became a "national security crisis" and they had to blow it up with a nuke.

    and by that point we will already be using something better that can't be nuked from space
  10. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    welcome back
  11. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman

  12. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    double stguff
  13. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    wow, it turns out the second atomic bomb on japan landed almost directly on a church
  14. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
  15. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
  16. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Fawkes I don’t know anything about the current situation, but what you just said is the exact same justification the last people used to censor people they don’t like. Lol.

    Just don't use their platform then. This is why nobody posts on newtotse. If what they are doing is against the wishes of every person they will cease to exist and be replaced by something the market actually wants

    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 For people saying it doesn't make sense since they're electric cars, yeah charged by burning coal. So save the trees. Any of those tree's life is worth more than Elon's imo.

    this is dumb just like people that say bitcoin is bad for the environment because it uses a lot of energy. But what if you got all that energy from solar? Then it would be 100% clean.
  17. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    i am crie
  18. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    nipsy hustyle
  19. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Just do DDP yoga "If you want your ass licked, you gotta do it yourself"

  20. Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    penis net
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