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Posts by Buff Billy

  1. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    St. Anger
  2. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DUSM Raylan Givens St. John

    St. Satan
  3. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    God is a Proud Black Lesbian Woman

    ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻████████████████████████████℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻ ℻
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  4. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    After sending an entire army of gold-digging ants into the desert with no results (except a lot of desert gold) the Iranian authorities have determined that the President has most likely suffocated from a lack of a oxygen due to being trapped head first, waist deep in the sand for almost 24 hours now.

    Another wave of gold-digging ants along with the Dessert Dogs search and rescue team will be sent to recover any remains. Prayers for the families affected by this tragedy of presumed Israeli hostility
  5. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    you better have that shit on you regardless - 6 block
  6. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Hello I would like to order 1 Poor Boy

    "it's PO'BOY sir"

    Sorry, I would like to order one impoverished boy
  7. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    sorry but I don't know any "female characters" I do know a lot of women though
  8. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    he was a beach bum and a carpet surfer to the very end (except for the part where he died stone cold sober after spending a year LOCKED IN PRISM) he must be a saint! he suffered sobriety for a year to prove to us all that it means nothing after dying from brainbleed and cosmic bad luck. riptotse and all the sober heads were wrong and we should all cook LSD anyways
  9. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    ROshambo moved to South Carolina which is shaped like an upside down Triangle clearly predicting his death before even sploo died. Is south carolina holy because it's a triangle or cursed because it's upside down and Roshambo died there?

    Something something build a temple on the myrtle beach WITH ALL THESE FUCKING TOWERS IN THE WAY

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man [SIZE=48px]YFW SC is a triangle

  10. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ner vegas I think they fell out after that

    Nah we were all still in the group trianglism chat after Roshambo moved to SC. Life got in the way of a lot of our plans. The group kinda fell apart before sploo died because he was just spamming it nonstop telling us to kill ourselves. But after he died the group has still been active all of these years but with slowing activity because Roshambo was living life too hard to have constant internet access

    Originally posted by ner vegas


    I don't know if that album was just sploo or if it was both of them

    I believe "Symbol" was supposed to be a sploo solo project and he credited the band "Locked In Prism" which was just him and roshambo. This is a very clever trick of self promotion commonly used in the music industry to give more of an air of authenticity which proves that this was done by a high IQ individual
  11. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    wE'll were opening it back up
  12. Buff Billy African Astronaut

  13. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    whats a "female character" is that something a homosexual calls a woman?
  14. Buff Billy African Astronaut
  15. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    will we be banned this week?
  16. Buff Billy African Astronaut
  17. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    I'm all about HACK THE PLANET but this is stupid. Another "Hey guys let me just take the entire code of a game and do some blatant copyright violations, build a bunch of hype and then cry when the companies shut us down"

    this is getting shut down 100%.

    mvg is coping
    MUH TECHNOLOGY. Don't care, have fun getting shut down.
    7 days ago (edited)
    Static recompilation is a technique that’s been around forever but never got very popular in emulation circles for some reason.

    Because emulating hardware and PIRATING A GAME AND RIPPING THE FUCK OUT OF IT SO IT PLAYS ON ANDROID ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Is this entire project a plant by a nintendo agent to get us to admit emulation and piracy are the same? This is insane.

    these people are stupid. How does this have anything to do with game preservation? How can this even be called emulation? This is just dumb. You can convert any video game (made with computers) using AI to modern c++ or python or something, this has always been true. The technology isn't a problem, the problem is IT'S FUCKING ILLEGAL.

    Anyone that says this is legal is a coping retard that has zero understanding of law. Blinded by nostalgia.
  18. Buff Billy African Astronaut
  19. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    there will be an endless stream of helicopters heading to the desert, getting lost, crashing, send another one, etc

    The "Dessert Dogs" search and rescue team is gonna be eating well
  20. Buff Billy African Astronaut
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